Root: ن ز ل
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 293
b) No of constructions: 67
It occurs in 257 ayahs in 60 chapters.
Nouns: 20; Recurrence: 35; Verbs:
47 Recurrence: 258 [Form-I: 6; Form-II: 62; Form-IV: 183;
Form-V: 7[
Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] had stated about this Root:
(مقاييس اللغة)
النون والزاء واللام كلمةٌ صحيحة تدلُّ
هُبوط شيء ووقُوعه
That the basic perception infolded in the Root is to
alight, descend and get boarded, sojourned or lodged at a place. Any
point, place, location where the thing or person gets alighted,
or descended becomes the destination, place of sojourn and boarding,
Lane's Lexicon: He alighted, descended and stopped or
sojourned or abode or lodged or settled, in the place;
The Grand Qur'aan has explained its meaning by contrast:

A composite unit [for example a bound book; a person] will
be sent all at once; and that which is not a composite whole/single
unit will
come down and land successively as mass transfer, though the time gap between such
movement may be a minute fraction of a second unnoticeable by human
perception or is a running duration of time. Regarding a thing that descends/or is brought
down successively we refer to that part of it that has since landed,
at any given point in time, as a composite whole/one unit:
that which has since
landed, arrived,
became established and evident while the manner and style of its
moving downwards was:
to come down successively, intermittently.
In Grand Qur'aan, four verb-forms, Form-I, Form-II,
Form-IV and V are used stemming from this Root. All words share the basic
perception of the Root since it is irreducible semantic feature.
Patterns and the relational semantic field add meanings and connotation.
Form-I, II and IV verbs are used for the descent -
revelation of Grand Qur'aan that explain the mode and method of
presentation of the Book - Divine Discourse to the:

the Chosen and Elevated Sincere Allegiant Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam;
genetically belonging to those who were earlier not given the Book,
when he was assigned the responsibility of the Messenger
- Spokesperson of Allah the Exalted. Thenceforth, his specific identity

The ordering of the words in two phrases reflect time-frames. When we
move in the past we firstly encounter him as the Messenger and going
further into the remote past he is:

At the first instances of use of this Root in relation to
the Divine Revelation two different verbs are used which have distinct
semantic features while sharing the basic irreducible meanings embedded
in the Root.

are those who heartily accept-believe in that:
Grand Qur'aan,
which has been sent to you the Messenger
And they believe in that which
was communicated
by Allah the Exalted
before you the
Messenger [Muhammad
[refer 2:04]

The word choice is such that the space-time remains
warped and every individual reader can feel as if he is living
simultaneously in the era of its original revelation and in present

The verb is Form-IV, perfect, third person, masculine, singular, Passive
and the hidden proxy subject noun links to preceding Relative Pronoun.
The prepositional phrase relates to the verb and the object pronoun of
the preposition is referent to the exalted Messenger
Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam.
Grand Qur'aan is characterized by very frequent use of anaphors. The
majority of anaphoric devices in it appear around pronominal anaphors.
Hence, the ability to resolve pronoun antecedent is vital to
understanding the Qur'aan. Grand Qur'aan relies on the reader's world
knowledge and intuition when using pronouns without explicitly including
any antecedent information. For example a good number of second person
pronouns in the Qur'aan refer to exalted Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam with
no prior mention of his name as we firstly notice in this sentence of
is used spatiotemporally and its general meaning is directional towards
an object signifying the end point and start of a different
spatiotemporal reference.
Verb is derived from مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun: The perception and meanings infolded in this Verbal Noun is
the act of causing the descent of something all at once, if it is a
compact/solid/compounded/bound unit; or as a mass-transfer in one span
of running time. This verb/verbal
noun is not used to refer to descent of something in piecemeal, in
different and various intervals of time. It refers only to causing flash-descent
of something from high-up downwards.
There are two coherence schemes, linear
and circular, later is also called Semitic coherence. In Semitic
coherence the discourse looks more like a ring than a line. The first
passage in such a ring discourse would connect linguistically and
thematically not to the next passage; but to the last passage. The
second passage would thus connect with the second to last one, and so
Grand Qur'aan is a unique book. It has
both the schemes of linear and circular coherence. Ayah 2 of this
Chapter has circular coherence with Ayah 2:285, the second to last one.
We have noticed that the characteristic traits of:
are described with reference to two frames of timeline, immediately
before the appointment of exalted Nabi Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam
as the Last Messenger - Spokesperson of Allah the Supreme
Sovereign and the revelation of Qur'aan, and the time frame immediately
afterwards. They who were:
they were:
truly the staunch monotheist believers. Upon the revelation of Grand
Qur'aan, they accepted it:

