Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
O you who declare to have accepted! [Similar advice
2:168,208;6:142] you people must not physically follow the footprints of Shai'taan; and whoever follows the footprints of Shaitaan then indeed he inspires/allures to indulge in sexual perversion and imbalanced/improper/irrational conduct [alfaa'sha'ai includes all illicit sexual activity done individually or openly/with others other than intercourse of genitalia [furr'ej] of opposite sexes with mutual consent which is uz'zina]; [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:83;24:10,14,20] And had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you people not a single one from amongst you people could ever have elevated/sanctified. [Similar pronouncement in
4:49] But Allah is He Who elevates/sanctifies whom He wills. [This information is also in
3:34,121;9:98,103;24:60]o And Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [Knower of visible and invisible]. [24:21] And the holders of resources and affluence from amongst you people should not negatively determine/bind themselves that they will not give to near of kin and the destitute and those who migrated in the way of Allah. and they should pardon and they should leave aside/ignore/overlook [if they felt annoyed by them]. Do you people not vehemently desire that Allah the Exalted may forgive for you people? [Same info in 2:218;3:31,129;4:25;5:74;8:70;9:27,91;24:22;49:05;57:28;60:07;66:01]o And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [24:22] Indeed those people, who hurl allegations/accusations in public of illicit sexual activity against the chaste women, the woman non aware of such accusations; the believing women, they are the ones who are cursed and condemned in the life of this world and the Hereafter;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
2:07;3:176;16:106;45:10]o And for them is a grave torment [in wait on the Day of Resurrection]. [24:23] [Same information in
36:65] The Day when will testify again their person their tongues [with which they today hurl slanders and conjectures], and their hands and their feet about that they used to act upon. [24:24]
That Day Allah will fully pay them for their proven/established physical conduct [Same pronouncement in same words in
22:62;31:30]o and they will conclusively know that Allah is the One Who is manifestly the Absolute Reality. [24:25] The conjecture and lust monger women are for conjecture and lust monger men and the conjecture and lust monger men are for conjecture and lust monger women and the morally and intellectually elevated women are for morally and intellectually elevated men and morally and intellectually elevated men are for morally and intellectually elevated women; these are the people who are secluded/distanced away/not effected from that which they/majority of people [their opposites conjecture and lust mongers] keep saying. [Same pronouncement in in same words
8:74;22:50;34:04]o For them is the forgiveness and and the par excellence sustenance. [24:26]
In response to your call if you did not find anyone [male] therein then do not enter therein until permission has been granted for you; and if it is said for you, "please you go back" then you people return back; that is a purer and elevated course of conduct for you people. [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:283]o And Allah fully knows everything that which you people do. [24:28] And there is nothing wrong/harm/restriction/objectionable upon you people that you enter into houses wherein none is occupied/living, provision for you people.
[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in
5:99]o and Allah fully knows what you people reveal and what you people conceal/withhold from saying. [24:29]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for the Believing Men that they should reduce their focused vision [visual attention upon women-most powerful stimuli to excite-first step]
and they should guard their genitalia; [the end area in sex process]
that is a purer and elevated course of conduct for them.
[Similar information in
35:08]o Indeed Allah is fully aware of that which they people [lust mongers] artfully devise/fabricate. [24:30]
And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for the Believing Women that they should reduce their focused vision [visual attention upon men-most powerful stimuli to excite]
and they should guard their genitalia; [the end area in sex process]
And nor they should expose/make eminent/noticeable their attraction [bosoms] except that out of it which has naturally become evident/raised above the surface.
And for this they should draw barrier/distance their surfaced bosoms to obscure with their unsown sheets upon their chests.
And they should never expose/make noticeable their attraction [bosoms by removing extra veil/sheet]
before their husbands;
or before their fathers or fathers of their husbands;
or their sons or sons of their husbands [from other wives];
or their brothers or sons of their brothers or sons of their sisters;
or their own/family women or that which their right hands possess [from female servants]
or attendants from amongst the men who are other than the holders of physical capability and desire for marriage [i.e., such "men" having deficiency-under developed manly-hood, whereby they do not naturally have the urge and desire for seeking women for Marriage/Nikah]
or children upon whom have not yet become apparent the "sexual privacies of the women".
And nor should they make apparent/strike with their feet so that a man may know what they conceal from their attractions.
And you people turn towards Allah collectively, O you the true Believers,
[Same probability in same words
200;5:35,5:90,100;7:69;8:45;22:77;24:31;62:10]o so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [24:31]
And you people arrange marriage of the singles from amongst you and the righteous from your male and female house-servants; if they are dependent/poor, Allah will make them self sufficient from His Bounty. [Same information in same words in
2:247,261,268;3:73;5:54]o And Allah is beyond bounds/He is eternally above limits, eternally all-Knowing. [24:32] And those who do not find wherewithal for marriage/Nikah they should hold chaste until Allah makes them self sufficient from His Bounty. And those who seek the writing/freedom proclamation from amongst those servants your write hand possesses, in response you give them the writing/freedom proclamation if you know in them betterment and give them from the wealth of Allah which He has given to you. And you people should not compel your house maids towards debauchery, since they had decided/opted subjugation/became servant for security, with the intention and desire that you people seek the apparent gains of worldly lowly life. o And whoever forced them against their decision, then in consequence indeed Allah, after their hatred against debauchery, is oft forgiving, the Merciful [accountability is for acts done with will, not for those got done forcefully by others for which they will be responsible] [24:33] [Same information in
24:46] And indeed We have sent to/for you people the Aa'ya'at that make evident/distinct/manifest/crystal clear/isolate things from whole and others [the information and injunctions contained in the Book] and the precedents/examples of those who passed in times before you people; [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:66]o and for those, who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding un-restrained conduct, it is a lesson/advice/disclosure of factual outcome of acts/good and bad eventuality. [24:34]