Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              038

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy      







































































































































And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention Our sincere allegiant Ayub [alai'his'slaam] when he called his Sustainer Lord,

[Read with 21:83]o

 that "I [am in pain], the Cobra has bitten me causing dizziness/weakness and pain" [These are early symptoms of a Cobra bite] [38:41] [Remember Shait'aan-Ibless does not touch people to cause distress and pain; he always poses himself friendly and well wisher]

He was asked "You prod with heel of your foot. [he did it water/liquid came up]. This is made suitable for washing [the wound to remove away venom], it gives cooling effect [pain reducing therapy], and is drinkable". [38:42]

[Same information in 21:84]

And We gave him [by saving him] his family and like of them along with them, mercy from Our Grace.

[Same information in 21:84]o

And this is a piece of advice for men of wisdom who look into matters and conduct objectively without overlapping it with emotions/prejudices/whims/conjectural fascinating myths. [38:43]

[reverting from parenthetic to cobra bite treatment suggested] "and take with your hand in the manner of gripping in palm [the bite point-handful of washing liquid] whereby rub/make incisions-open/exposed/separated with it/washing water, and you should not delay/show any lethargy/refrain in quickly doing it". [Delay and lethargy in taking measures after the bite of Cobra could be life threatening. Raising by gripping the bitten point and washing it with cool water perhaps help remove effect of necrosis]


It is a fact that We had found him coolly perseverant. What a remarkable sincere servant was he; [This is the verdict of Allah about him. Coolly perseverant people do not undertake such stupid oaths of beating wives. Loudly reject as false fabrications all such concocted stories against him].   

[Same information in same words in 38:17,30]o

indeed he was ever mindful/heedfully returning [to Allah]. [38:44]

And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention Our sincere allegiants Iebra'heim and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob [علیھم السلام],  men of strong determination and vision. [38:45]

  • It is a certain fact that We had distinguished them as the purest and the sincerest; exclusive example for repeated mentioning in the World. [38:46]

  • And this is a fact that they are in Our judgment certainly the best choice, Elite above others, they are perpetually the best. [38:47]

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention Iesma'eile and Al'Yas'aa and Zal-Kif'le [علیھم السلام].

  • And they all without exception shall remain perpetually the Best Persons. [38:48]

[Read with 38:01]

This/Qur'aan is the Admonishment/ Reminder/Reiteration [of all that was sent earlier-a linkage].


And certainly for those, who remain cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah, is definitely the most appropriate place to return to; [38:49]

the Gardens of pleasant abode,


for them the entry doors are kept open. [38:50]

Therein they while reclining [on cushioned sofas] will call for fruits in abundance and drink. [38:51]

[Read with 37:48;55:56;78:33]

And by their sides are their well-matched respective species wives who restrict gaze of their eyes. [38:52]

This is that which you people are being promised for the Day of Accountability. [38:53]


Certainly this is Our provision for which there will definitely be no depletion. [38:54]

This is for Mutta'qeena; and certainly for those who over brimmed in transgression the place of return is undoubtedly irritating one. [38:55]

The Hell-Prison; they will scorch therein; thereby that is a worst place for staying. [38:56]

[Read with 78:24-25]

This [is the recompense for that which they did]. Thereat [when they will ask for water] they will be let taste it as extremely hot and extremely cold. [38:57]


And other punishments of similar sort. [38:58]

[a small group of worldly elite people will say] "This large crowd is making themselves heading along with you people;

there is no welcome for them;


indeed they are marching to scorch in the Heat". [38:59]

They rebutted, "No, in fact you are the people, there is no welcome for you people

you people are the one who brought/sent forward this for us;


resultantly what a worst place for staying". [38:60]

They said, "O our Sustainer Lord, the one who has sent forward for us this, for that reason You increase his punishment two-fold in the Hell-Prison". [38:61]

And they said, "What is the matter with us that we do not see those men we used to count from amongst the irritating ones [38:62]


[They are referring to people mentioned 23:110]

whom we kept taking mockingly; or the visions have turned away from them". [38:63]

Indeed these mutual recriminations amongst the companions of Hell-Prison are certainly the physical fact. [38:64]

[Same information in 22:49;26:115;29:50;38:70;46:09;51:50,51;67:26]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It is a fact that I am only the Admonisher/Awakener/Revivalist;

[First part same in 3:62]o

and there is no iela'aha, except Allah, The Only One Who is The Supreme, Irresistible; [38:65]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 19:65;26:24;44:07;78:37]

the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and whatever is in between two of them


the Dominantly All-Pervasive and the Oft-forgiving".  [38:66]

[Read with 78:02]

 You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "That [happening of Last Day and Accountability, and the scenes of Hell-Prison shown] is a Great News; [38:67]

you people are deliberately keeping your eyes closed/refraining from that. [38:68]

 It is not for me to know/have the knowledge of that when the Exalted Chiefs are mutually discussing, [38:69]

[Same information in 29:50]

since it is communicated to me that I am but only the Distinctly Manifest Warner/Revivalist/ Admonisher" [38:70] [and not the executor of the affairs of the worlds]

38:71-88                Main Page/Index