The verbal sentence in 2:4:

equates in third person structure:

occurring in 2:285. The time-reference in the sentence of Ayah 2:285 is
obviously the initial period of revelation when the exalted Messenger
and the truly monotheist staunch believers accepted what he the
Messenger would have stated to have been communicated to him.
The second time occurrence has this structure:

that which Our Majesty have
gradually sent upon Our Sincere Allegiant.
Whatever was revealed intermittently up to a certain
point in time, it was relayed to public as a compacted-compiled unit for
which reason Form-IV verb needs to be used to render it all-time reality
for every reader:

Moreover, you people heartily accept that
(content of Grand
which I have since communicated—
It certifies-sanctifies that
which is found written in the Book with you
people [from Tor'aat].
And you people should not become the first
denier of it: Qur'aan.
[refer 2:41]

The fact remains: We
have compactly sent to
you the Messenger
Aa'ya'at: Unitary
Passages mirroring information, facts and knowledge.
the fact that
none refuses accepting them except those who are: "al-fasiqoona":
aberrant: dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints. [2:99]

Since the perception in Form-IV verbs and verbal noun مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
is also of instant descent, it is obvious that the Grand Qur'aan was also
descended all at once. It is quite revealing that Form-IV verb:
is used when the Qur'aan is firstly mentioned in the Discourse:

This is a declarative - informative sentence. Proper
which is the proxy subject of passive Form-IV perfect
verb, is referent for the whole Divine Discourse. Later, it is declared:

And swearing
by the Book characteristically explicit: conveyor of information in
succinct, individuated, distinct and crystallized manner: [44:02]
Know the fact: We had descended
compositely this Book: Grand Qur'aan during a night which is declared as of permanence and perpetuation: the blessed one.
Certainly We
were to be
Warner/Admonisher/Revivalist/Awakener. [44:03]

It is a prepositional phrase coupled with adjectival phrase; it relates
to preceding verb.
Participle: indefinite;
feminine; singular; genitive; [Form III]. It stems
from Root: ب ر ك . Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated that the
basic perception infolded in the Root is that of ثَباتُ الشىءِ
i.e. a state of perpetuity, permanence, continuity. Other Lexicons also
narrate that this Root enfolds the basic perception of anything
that became firm, steady, steadfast or fixed; remained, continued or
stayed in a place, constantly or perseveringly.
It reflects permanence and stability that results in keeping expanding
and developing and becoming more and more prominent and obvious. Anything good that stays for a
longer period or perseveringly being the source of comfort and pleasure
is obviously a blessing. Therefore, all such things are referred as:
What happens during that night of the month of Ramadan:

: Verb:
Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine; Passive;
Mood: Indicative; مصدر-فَرْقٌ
Verbal noun.
Its Proxy subject is:

a possessive phrase coupled with adjectival phrase. The verb stems from
Root: ف ر ق
which signifies partitioning a collective whole - a company -
togetherness into separate, individuated units. Once it is done,
every unit of a composite whole becomes explicit for knowledge
and understanding.

It is adjectival phrase. First noun
signifies any affair, decree, command, decision and the
adjective resembling participle portrays it as having been
decided, finalized and decreed for execution.
About the instance of composite descent
of Grand Qur'aan further information is given:

The descent of
the Book was an ordained matter, a gesture of grace by Our Majesty;
The fact is that We
were to be the Sender (see 43:44)- [44:05]
[of the Book, on the Night of your
corporeal appearance/birth] To
exhibit blessing and grace
earmarked for you the Messenger by your Sustainer Lord. [refer 44:06]
It reveals that it was a predestined
matter to give the Grand Qur'aan to the exalted Messenger Muhammad
as blessing and grace:

Moreover, it is a fact that
it, Grand Qur'aan, is certainly a
Memoir/Referential/ Reference Book
that was reserved as honour-blessing for you the
and for your Nation.
O you the Mankind be mindful, you people will
soon be
subjected to questioning/ accountability. [43:44]

