Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              044

  With Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan [I begin reading Qur'aan] Who is The Infinitely Merciful.   


































































Indeed these/the ruling elite, of course, say to other people [44:34]

that, "this is but just our first death

and we will certainly not be revived/resurrected. [44:35]

Thereby/for reason you people come to us with our forefathers

if you people are truthful in what you say about resurrection". [44:36]

Are they better/firmly settled or the people of Tubba and those who were before them?.

We annihilated them.

Indeed they were persistently criminals. [44:37]

[Same pronouncement in 21:16]

And We have not created the Skies and the Earth nor that which is in between the two like the doers of purposeless/playful things. [44:38]

We have not created both two of them except for a determined and defined purpose for specifically determined period.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:37;7:131;8:34;10:55;28:13,57;39:49;52:47]

But the fact is that most of them do not know/intend to understand. [44:39]

[Same pronouncement in 78:17]

Indeed the Day of Separation/Segregation/Compartmentalization/Sorting is the Appointed Time of them, all collectively; [44:40]

the Day when no relative will have any avail from a relative

[Same information in same words at the end of 2:48;2:86,123;21:39;44:41;52:46]

 and they all will not get help [from anyone who could help]; [44:41]

except the one upon whom Allah bestowed mercy.

[Same pronouncement in 30:05]

Indeed He is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [44:42]

[Read with 37:62;56:52]

Indeed the Tree of Az-Zaquem [44:43]

[Read with 69:36;73:13;88:06]

is the meal of the Sinner/dilapidated laggard [44:44]

[dilapidating and irritating] like the molten substance which will boil in the bellies as the boiling of the scalding water. [44:45-46]

[Concerned Angels will be ordered] "You people hold him thereby drag him towards the midst of the Hell-Prison; [44:47]

afterwards pour over his head from torture of the scalding water. [44:48]

"You taste it, indeed you are the Magnificent Ruling Elite" [44:49]

[Read in conjunction 42:18;43:61;44:50]

"Indeed this is that about which you people deliberately and consciously kept yourselves in suspicious controversy". [44:50]

44:51-59                    Main Page/Index
