Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


2:213 Detailed Analysis



















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2:223 Detailed Analysis







The people used to be a singular harmonious unit/group. For reason [of emergence of differences/division/people enslaved by conjectural stories-10:19] Allah appointed Revivalists/the Chosen and Elevated Allegiants as holding status of those who assure/pronounce/guarantee glad tidings and cause cautioning and awakening.

And He sent respectively the peculiar Book along with all of them [] as the Statement of Fact, for the purpose that it/He may decide/adjudge among the people in matters in which they mutually differed.

[Similar info in 3:19;42:14;45:17]

And those people [various nations] whom it/relevant Book was given they did not differ therein, after that which was communicated to them by the distancing/distinguishing/distinct Aay'aat/Passages, except for reason of retaining grouping/classes amongst them.

For reason, Allah guided those who, in disputed matters, accepted from the revealed fact with Allah's endorsement.

Recurrence: (1)2:213(2)24:46=2     

     And remember Allah keeps guiding the one who keeps wishing/inclination to be guided upon the Way/Path that keeps heading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility. [2:213]

Have you people adjudged/made up your mind that you people would enter into the Paradise [merely by saying/claiming to have accepted/believed] while nothing has yet come to you like the one faced by those believers who have passed/lived in times before you?

 Adversity and affliction inflicted them and they were shaken in such a manner that a time came when the Messenger, and as well the people who had believed [in the Book sent to him], along with him exclaimed "When will Allah's help come!".

 The fact is that Allah's help is certainly near. [2:214]

They people enquire/ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] regarding that which should they keep spending for others.

 You tell them, "What ever you wished to spend-keep open from good things, thereat it is for the parents, and the near ones, and the orphans, and for the destitute and the wayfarer.

 And that which, you people should initiatively perform from deeds of better import, for reason [of omnipresence] indeed Allah is always aware of it." [2:215]

The confronting/reactance of waged war has been made mandatory upon you people while that is a matter of reluctance and dislike/abhor for you people. But consider that it is possible that a thing which you people may dislike/abhor while it may be better for you.

 And it is also possible that a thing which you people may like/feel pleasant might be damaging/harmful for you. And be mindful that Allah knows everything while you people do not know everything. [2:216]

 And who ever amongst you turns away/renounces the prescribed way of life then for reason died while he was still a non-believer,

They people enquire/ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about instructions regarding engaging in war in the sacred month. You tell them, "The waging of war during the Sacred month is of course something serious and big decision.

But take note that the act of hindering people from the Path of Allah, and persistent denial of it, and restraining people from the sacred Mosque, and causing expulsion of its residents is a far greater matter in the sight of Allah".

And be conscious that spreading disturbance/anarchy/liquefying/disintegration in the society is far more a serious/greater a crime than the individual murder of a person.

And be mindful that they people will not cease/hesitate in keep waging war upon you in order that they may make you renegades away from your System of Belief and Conduct/Islam, if they have amassed for themselves the capability for it.

[Read in conjunction 47:34]

 And who ever amongst you at his own accord reneged/renounced his System of Belief and Conduct/Islam and thereat he died while he was still a willful non-believer,

[Similar information in 3:22;7:147;9:17,69;18:105]

   thereby they are the people whose acts went fruitless in this World and in the Hereafter.

[Same information in same words in 3:116;13:05]

And they are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison. They shall abide therein permanently. [2:217]

[in contrast] It is a fact that, those people who consciously and willingly accepted/believed, and those who left their homes/migrated and exerted utmost in the cause of Allah [bodily and with wealth], they are actually the ones who look forward/wish for the Mercy of Allah.

  And remember that Allah is Oft Forgiving/Overlooking, the Merciful. [2:218]

They people ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about the alcoholic beverages and gambling. You tell them, "A severe dilapidation and immediate/momentary benefits for people are lodged in both of them. But the dilapidating effect of both is much greater than the immediate gain from both".

[It is explained in the command in 17:29 and also in 25:67;65:07]

And they ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] as to what possession should they keep spending. You tell them, "You people spend that whichever you can efface/spare".

This is how Allah makes the Aa'ya'at [verbal individual passages/presentation of information, facts and knowledge] distinct/evident/distinguished/each point isolated and crystal clear for you people so that you could make yourselves objectively reflect/contemplate/deeply and honestly ponder in sequenced manner; [2:219]

[so that you may reflect] about the World and the Hereafter.

And they people ask you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about the orphans. You tell them; "Establishing securely in society is a better option in favour of them. And should you people mutually absorb/mingle them it is equally better for you-society since/after all  they are your brothers".

And be aware that Allah fully knows the one who is the peccant/one who creates disorder/imbalance/distortions/ spreads wicked, unsound ideas in the society in contrast to the one who is the perfectionist. And be mindful that if Allah had so willed he could have certainly put you in difficulties [instead of those orphans]. Indeed Allah is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally the Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded". [2:220]

And you people should not marry the idol-worshipping women unless they heartily incline themselves to accept the belief. And indeed a believing house-maid is better for marriage than an idol-worshipping woman notwithstanding how much she astounded you people.

And nor you people should cause the wedding/associate in matrimonial bondage the believing women with idol-worshipping men unless they heartily incline themselves to accept the belief.

And indeed a believing house-servant is better than an idol-worshipping man notwithstanding how much he astounded you people. They, the idol-worshippers are the people who invite others towards Hell-Fire.

And Allah [through His Aa'yaat} calls towards Paradise and for seeking the forgiveness, with His permission. And He makes His Aa'ya'at [verbal passages conveing information, facts and knowledge] distinct/ evident/distinguished/each point isolated and crystal clear for the people [for comprehension as was promised to the Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-] so that they could make themselves conveniently/reflexively save it in memory/remember/recall to narrate/get admonition. [2:221]

And they people ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] regarding the Menstruation/Menstrual discharge period of wives. You tell them, "That is a period of little vexation. For this reason therefore, you people consciously refrain/restrain-stay away "performing sexually-enter semen" with such of wives who are in the state of the Menstruation//Menstrual discharge period.

And you should not associate/approach them for matrimonial nearness so long they may exhaust/drain out menstrual discharge. Consequently, when they have exhausted/drained out making themselves cleansed for this reason/in this state, you people/husbands associate [connect matrimonially] with them from the point of location and time Allah has decreed/appointed for you people. [Allah has commanded to come to respective homes through the "front door"-2:189]

    Indeed Allah appreciates and recognizes those who return/revert to proper conduct/point leading to right direction and He appreciates and recognizes those who maintain cleanliness and purity. [2:222]

The wives of you people since have the characteristic feature of a "cultivated field" respectively for you, therefore you people come to your respective "cultivated field" discretionally if, when and how you so desired [at a time to one wife at three times appointed for your sex matter]. And you make advances-secure/care/send for your future [desire progeny what Allah has written for you 2:187- and/or forward for your selves a good conduct, even during emotionally sensitive moments, worthy of reward].


 And you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. And remember/remain aware that you will be presented before Allah for accountability". And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] guarantee/ensure of glad tidings to the persistently believing ones. [2:223]

2:224-233                    Index of Articles in English              Urdu Books
