Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     


















































































































































































































The Day you will see the true Believing Men and Believing Women

[same information in 66:08]

in the state that their illumination [Visible Light] is illuminating area before them and on their right,

they will be greeted, "Congratulations and glad tidings for you people today; the Gardens with canals of water flowing side by, abiding therein perpetually.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 9:72,111;10:64;40:09;44:57]

This [approval and appreciation of Allah] is the one which is the greatest/grand achievement/success". [57:12]

The Day the men of False and Deceptive Claim of Belief and the women of False and Deceptive Claim of Belief will ask calling those who had truly believed,

"you people wait for us to let us acquire from your illumination".

It was replied, "Return back to your past whereat seek for yourselves visible light".

Thereat a partitioning wall was raised between them, the wall has the entrance gate,

inside the boundary is the mercy, and its exterior all around facing/confronting boundary wall there is the punishment. [57:13]

[Read with 9:56]

They will actively call them loudly, "Were we not used to be amongst you people".

They replied, "Of course you were amongst us, but you people irked yourselves and you purposely kept awaiting and you consciously and purposely lurched in double mindedness.

And the desires and conjectural false hopes deceived you people

until the Command of Allah arrived,

[Read with 35:05]

and the Deceiver put you in deceptive delusion about Allah. [57:14] 

[Similar pronouncement 5:36;6:70;13:18;39:47;70:11]

for this reason Today compensation/fine/ransom will be accepted from you, O Muna'fi'qeen and nor from those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept.

And for you people the abode is Hell-Prison;

it is your "protector"

[Same information in same words 2:126;3:162;8:16;9:73;22:72;;64:10;66:09;67:06]

 and it is an evil abode/destination to land in. [57:15]

Has the time not yet come for those who have proclaimed to have believed

that their hearts may become soft and humble for the "Reminder of Allah" and which He has since communicated from the Statement of Fact [Grand Qur'aan]

and they may not become like those whom the Book was given earlier in time before them,

[Similar information about them 2:74;5:13]

for reason/whereby their hearts became hardened/dense/stuck to one place/immovable [from the  conjectural myths/stories/notions/hopes made popular]

[Same pronouncement in 57:26,27; similar information in 3:110; 5:59;5:81]

and indeed most from them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [57:16]

You people know that Allah rejuvenates/revives earth after its death.

[Similar information in 3:118]

We have indeed since made for you people the Aay'aat [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge amd wisdom in the Book] distinctly evident/separated/distinguished so that you people may reflect/concentrate to differentiate/conveniently save in memory/objectively analyze [which is the basic job of intellect, it will give you sincere conviction-see 2:118]. [57:17] [The purpose of may also be read in conjunction with 2:187,219,221,242,266;3:103;5:89;24:61]

Indeed those men who have made generosity their habit and those women who have made generosity their habit and thus they lent Allah a stable loan [help people financially exclusively for Allah's sake] it will get increased/inflated manifold for them

 and for them is [in wait] a reward par excellence. [57:18]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:152]

And those who believed in Allah and His Messengers

they are the people who are truthful

and they are the witnesses in the judgment of their Sustainer Lord,

for them is their reward and their illuminating visible light.

Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book],  they are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison. [57:19]

[Similar pronouncement in 6:32;29:64;47:36]

You people must know/understand that the life of this lowly world is like [short lived theatrical] play and amusement and attraction;

[Read with 102:01]

and mutual boasting between you and race for increase in the wealth and progeny/strength,

like the example of rain the resulting sprouting of crops which made the tiller pleasingly wonder.

Afterwards/lapse of time it withers whereupon you see it yellowish, afterwards it becomes crushed.

and in the Hereafter is [in wait] a severe punishment,

and [for others] the forgiveness and protection and the appreciations and approvals of Allah.

[Same warning with same words in 3:185]

And in the life of this world is such sustenance which has deceptive hopes/enjoyment/element in it. [57:20]

[Similar info in 3:133]

And you people make yourselves hasten/take the lead towards forgiveness from your Sustainer Lord and the Paradise as wide as/like the width of the Earth and the skies [distance between the lower and top layer];

[Read with 3:133]

this Paradise has been made for the abode of those who believed in Allah and His Messengers.