The verbal Noun is Causative Adverb. Its function is
giving reason for which an action came to be.
The following prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase
relates to elided adjective for the Causative Adverb. The reason for the
composite descent was the gesture of grace and blessing earmarked for
the Exalted Messenger Muhammad
in the scheme of things that were to take place in the created realm.
The composite presentation of
the Book is also mentioned earlier by the same Causative Adverb:

It was communicated
but as Mercy and grace from your Sustainer Lord.
And fact remains that Grace of Allah
the Exalted has always been upon
you the Messenger
[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in the greatest measure. [17:87]

Let it be on
record that you the Messenger
were not hoping or pursuing in earlier life
that the Book might be presented to you.
However, presenting you the
Book Grand Qur'aan is but a gesture of grace and blessing earmarked for you by your
Sustainer Lord.
Therefore, you should never be the
supporter-helper-advocate for those who refuse to accept the Book. [28:86]
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular;
masculine; Passive; Mood:
Subjunctive; [Form-IV]; prolongation sign; مصدر-اِلْقَاءٌ
Verbal noun. It stems from Root: ل ق ى.
The basic perception infolded in it is of two persons confronting -
encountering each other face to face. It signifies laying - placing or
presenting a book to someone:

She said, "O you the Chiefs! Indeed an excellent letter has been brought to me;
Indeed it is from Suleiman—and it reads;
"Beginning is with Allah's
personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is
Fountain of Infinite Mercy—; [27:30]
The orthography of Grand Qur'aan at places is different
and unique than the traditional - common style of inscribing words on
paper. If the Qur'aan was merely recited to the exalted Messenger
and the written text was not presented, the orthography under his
hand-written copy would have been no different than the normal writing
of Arabs. It seems the "Original Copy" was also frequently presented for

Let it be on record, You
the Messenger
[Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
are the one
to whom is presented—for
self observing the Grand Qur'aan—by the Grace of
Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created
realms; He the Exalted is the Setter of knowledge-science of visible and
invisible domains.
In this sentence the verb:
with Prefixed Emphatic Particle is Imperfect;
second person; singular; masculine; Passive; Mood:
Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden; [Form-V]; مصدر-تَلِّقِّىٌ
Verbal Noun.
[One Ta is dropped] but almost all translators have rendered it
perfect as one instance while transferring it in the target language. Why they did so,
there is no explanation.
Form-V verbs are
formed by prefixing
(ta-) to form II. The meaning this form imparts is the
reflexive or
passive of form II. Learned W. Right in his famous book A Grammar of
the Arabic Language wrote: Quote: 48. Out of the original reflexive
signification arises a second, which is more common, namely the
effective. It differs from the passive in this—that
the passive indicates that a person is the object of, or
experiences the effect of, the action of another; whereas the
effective implies that an act is done to a person, or a state
produced in him, whether it be caused by another or by himself.
In the passive of the unknown, there is an
unspecified agent indicated as is the case here.
Allah the Exalted had taught
reciting and writing the Grand Qur'aan to the exalted Messenger
Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam as is

You the Messenger
[Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
read the Book;
and the Sustainer Lord of you is
the Exalted and Life Sustainer-Most Generous; [96:03]
The One Who taught
Qur'aan to you the Messenger by using the Pen; [96:04]
He has taught the Man that which
he hitherto did not know [earlier at a given point
in time]. [96:05]
This Form-II perfect Verb from مصدر-تَعْلِيْمٌ
Verbal Noun is
doubly transitive.
In Ayah 55:02 one object of the verb:
is mentioned but he whom it was taught, which is the second object of
verb, is elided. The elision obviously refers to the exalted Messenger
Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam to whom Grand
Qur'aan was given. And in Ayah 96:04 both the objects of same verb are
elided. In earlier Ayah the subject of verb is:
while in the later Ayah it is:
"the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger Muhammad". Thus
the sentence renders the elided objects quite obvious; "Your Sustainer
Lord has taught you the Messenger Grand Qur'aan, by using the Pen".
The sentence of Ayah 96:5; not conjunct with the previous
sentence by a conjunction particle, has the same verb:
with explicitly mentioned two objects that are:
and Relative pronoun:
explained by linkage clause:

