Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              050

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy




The Transmitter/ Communication Cord

50:16-18 Word by Word Analysis

























































































































Be mindful of the fact that We have created the man. Moreover [be cautious] We fully know that [thought, desire/lust] with which his inner self subvocally keeps inspiring/fascinating/alluring him. Know it that We are, even at that point in time, nearer to that thought than the Communicating/Transmitting Cord  [50:16] when the two peculiar Efficient Receptors continuously keep efficiently receiving/confronting/acquiring this thought while located/seated symmetrically, one on the right side and the other on the left side of Communicator Cord. [50:17] Man keeps articulating and throwing out an individual word in the open air as a partial part from an expression/statement, but there is not a single such thrown word except that there is always one smartly alert guard near him to take that [for putting it down in writing/recording]. [50:18]

And there came the stupor of the death as evident proven fact;

[and he is told] "this is that which you have been avoiding to accept". [50:19]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 18:99;23:101;36:51;39:68;50:20;69:13]

And the sound is blown in the Trumpet,

that is the Day of the Warning/Alarming. [50:20]

And came each and every person along with a Dragging Escort and a Witness. [50:21]

[Read with 11:20;18:101]

[He will be told] It is a fact that you remained in heedlessness about this Day, thereat, We have removed from you the veil of you;

resultantly your vision is composedly focused today like iron. [50:22]

And his accompanying guard said, "this is that [Hell Prison] which is ready from me. [50:23]

[It will be ordered] You both [accompanying Angel Guard and Witness] push in the Hell Prison each and every stubborn non believer, [50:24]

the forbidder for rationalism/better course, consciously inclined to transgression lingering in duality of thought; [50:25]

the one who ascribed along with Allah another as iela'aha

therefore, you both, push him in the severe infliction" [50:26]

His worldly friend/close comrade said, "Our Sustainer Lord, I did not cause him to transgress

[Read in conjunction 41:25;43:36-38]

but he was at his own in the prolonged heedlessness/straying far away. [50:27]

He said, "You do not mutually dispute in My Presence, and indeed I had sent you in advance the Warning. [50:28]

The Word/Promise never gets changed with Me and I am never unjust even slightest for the people" [50:29]

The Day We will say for the Hell-Prison, "Have you made yourself fully accommodated/filled", and she will say/exclaiming, "Are there more ones destined here!". [50:30]

[Same pronouncement in 26:90;81:13]

And the Paradise is caused/brought nearer, opposite of something being distant away, for those who are cautious and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. [50:31]

This is that which you people are promised for each and everyone who turns and remains guarding; [50:32]

who remained careful/mindful/afraid of Ar'Reh'maan  without He being in sight;

and he came with a dedicated heart. [50:33]

"You people enter into it with tranquility and peace.

This is the Day of Eternity". [50:34]

[Same pronouncement in 16:31;25:16;39:34;42:22]

For them therein is/will be everything which they desire

and with Us is much more. [50:35]

[Same information in 43:08]

And many of civilizations before them in human history We have, by completely seizing, annihilated; they were powerful than them;

thereat [when seized] they explored in the lands as to whether there was any place for escape. [50:36]

Indeed in it is the cause for getting alarmed for the one who has a heart or who lets the faculty of listening confront it [save in memory],

and thus he becomes as if he is a witness [to the happened incidents]. [50:37]

And indeed We innovatively created the Skies and the Earth and all whatever is in between the two of them in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe];

and nothing touched Us from weariness [which could necessitate rest as some people keep conjecturing]. [50:38]

[Same advice in same words 20:130; same in 38:17;73:10]

Therefore, you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant upon what they say;

[Same advice in 20:130]

and you state glory with praises of your Sustainer Lord before Sunrise and before Sunset; [50:39]

and in the part of the night thereat/for reason you state glory with praises of Him, and after the prostrations. [50:40]

And you cause yourself to wait to listen, the Day when the Caller will call [blow the Trumpet] from a nearby place.[50:41]

The Day when they will truly listen the Bang. 

That is the day of coming out [from graves-Earth]. [50:42]

[Similar pronouncement in 15:23]

Of course the fact is that We create life and We cause death;

and to Us is the eventual coming/journeying. [50:43]

The Day when the Earth will cause itself to become porous above them, quite swiftly [to discharge those beneath it]

That is the gathering of dead people which is quite easy for Us. [50:44]

We know best what they people keep saying.

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly not for/upon them a forcing/compelling one

Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] narrate/remind with the Qur'aan, the one who cares/fears My warning/admonishing. [50:45]

51:01-23                     Index/Main Page
