Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Read with
25:48] And it is part of His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs that He sends the winds as advance glad news; and so that He may let you taste/enjoy from His Mercy,
[Read with
14:32;42:33] and so that the ships may sail/move in the water reservoir by the commanded affair of Him.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
17:66;35:12;45:12] and so that you people may seek from His bounty.
[Same expectation in same words
[Read with 6:42;13:38;15:10;16:63;40:78] And indeed We had certainly sent Messengers before you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] to their respective nations
[Same pronouncement in same words in
10:74] whereupon/for reason [people had corrupted the Message/Book left by earlier Messenger] they came to them with evident/distinct/unprecedented [miraculous] demonstrative Signs.
For reason [of persistent contradiction] We awarded punishment to those who committed crimes
[Same pronouncement in
10:103]o And this has been an obligation/incumbent upon Us that We help deliver/rescue the believers.[30:47] [In view of Allah's self assumed obligation let us reject all those myths of murder of Chosen and Elevated Servants/Messengers]
[Same pronouncement in
35:09] Allah is the One Who sends the winds [loaded with impregnating/fecundating material/condensation nuclei-aerosole-15:22] whereupon they incite/form/rapidly give rise to middle cloud;
thereat He spreads that cloud in the Sky as how He wills
[Read with
24:43] and he makes it/middle cloud fragmented/layered
[Same information same words in
24:43] thereat you see the rain drop discharging from midst it. o Thereon when He caused rain with it upon whom He willed from His created ones, they at that point in time make themselves joyfully. [30:48]
And that they were earlier certainly despairing and disappointed before that water was sent upon them. [30:49]
[these are demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs] Therefore you look upon the tangible effect of the Mercy of Allah that
how He rejuvenates/revives the Earth after its death.
[Read with
35:09] It is certain that like this He will undoubtedly revive life to the dead.
[Same pronouncement in same words
5:120;11:04;42:09;57:02;64:01;67:01]o And He has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [And He has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter]. [30:50]
And if We had sent a wind whereupon they watched it/their crops turning yellow they would have certainly after it shadowed expressing ingratitude. [30:51] [Without فَ ditto 27:80]
It is true that you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] cannot make the dead persons listen you and neither you can make the deaf men listen/comprehend the call/word the moment they reflexively transformed turning away on their backs [a deaf man can be made to "listen and learn" if he is confronting/watching eye to eye but not when he has turned on his back-Qur'aan disclosed in 7th Century that Deaf have the capability to "listen, learn and get educated". But, according to Encyclopedia Encarta, until the Middle Ages, most people believed that deaf persons were incapable of learning language or of being educated in any way. By the 16th century, however, a few philosophers and educators began to reconsider the condition of deaf persons]. [30:52]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
27:81] And nor you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can act as a Guide for the blind hearted men from their willful negligence and indifference/subdued by passion/conjecture and worldly lusts.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
27:81]o You cannot cause a man listen in mind except the one who believes in Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book and demonstrative physical signs spread all over the Universe] whereupon they act as Muslims, those who physically demonstrate submission to the fact of believing by following the prescribed Code and Procedure of Life-Islam. [30:53]
Allah is the One Who created
you people in state of weakness,
[physically as well as metaphorically because of
thereafter with the passage of time He gave you strength [physically as well as metaphorically for having given faculty of gaining knowledge about things] after the state of weakness; afterwards/lapse of time He gave you weakness after strength and reflecting stage of life agedly.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
3:47;28:68;39:04;42:49] He creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed;
o And He is eternally the all-Knowing, eternally the Dominant. [30:54]
And the Day when the Appointed Moment is manifested they will be divided amongst themselves on the point that they did not remain [in dead state] other than an hour.
o This is how they were kept deluded/diverted [with baseless conjectural assertions]. [30:55]
And those who were given the knowledge and the belief said, "It is certain that you had remained in that state according to the Book of Allah up to the Day of Resurrection,
o whereby this is the Day of Resurrection, but you people remained persistent in not recognizing it" [30:56]
[Same pronouncement in
40:52;read with 66:07;77:36] For reason/thereat that Day their regrets and excuses will not benefit them who did wrong
[Same pronouncement in same words in
read also 41:24]o and nor their requests for making mends for pardon will be acceded. [30:57]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
39:27] And indeed We have quoted/struck/narrated in this Grand Qur'aan for the people from all examples/similitude/equations/contrasts.
o And if you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] had brought to them an unprecedented demonstrative sign certainly those people/ruling elite who have refused to accept would say to others, "you people are but falsifier vain talkers" [30:58] This is how [eventually] Allah lets the veil persist upon the hearts of those who do not intend to know. [30:59]
[Same advice in same words in
40:55;40:77] Therefore, remain coolly perseverant, indeed the promise of Allah [regarding Last Day] is a fact, and let not those who have no conviction [of that day. hereafter and accountability] seek you hastening it/and let not those, who have no conviction of the hereafter and accountability, impair your cool/quiet/frustrate you by repeated annoyances. [30:60]