"He has taught the Man that which
he hitherto did not know". This is done through
the exalted Messenger by the revelation of Grand Qur'aan:

The information about composite descent of Grand Qur'aan
during the night of Ramadan is repeated:

The adjectival phrase:

is now replaced by possessive phrase:

which has rendered the first noun "night" definite by construct. It
specifies that the Grand Qur'aan was sent compositely - one unit
during a specific night of the month of Ramadan. The year is not
disclosed. However, it is disclosed that this night is recurring in the
month of Ramadan every year:

The possessive noun of this phrase stems from Root:ق د ر .
The basic perception infolded in it is that of setting things in measure
and proportion. It in relation to:

signifies the night wherein all matters and affairs are
destined. "Predestination" is but a bond-imprisonment of measures
and mutual relationships-relativity and inter-dependence of creatures.
Everything is created in a determined measure and they
all have Homology, Proportionate-ness, Commensurability, Symmetry, and
Pro Rata. Predestination is coercive and compelling.
Measures and relativity subjugates and places
every thing in a surrendered state.
In the scheme of things of creation and running of the
created realms, the sending and revelation of Grand Qur'aan - the
blueprint of all creation was earmarked for the exalted Last Messenger
of the Supreme Sovereign Allah the Exalted. It seems it was descended on
the night the exalted Messenger was given corporeal existence in the
physical realm - his birth:

And followed in
letter and spirit that Visible Light:
the lightener of the Path to Destination, Guarantor of the
Continuity of Life:
Grand Qur'aan.
characteristic feature is that it was
compactly sent
along with him: Muhammad
corporeal appearance-sending in the lowly world]. [refer 7:157]
The adjectival description of:
which is the epithet for Grand Qur'aan is portrayed as:

The one which was compactly descended along with him. This clause is
declarative - informative referring only an instance.
It is a possessive phrase; the first definite noun is locative adverb.
This gives the perception of accompaniment. The possessive pronoun is
referent for:

that describes the exalted allegiant Muhammad
Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. The possessive phrase
has no other meanings except that the instance of descent of Grand
Qur'aan as a complete unit was the simultaneous instance with the
corporeal appearance in physical realm - the birth of the exalted
allegiant Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam in
the night named as:


of the month of Ramadan.
The corporeal appearance of any individual in the
physical realm is but the instance of descent from the
non-physical/abstract realm.

It is a fact that the One Who had
earmarked-assigned-allocated the responsibility of delivery of Qur'aan
upon you, He will surely return/revive you the Messenger Mohammad
[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] honorably to the
Original Abode [مَقَاماً مَّحْمُوداً
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
pronounce, "My
Sustainer Lord best knows
the one who has come along
with Al-Huda-the
Guide-Grand Qur'aan,
And knows fully the one who
is wanderer in manifest forgetfulness". [28:85]
Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; Subject pronoun hidden, linked back to Relative
Pronoun, denoting Allah the Exalted. The basic perception infolded in its Root "ف ر ض" is that of cutting
something solid and hard which entails assessment and marking as to how,
from where and how much be the incision and cutting. Since markings assign a
distinct apportioning from the whole, it gives the signification of
allocating, earmarking, prescribing or specifying the share. Therefore,
it also signifies something made obligatory-ordained-prescribed at a
given point in time. Reference to point in time is built in the
perception of Root.
The Object of Past Verb which was
allocated-earmarked-prescribed or specified at some point in time is:
The responsibility for the Conveyance and Delivery
of Grand Qur'aan was earmarked, allocated, assigned upon the Last
Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. This information is the Subject of Verb-Like-Particle
emphasizes the certainty of the following predicate about its subject.
Its Predicate:
has also [لام التوكيد-المزحلقة]
Prefixed emphatic particle signifying double emphasis on the certainty
of breaking news. The Active Participle is from the Root "ر د د".
Lane's Lexicons states: It signifies returning, reverting
to the position of beginning. He made, or caused, him, or it, to return,
go back, come back, or revert; sent, turned.
It thus signifies returning, reverting to the position of beginning. This
return to the position of beginning is further elaborated by the word
It is a location Noun from Root "ع و د".
This Root too signifies the act/motion of returning which obviously
reflects going-reverting back to original position, state, or location,
or original abode.
We are studying the manner and mode of descent of the
Grand Qur'aan which is described by three verbs stemming from this Root: ن ز ل
that manifest semantic difference while sharing the basic irreducible
feature of sending a thing from an upper place downwards. The history of
the descent and making it public is incorporated in the following two

