Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Delete 18:45 gif [Same pronouncement in 10:24]
[Same information in same words in 10:24]
[Same information in same words in
10:24] And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] quote/emerge/surface for them the equation of the worldly life; it is as/like the water which We sent down from the Sky then with its association He caused/resulted the sprouting of the plants of the Earth; thereafter the produce of Earth became dried stalk, winds scatter it here and there. And Allah has always been exercising command and control over each and everything. [18:45] The wealth and the sons are a source of attraction of the life of lowly world/inferiority. [Same pronouncement in
19:76]o And the persisting perfect/righteous deeds are better near your Sustainer Lord as source of return and is better in terms of hopefulness. [18:46] [Read with
52:10;56:05;69:14;70:09;73:14;;77:10;78:20;81:03;101:05] And the Day We will cause the removal of the mountains [converting them into sand] and you will see the Earth plainly leveled. o And We gathered them thereby/resultantly We did not leave from them even a single individual behind. [18:47] And they were marshaled/assembled/presented towards your Sustainer Lord in a queue; [it shall be announced] "Indeed you people have come to Us [individually] as We had created you people for the first time. o You, on the contrary, had thought and claimed that We will not appoint for you people an appointed moment" [18:48] And the Book [of record] is laid open; thereby you will see the criminals perplexedly frightened from what is written therein. And they will say, "Woe is for us; what sort of Book is this, neither it leaves mention of a minor thing nor of a major one except that it has enumerated it. And [having perused the Book] they found/visualized from memory as present what they had done. o And your Sustainer Lord will not any injustice to any individual. [18:49]
[Same information in same words in
2:34;17:61;18:50;20:116] And when We had said for [to] the Angles,
"You make obeisance for Adam "[not to Bashr but when Adam is created];
thereupon in compliance thereof they did obeisance; except Ieblees [who in response to the command given to him separately demurred]; He was from the species of Jinn, for reason [of self presumed grandeur] he transgressed/distanced away from the command of his Sustainer Lord [given to him individually]. Would you despite that/thereby adopt him and his progeny as patrons apart from Me while they are for you people enemy. The act of substitution is vile for the distorters/evil mongers. [18:50]
I did not make them to witness the creation of the Skies and the Earth nor creation of their own selves;
o And never ever I am the adopter of those who mislead as helping hands. [18:51] And the Day He will say [to those who adopted sculpted idols as partners], "You call My partners those which you people proclaimed [as various iela'aha]; [Similar questioning in 6:22;7:37;16:27; 18:52; 26:92; 28:62,74;40:73;41:47]
[Same information in same words in
28:64] in compliance thereof they called them but they did not respond for them
o and We made between them a partition barrier. [18:52]
And the criminals saw the Hell thereby they assessed that indeed they are the ones to land therein;
o and they did not find any way to escape from it. [18:53] [Same pronouncement in same words in
17:89] And indeed We have rotated/centrifuged each and every parable/resembling example making the point distinct and separated from all angles in this Qur'aan for the people. And the man in most of the things is purposelessly debating/wrangling. [18:54] [Same pronouncement in same words in
17:94] And nothing prevented people that they believe/accept when the Guidance/Book of Allah came to them and they seek forgiveness from their Sustainer Lord o except that the tradition/precedents of earlier people come to them or the affliction comes to them confronting face to face. [18:55] [Same information in same words in
6:48] And We do not send the
Messengers except as Pronouncers of glad tidings and Awakeners, [They all are
[Similar information in 40:05] And those who refused to accept wrangle with scum and conjectural false myths with the purpose that by this way they may obscure the Absolute truth/Fact. o And they adopt jesting style about My Aa'ya'at and what they are warned about. [18:56] [Same pronouncement in
32:22] And who is a greater evil/distorter/creator of imbalances/disorder/over stepping than the one who is reminded/advised with the Aa'ya'at [of the Book] of His Sustainer Lord thereby/for reason he after having seen/known those inclined himself to turn away/refrain from those and he forgot what his hands have sent forward. Indeed We have let the veil persist on their hearts that they could understand that [Grand Qur'aan] and [they do not attentively listen as if-31:07] in their ears is heaviness [as they also pronounce 41:05] And if you
the Messenger
Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] direct them
to come towards [
And your Sustainer Lord is oft-forgiving and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [18:58]
And these were the habitats [mentioned hereinbefore] whom We annihilated when they people kept acting as evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorders/over stepping and We had appointed for them a moment for their annihilation. [18:59] [In accordance with principle in 6:131;28:59]