[Same information in same words in 5:54;62:04]

This is the grace and blessing of Allah, He grants it to one whom He wills.

[Same information in same words at end 2:105;3:74;8:29;57:21,29;62:04]

 And Allah is the possessor of  Infinite Bounty. [57:21]

No untoward incidence happened in the Earth and nor in your selves except that which was recorded in writing before that We may give explicit permission for its taking execution.

[Same information in same words in 22:70;29:19;35:11]

Indeed this has always been an easy matter for Allah. [57:22]

This is for the purpose that you people may not feel sorry and frustrated upon that which has escaped you and that you may not boisterously rejoice about that which is given to you people.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:36;31:18]

     And Allah does not appreciate/approve each and every such person who is conceited, self deluded arrogant boastful; [57:23]

[Same information in same words in 4:37]

[Allah does not appreciate and approve] those who are themselves stingy and miser and [to justify their act] instruct other people to miserly withhold the worldly wherewithal [from spending in the cause of Allah]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 60:06]

And whoever purposely caused himself to turn away, thereat it should be known that indeed Allah is the One Who is eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise.[57:24]

And indeed We had certainly sent Messengers with evident/distinct/unprecedented [miraculous] demonstrative Signs,

[Read in conjunction with 2:213]

and We sent along with them all the Book

[Read with 42:17]

and as the Criterion/Weighing Scale for ad judgment/evaluation/appreciation/weighing/Equity [In time and space the Book of Allah is the sole Criterion-the Weighing Scale for upholding principle of Equity and Justice in evaluation of people]

 so that the people may maintain/operate/establish system of equity and justice.

And We have descended the Iron, in it is mighty strength [iron has the strongest bound nucleus amongst all elements] and profitable usage for the people;

and [the purpose of sending the Book] so that Allah may expose the one who help Him and His Messengers without He being in their vision.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 58:21]

Indeed Allah is the Strongest, the All-Pervasively dominant. [57:25]

And it is a fact that We had sent  Noah [alai'his'slaam] and Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام]

[Read with 29:27]

And We kept in the progeny of both of them the position of Distinction of Elevation and Selectivity and the Book;

in response amongst them were/are those who consciously made themselves guided ones

[Same pronouncement 57:16,27; similar information in 3:110;5:59;5:81]

and most from them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [57:26]

Afterwards sent Messengers one after the other in succession on their pattern,

And We succeeded them with Easa [alai'his'slaam] son of Maryam and We gave him In'jeel;

and We placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who physically followed him.

And the monasticism was initiated/innovated at their own inclination, We had not prescribed it for them, their purpose was but to seek and pursue for the appreciation and approval of Allah,

thereat they could not observe it as was the due right of its observance.

Resultantly We gave to those from amongst them who accepted and believed their reward,

[Same pronouncement 57:16,27; similar information in 3:110;5:59;5:81]

and most from them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds". [57:27]

[This advice is also in the beginning of 2:278;3:102;5:35;9:119;33:70;59:18]

O you who claim to have believed! you should always remain consciously inclined to have reverence and fear of Allah

and accept/believe in His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],

He will give you people double share from His Mercy and Grace

and He will [in Hereafter] provide for you visible light with which you shall walk and will protect and grant forgiveness for you people .

[same words in 2:218; 3:31,129;4:25;5:74;8:70;9:27, 91;24:22; 49:05;60:07;66:01]

 And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [57:28]

So that the People of Book may come to know that they have not an iota of limiting control on anything from the Bounty and Grace of Allah,

[Similar pronouncement through Messenger in 3:73]

and that The Bounty and Grace is in the Hand of Allah; He gives it to the person whom He willed;

[Same information in same words at end 2:105;3:74;8:29;57:21,29;62:04]

 And Allah is the possessor of  Infinite Bounty. [57:29]

  58:01-13                  Index/Main Page