Know it, Our Majesty
had compactly sent it, the Grand Qur'aan, serving as the
Infallible Doctrine-Discourse;
executor of vital command: Gib'raa'eil
had descended once along with
it: Qur'aan, trustfully.
And We have not sent you
the Messenger
[Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
but to act as guarantor-bearer of glad tidings, and
in time line as Warner-Revivalist-Awakener. [17:105]
Moreover, Our Majesty have since
segmented the Qur'aan
in split parts; the purpose of splitting
in parts is that you the Messenger
might compile-write-organize and read it for
the people, awaiting
and pausing.
Our Majesty have communicated it, the Qur'aan,
mode of
revelation being gradual and successive. [17:106]
These are two independent verbal sentences. Both are preceded by a
prepositional phrase:
Preposition: بـِ is also used for adverbial meaning [لِلظَّرفِيَّةِ].
It is used with a noun to modify a verb phrase by describing the manner
in which as action took place. In both sentences, this phrase relates to
the following verb. The suffixed object noun of the preposition stems
from Root: ح ق ق.
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated
that it leads to the perception of validity and
authenticity of a permanent nature; thereby, it is the opposite of:
conjecture, filmy layer of extraneous matter or impurities that rises up
on the surface of a liquid; dross or refuse from molten metal which
becomes visible on surface.
Lane's Lexicon quoting
Er-Rághib states:
Primary meaning of
حَقٌّ is
contr. of بَاطِلٌ,
an act. part. n., and a simple epithet,], on the authority of Er-Rághib,
It was, or
became, suitable to the requirements of wisdom, justice, right or
rightness, truth, or reality or fact; or
to the exigencies
of the case]: it was, or became, just, proper, right,
correct, or true; authentic, genuine, sound, valid, substantial, or
real; established, or confirmed, as a truth or fact: and
necessitated, necessary, requisite, or unavoidable; binding, obligatory,
incumbent, or due: syn.
وَجَبَ; and
ثَبَتَ: it was, or became, a manifest and an
indubitable fact or event.
Both the verbal sentences signify an
instance - a single event - one time action and the prepositional phrase
is manner adverbial. Therefore, the phrase signifies that the action was
done rightfully at the right moment when it had become due, proper, to
the exigencies of other happening.
The verbal sentence:
comprising of Form-IV perfect verb, First Person Plural
subject pronoun is referent to Allah the Exalted, and the suffixed third
person singular masculine object pronoun is referent to Grand Qur'aan.
In this case the exigency of action can be inferred from the declarative
statement in 7:157 mentioned above. The following informative sentence
of Ayah also leads towards this inference:

As we know a Nabi is appointed and
declared the Messenger when he has attained strengthen maturity and has
become a fully grown man. That is the point in time when he is presented
the Book of Allah the Exalted to deliver the message to public.
The second sentence:

has third person singular masculine perfect verb of Form-I. The subject
pronoun of the verb is hidden.
Arabic is an agglutinative language, the pronouns can occur as
suffixes of nouns, verbs or prepositions. Therefore, Anaphora Resolution
is vital to understanding the meaning of Grand Qur'aan. It means the
problem of resolving what a pronoun refers to. In written or oral text anaphora can
be thought of as “pointing back or referring to something or someone mentioned
earlier”. The entity to which it refers is called its antecedent.
The process of determining the antecedent of
an anaphor—lexical
entity is called anaphora resolution. It is contrasted with cataphora that
refers forwards, not backwards.
It is strange that the pioneer
translators of Grand Qur'aan in English considered and translated the
doer of action as "it" referring to Qur'aan. George Sale translated this
sentence as "and
it hath descended with truth";
and John Rodwell in
these words
"and in truth has it come down".
Does it appeal to the commonsense of anyone that Qur'aan did the act of
coming down? Obviously, not. But the tragedy is that all the later
translators have but copied them.
Inanimate objects do not
descend, they are caused to descend. Therefore, the hidden subject
pronoun is referent to a living entity. Who was the subject of verb:
who had come down along with Grand Qur'aan to meet the exalted Messenger
Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam? Allah the Exalted
declares explicitly:

