Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this سُورة [Chapter 9] like others and hence it is never numbered. Traditionally it is not even printed on Chapter 9. |
فَتَرَبَّصُواْ Verb: Imperative; Second person; plural; masculine;
Had the gain been in sight/near and the journey was easy moderate distance indeed they would have physically followed you but the distance was long/hard for them. And they will say [seeking exemption from participation] swearing by Allah, "Had we been able indeed we would have come out/gone along with you people"; they destroy/fatally harm their selves o since/and Allah knows that they are indeed liars. [9:42]
Allah may condone/over look for you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] having granted permission for them until it was made evident for you those who proved their word and you got known the liars. [9:43] Those do not seek exemption from you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] who believe in Allah and the Last Day that they should not strive with their wealth and physical selves [for the cause of Allah] [Same pronouncement in same words in
3:115]o And Allah is aware of those people, the objective of whom in life is to remain cautious, mindful and heedful and not to indulge in unrestrained behaviour. [9:44]
The fact is that only those people seek your permission for exemption [to proceed participating in war] who [Muna'fi'qeen] in fact do not consciously believe in Allah, the Exalted and the Last Day and their hearts are self-irked suffering duplicity. The natural consequence is that they, in their self-created state of irksome duplicity of thought, keep vacillating. [9:45] And had they made a decision for going forth indeed they would have made some preparation for that but [since they had not done it] Allah disliked their revival, resultantly He let them lag behind. o And it was said to them, "Sit back with those who keep sitting inactive" [9:46] Had they come forth in you people they would not have increased strength of you people except adding disturbance since indeed they would have been actively moving amidst you seeking for you the disquieting liquefaction/disharmony/de-concentration. And there would have been some amongst you who would have but listened them. [Same pronouncement in same words at end
2:95,246;62:07]o Allah has always been well aware of wrong-doers. [9:47] Indeed in the past also they had sought disturbing disquiet and they had upset matters for you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] o until the Truth and Fact got established and the Order of Allah became manifestly apparent and they felt averse/hateful to it. [9:48] And amongst them [Muna'fi'qeen] is the one who says this, "Grant me leave to stay back and put me not in the irksome liquefying trial" The fact of the matter is that such people have already fallen in the liquefying/melting process/crucible. [Same pronouncement in same words in
29:54]o And indeed the Hell-Prison certainly surrounds/imprisons [serves as crucible for] the disbelievers. [9:49] [Same information in
3:120] If some privilege reaches you it is noisome for them; and if adversity befalls on you they say, "We had indeed taken care of our matter before it" o and they [Muna'fi'qeen] turn away and they rejoice on it. [9:50] [Read in conjunction 4:72] Tell them, "Nothing can happen to us except that which Allah has recorded in writing that may happen to us [only after His consent]; He is our Protector and Helping Lord" [This instruction in same words also in
3:122,3:160;5:11;14:11;58:10;64:13]o And upon Allah, therefore for reason [He being the possessor of absolute power], the true believers should keep their trust/confidence/reliance/affair/hope. [9:51] [Read in conjunction 57:22-23] Say to them, "Do you people await for us/you wait nothing for us except either one of the two most desirable eventualities [murdered for cause of Allah or victorious dominance-4:74, both rewarding]. and we await with you that Allah may bring to you people punishment from Him or with our hands. o Hence you people wait, indeed with you we are awaiting. [9:52] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "you people spend whether apparently willingly or distastefully/aversely never ever that will be accepted from you people; o indeed you are the averse people who transgress/go out of the prescribed bounds/lie and betray promises" [9:53] And nothing prevented them that their contributions/spending be not accepted except that they have factually refused to believe in Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. [Similar information in
4:142] And they not get up/stand to join the Ass-sa'laat [congregation] except in the manner that they are reluctant/irritant/heavy hearted; o and they do not spend [for deceptive show off for believers] except feeling disgusted and averse. [9:54]