Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.



























   Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; passive; [Form-1]







Active Participle: definite; plural; masculine; genitive.  Root: غ ف ل











[Same advice in same words in 41:36]

And if [against those people] a partitioning/ill will  thought/inspiration is caused by the Shaitaan then in that case you seek refuge from Allah [by remembering/recalling Him]


Indeed He is eternally the Listener, Knower in absoluteness. [7:200]

Indeed those people who are mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct, the moment an evil thought/reflections touches them from Shai'taan,


they recall/remember [Allah, His injunctions], resultantly they are instantly men of vision. [7:201]

[Read with 4:38;41:25;43:36;50:27]

Though their brothers/men of society stretch/pull them in transgressing the bounds/limits and afterwards they cease not in their efforts. [7:202]

And when You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not come to them with a [new] Verse/Ayat, they said, "Why have you not yourself gathered/compiled it/Ayat"

[His same pronouncement in 6:50;10:15;46:09]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them "Indeed I physically follow in letter and spirit that [Grand Qur'aan] which is communicated to me from my Sustainer Lord". [He pronounced it four times, he was directed for this four times in 6:106;10:109;33:02;75:18]

[Same pronouncement by him in 6:104;similar 45:20]

This Grand Qur'aan is from your Sustainer Lord as the "Visualizer" [which narrates everything in the manner that can be perceived as visual image in the mind]


A Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination] and Mercy/blessing for the believing people. [7:203]

When the Qur'aan is being read then you people remain attentive for listening it and you people remain silent [to maintain your concentration] so that you people are recipients of mercy. [7:204]

[Similar advice in 7:56]

And you remember/recall  your Sustainer Lord in your heart in humility and privately/secretively;

and in the manner other than loud utterances in the mornings and evenings


and you should [in keeping with your extreme mindfulness and cautiousness] never be like those who are unmindful/indifferent/negligent. [7:205]

[Same pronouncement in 21:19]

Indeed those people who are near your [Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Sustainer Lord, they never arrogantly turn away from His demonstrative allegiance/servitude


and they make efforts/frequently narrate His praises and for Him they prostrate. [7:206] [Please prostrate and make yourself nearer to Allah]

