Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 8] and hence it is never numbered.  For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

























































































And when those, who deliberately and persistently refused to accept, were plotting against you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], that they may somehow restrain/confine you or murder you or exile/oust you [from Mecca].

And they were conspiring and Allah planned [the rescue/exit/migration plan]

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 3:54]o

   and Allah is the par excellence amongst those who plan for good. [8:30]

[Read with 6:93]

And when Our Aa'ya'at were narrated to them, word by word, they said to people, "We have indeed listened [Qura''an] and if we had wished certainly we could have said/narrated similarly like of this

[Same assertion in same words 6:25;23:83;27:68; similar 16:24;25:05;46:17;68:15;83:13]o

since this/Qur'aan states nothing except the tales of ancients" [8:31]

[they did not try narrating a single line in token proof of their deceptive claim instead hoodwinked people] And when they said [before people], "O Allah! If this [Qur'aan which Muhammd [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is reciting to people] is a Statement of Fact from You


then/for reason [that we have refused] You shower upon us stones from the Sky or You bring upon a severe infliction" [8:32]

And it was not befitting for Allah that He may punish them while you, the Messenger [Muhammd [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] were physically within them;


And neither Allah is the One Who punishes people while there are people seeking forgiveness. [8:33]

But what is [now cause left] for them that Allah should not punish them and they hinder people from the Sacred Mosque and they have no right to be its guardians/maintainers/management

since its guardians/maintainers/organizers can be none except those who are heedful, cautious and fearful of Allah.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:37;7:131;10:55;28:13,57;39:49;44:39;52:47]o

But the fact is that most of them do not know/intend to understand. [8:34]

And their Salaat [congregational demonstrative prayer] near the House [Ka'aba] is nothing except rhythmic music of whistling and clapping.

[Same pronouncement in same words 3:106; 46:34]o

It will be said, "Therefore/for reason you people taste the chastisement for what you people have been refusing to accept". [8:35]

Indeed those people, who have deliberately refused to accept, spend their wealth for the purpose that they may hinder/divert people from the Path [the Book-Qur'aan] leading to Allah.

For reason [hinder/divert people] they will keep spending their wealth; afterwards it will be for them a regret/melancholic remorse [on resurrection], afterwards they will be captured/arrested [by Angels]


since those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept will be gathered/dragged towards Hell-Prison. [8:36]

[on resurrection their arrest is] For the purpose/so that Allah may make the wicked distinguished and distinct from the flourishers/successful ones;

and to place some of the wicked with the other ones, then chain/heap them all [with a long chain] collectively and then put them into Hell-Prison.

[Same verdict in same words in 2:27:9:69;29:52;39:63]o

 These are the people who caused/earned loss to themselves. [8:37]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce for those who have refused to believe that if they desist [from igniting war] it would be forgiven/overlooked for them what has gone before


and if they return then indeed episodes/tradition/precedents have preceded of earlier people. [8:38]

[Similar injunction in 2:192,193]

[if they impose war] And confront war with them conclusively till tumult no more remains there and the system prevails exclusively for Allah.

[Same in 2:192,193]

For reason [of defeat, surrender] if they desist/end hostility, [you also stop hostility, no unrestrained attitude is allowed-2:193]


Then indeed Allah is watching what they people do. [8:39]

And if they turn away [from/betray promise]

[Same advice in 2:209;5:34,92:9:03;11:14]

then [nothing to worry] you people should know

that Allah is indeed your Protector Lord;

[Same pronouncement in 22:78]o

The most Elevated-Exalted Protector Lord and the best Helper. [8:40]

