Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              012

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          







































































































































And when the caravan departed [from Egypt] at that point in time their father pronounced [to the people around him], "Indeed I certainly find the smell of Yu'suf,


if you people do not consider it as aging talk of me" [12:94]

They said, "By Allah, indeed you are certainly absorbed in the old thought [that Yu'suf is alive]"     [12:95]

Then/for reason of arrival of caravan when the bearer of that good news had arrived he placed that shirt upon his face, thereby/for reason he reverted with restored vision.

[He told this in 12:86]o

He said, "Had I not told you that I know from Allah about which you people do not have the knowledge". [12:96]

They said, "O our father! You seek forgiveness for us for our sins/slanders.

[they accepted it before brother also 12:91]o

Indeed we were the erring ones" [12:97]

He replied, "Soon I will seek forgiveness for you from my Sustainer Lord,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 28:16;39:53]o

indeed He is the One Who is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy". [12:98]


Then when they all entered upon Yu'suf, he took his father and mother with himself/towards his place, and said [to brothers and their families-plural], "You people enter/dwell in Misr [Egypt], if Allah wills, safe and sound" [12:99]

And he raised his father and mother above upon the throne and they all [plural-three: father, mother, Yu'suf] fell down for Him/Allah prostrating.

And [after prostration] he said, "O father, this [coming near to me of father [Moon], mother [Sun] and eleven brothers-11 Planets] is the outcome/true meaning of my dream of aforetime; indeed my Sustainer Lord has made it a proven reality.

And indeed He did good to me when He took me out from the prison.

And He has brought you people from the desert region after that the Shaitan had caused discord between me and between my brothers.

Indeed my Sustainer Lord is au fait of all niceties and delicacies/subtlety/refinements in what He wills/desires.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 12:83]o

Indeed He is eternally the All Knower and The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded. [12:100]

He prayed, "My Sustainer Lord, indeed You have given me the authority in the country and You taught me to know the final outcome/result/logical conclusive interpretation of the narrations/statements/dreams [as was told to me by my father in childhood-12:06].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 39:46; similar  6:14;12:101;14:10;35:01;42:11]

The Primal Originator/Creator of the Skies and the Earth,

You are my protector in the worldly life and in the hereafter.


You alienate/segregate me in the state of being Muslim and You join me with the righteous/ perfectionists" [12:101]

[Same information in same words in 3:44]

O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], these are from the news of the past/facts not in your sight/vision which We are communicating to you.


[these are unseen because] Since/and you were not present amongst them when they arrived at consensus in their matter and they were plotting. [12:102]

And the most of the mankind will certainly not be the believers notwithstanding how much you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] aspire for that. [12:103]

[Same pronouncement in 6:90;12:104;25:57;34:47;38:86;42:23;52:40;68:46]

And you do not demand/ask them for any remuneration for that telling-conveying this guidance;

[Same pronouncement by Messenger in 6:90; Replica verse 38:87]o

that indeed it [Grand Qur'aan] is but a Reminder/Admonition for the worlds/humanity. [12:104]

And how many are like evident demonstrative sign in the Skies and the Earth over which they pass by and they having watched them refrain/turn away. [12:105]

And most of humanity do not believe in Allah the Exalted except that they simultaneously associate/ascribe partners with Him. [12:106]

Is it for reason that they have felt secured that there may come from the infliction of Allah which encompasses/overwhelms

[Read with 43:66]

or may come to them the Determined Moment all of a sudden

[Same pronouncement about last day in 26:202;29:53;43:66]o

and they have no idea/perception/clue of that particular Moment. [12:107]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce, "This is my way, I invite towards Allah with insight, I and whoever followed me in letter and spirit without there being any third between me and him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:08

and Infinite Glory is for Allah-His pleasure is the focus of all effort; He is the Absolute/Independent.

[Same pronouncement by his grand grand father in same words in  6:79]o

and I am not from those [i.e. not part of you people, my nation] who ascribe hand made idols as partners. [12:108]

[Same information in same words in 16:43;21:07]

And We did not send before you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], except men, to whom We communicated [our Aa'ya'at]

[chosen and elevated men] from the residents of the cities.

[Same query in same words in 12:109;22:46;40:82;47:10; similar in 30:09;35:44;40:21]

Is it for reason that they have not traversed in the world/land

[Same information in 12:109;30:09;35:44;40:21,82;47:10]

whereby they may see the remains/archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who were before them [and take heed/lesson].

[Similar verdict in 6:32;7:169]

and indeed the Home of the Hereafter  is the best for the people who remain cautious and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct.

[This query is also in  2:44,76;3:65;6:32;7:169;10:16;11:51;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]o

 Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect] [12:109]

[the eventual end did not come to those nations] Until when the Messengers thought of no chance of people believing and they adjudged that they indeed have been contradicted publicly, Our help came to them whereby/resultantly he was saved whom We willed.

[Similar pronouncement in 6:147]o

And Our severity/affliction is not turned away from the exploiting people. [12:110]

Certainly, there has been a terrorizing and awakening lesson, embedded in the replicated verbal narration of the episodes/incidents of those people, mirrored for the men of understanding who reflect objectively to arrive at the purpose/objective of it.

Qur'aan is not such a Statement that someone could have compiled/authored it;

[Same information in same words in 10:37]

[About Grand Qur'aan same information in same words in 3:03;5:48;6:92;35:31;46:30]

and/rather it is the affirmation/certification of the one which was sent before it

and the elaboration/organization/differentiation/delineation/contrast of each and every thing/matter.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:64]o

And the Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination] and Mercy/blessing for the believing people. [12:111] [Read in conjunction  7:203;10:57;16:64;27:77;45:20]

