Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
O you who declare to have accepted!
you people do not enter into the houses of the the Elevated and Chosen One [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] except when the permission is given for you for a meal, unlike such people who wait for its preparation for having come earlier, but at that time when you are invited thereat you enter into his houses. Thereafter when you people have eaten the meal thereby you leave dispersing and do not act like those who keep themselves seated for seeking a hadith/story. It is certain that this conduct has been causing disconcert/annoyance for the Elevated and Chosen One [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, when non believers keep asking him to oblige them with some statement other than Grand Qur'aan] For reason if you keep sitting he feels shy/reluctant from you [to ask to leave] And Allah does not feel reluctant/embarrassed/constrained in stating the Fact. And when you ask for something from them, then/for reason you ask them from behind a partition. This is better non disconcerting for your hearts and their hearts.
[Read with
9:61] And it has never been befitting for you people that you cause disconcert/annoyance to the Messenger of Allah; and nor that you could/should marry his wives for ever after him [Allah alienates him corporeally]. o It is certain that these matters are of paramount importance in the judgment of Allah. [33:53] [Similar announcement in
2:284] Whether you people reveal/state a thing or conceal/withhold it, [it is one and the same thing] [Similar pronouncement in
4:32;33:40;48:26]o since Allah is certainly eternally Ever All-Knower/Aware of each and everything. [33:54]
There is no annoyance/blame to them [with regard to entry in home] in respect of their fathers, and nor with respect to their sons, and nor with respect to their brothers;
and nor in respect of their brother's sons and nor of their sister's sons;
and nor with respect to their women and nor with respect to their house-servants.
And you all [the wives of the Elevated and Chosen One Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] keep yourself mindful and cautious in reverence and fear of Allah. [Same information in same words in
4:33]o It is certain that Allah is Ever Witness/Observer over each and everything/matter/agreement.[33:55]
It is certain that Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Distinctly Elevated and Chosen One [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] O you who declare to have accepted listen this imperative, o you people incline upon him with love and praising praying Allah for sending blessings, and you people submit to him salutations showing obeisance in a humble and respectful manner. [33:56] [Let us pay our respects and salutations and show obeisance to him in a humble and respectful manner. This will help us to elevate our selves and it will place us amongst those who recognize and acknowledge the elevated distinction and honour bestowed by Allah on him, and it will prove us to be unlike, and we will distinguish over selves from Iblees [and his brothers in this world] who refused to show obeisance to Adam whom Allah granted distinction and honour].
[Similar pronouncement in
9:61] It is certain that for them is the curse and condemnation in this worldly life and the Hereafter who talk unpleasant vain things about Allah and His Messenger
[Similar pronouncement in
4:37,102,151]o and He has prepared for them a humbling chastisement, one of humiliation. [33:57]
And those who cause annoyances/irritation/slander the Believing Men and the Believing Women without they having earned a cause for it
[Similar pronouncement in 4:112]o then for this reason they have indeed burdened themselves with false accusation and a manifest devastating sin. [33:58]
O you the Elevated and Chosen One [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],
you pronounce for your wives and your daughters and for the women of believers that they should draw downwards upon themselves [lower parts/waist etc when going out] partly from their shawls.
This is better suited that they are recognized [by this identity as righteous non exposing women] whereby they will not be harassed/embarrassed [by others in streets/markets].
[Same pronouncement in same words
in 4:96,100,152;25:70;33:05,50;48:14]o And Allah has always been repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [33:59] [therefore it was pronounced] A proclamation that if the Muna'fi'qeen, and those who have a disease in their hearts and they are the creators of disturbance and disquiet in the city Madina did not desist
o We will certainly let you overpower them definitely, thereafter they will not remain your neighbors except for a little while, [33:60]
[Read with
33:26;59:02] cursed and condemned; [they did not desist resultantly] wherever they were found they were seized and removed from society [either by exile or arrest] in the manner as condemned and discarded away. [33:61]
[Same information in same words in
33:38] This has been the tradition/Way of Allah amongst those who have passed in earlier times;
[Same pronouncement in 35:43]o and you will never find for the tradition/Way of Allah any change/replacement. [33:62 Replica/Mirror 48:23] People ask You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about the Final Moment [as to what is its exact Period and Date].
[Same pronouncement in
Read with 31:34;41:47;43:61,85] You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It is a certain fact that the knowledge about the fixed time of that moment is ONLY with Allah",
[Same probe in
o And what is that which could lead you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] to the perception that perhaps/may be the Determined Moment is in near future? [He was questioned twice and asked twice to pronounce it 21:109;71:25] [33:63]
It is certain that Allah has cursed and condemned those who have deliberately and persistently refused to accept;
[Same pronouncement in 48:13;76:04]o and He has prepared for them blazing Hell-Prison. [33:64]
They will abide therein permanently and perpetually.
o And they will not find someone to act as a patron/guardian nor as provider of help. [33:65]
The Day their faces are turned into the Hell-Prison, they will regrettably exclaim,
[Read with their statement in
25:27]o "Alas, We had accepted the word of Allah and accepted the word of the Messenger". [33:66]
And they said, "Our Sustainer Lord! it is true that We accepted the word of our religious leaders/ clergy and our elite elders whereby they made us straying from the Path. [33:67]
Our Sustainer Lord! You give them double of the punishment and curse and condemn them, utmost curse and condemnation" [33:68] O you who declare to have accepted! You do not become/behave like those who slandered and caused disconcert to Musa [alai'his'slaam] whereupon Allah absolved him of that which they had said.
[Same pronouncement about Easa
alai'his'slaam in
3:45]o And he has been respectable and honorable in the judgment of Allah. [33:69] O you who declare to have accepted!
[This advice is also in the beginning of
2:278;3:102;5:35;9:119;33:70;57:28;59:18] You people always keep yourself mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah
[Similar advice in
4:09]o and you should speak in a straight forward manner with words of unambiguous import/like a wall which segregates/makes distinct two areas. [33:70]
He will rectify for you your deeds and He will grant forgiveness for you for your ill deeds. [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:13;24:52;48:17] And whoever willingly/affectionately accepts the words of Allah and His Messenger [contained and recited by him from Grand Qur'aan],
o thereby he certainly achieved grand achievement/success. [33:71] Indeed We presented the Trust upon the Skies and the Earth and the Mountains
whereby they restrained that they hold that and they feared from it, and the man bore it,
o Indeed he [majority] has been unjust emotionalist; [33:72] so that Allah may punish the Muna'fi'qeen and the Muna'fi'qaat and the idols worshipping men and idol worshipping women, and that Allah may turn in Mercy towards the Believing men and the Believing women. [Same pronouncement in same words
in 4:96,100,152;25:70;33:05,50,59;48:14]o And Allah is repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [33:73]