And truly it: Grand Qur'aan is certainly
piecemeal dispatch and
delivery of the
Lord of the Worlds. [26:192]
The trusted executor of vital-command: Gib'raa'eil
did descend once along with
it: Qur'aan. [26:193]
The subject of
is explicitly mentioned. The verb
is intransitive. In both places, it is rendered transitive by the use of
preposition: بـِ. The object pronoun of prepositional
is referent to Grand Qur'aan and
one epithet of it is:
Thus the meanings of:

are explained in Qur'aan itself by the sentence:
The aforementioned two sentences of
Ayah 17:105 seem to corroborate the information of
twice one time descent mentioned in this sentence of Ayah 7:157:

firstly descending it from extraterrestrial domain into the human's
universe; and secondly the solitary descent of Gib'raa'eil
to present the complete Grand Qur'aan with the news of the assignment of
the responsibility of Messenger. The first Ayah of Divine Discourse is:

In all other Surahs of the Grand Qur'aan, it is
NOT the part of the text but is printed
without assigning a number for the convenience, and to remind the readers presuming
their majority as belonging to believers who are required to follow the
example of the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. The last time
occurrence of the word:
in the
middle of sentence shows us
that the same advice-instruction was given to the Last Nabi
Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam
when he was assigned the responsibility
of the Universal Messenger to convey and deliver this Book to the humanity exactly as was
presented to him:

Thereat, the elevated Messenger
while opening the presented Book, he would have pronounced;

It is but natural that he would have
started swiftly reading the Divine Discourse; he seems to have been

[they conjecture]
Since Allah is Exalted, truly and factually the
Sublime Sovereign.
And you the Messenger
should not hasten to assimilate the
text of Qur'aan before its verbal -
oral communication
is concluded towards you.
And you pray; "My
Sustainer Lord!
Do improve me in the faculty of gaining and retrieving knowledge." [20:114]

You the
Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
should not read aloud moving your tongue perusing it, the written text of
Qur'aan, so that you might hasten assimilating - internalizing it [before it is orally
narrated to you in piecemeal]. [75:16]
Indeed during intermittent oral communication
its gathering and its compilation in sequence for
reading is the responsibility resting upon Our Majesty. [75:17]
Thereat, when We have
compiled it, thereby you
diligently execute- act in letter and spirit upon its compiled content whatever is since communicated and compiled at
given point in time. [75:18]
Afterwards compilation of the revealed part; the responsibility for its
explicit elucidation—crystallization of contents through other verbal
passages is incumbent upon Our Majesty. [75:19]
The advice explicitly shows that he
was reading it aloud with tongue. What it reflects? It reflects superb
intelligence and knowledgeability of the leader of humanity. He knew the
advantages of reading aloud. It sharpens focus and gives greater
comprehension and better chance of internalizing the words and

Moreover, Our Majesty have since
segmented the Qur'aan
in split parts; the purpose of splitting
in parts is that you the Messenger
might compile-write-organize and read it for
the people, awaiting
and pausing.
Our Majesty have communicated it, the Qur'aan,
mode of
revelation being gradual and successive. [17:106]
while "in one go" means the
object (not necessarily multiple) was accomplished in a single action
ع ر ج
1 |
Participle; definite; plural; masculine;
nominative; [Form-IV].
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- مرفوع-جمع
سالم مذكر/باب
افعال |
2 |
Participle: definite; plural; masculine; genitive; [Form-IV].
(1) 12:59(2)23:29=2
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- مجرور-جمع سالم
افعال |
3 |
Verbal noun:
indefinite; accusative [Form II]
(1)36:05=1 مصدر:
منصوب |
4 |
Verbal noun:
indefinite; nominative [Form II].
(1)32:02(2)39:01(3)40:02(4) 45:02(5)46:02=5
مرفوع |
5 |
Verbal noun:
indefinite; nominative; [Form II]
(1)41:02(2)41:42(3)56:80(4) 69:43=4
مصدر: مرفوع |
6 |
Verbal noun:
indefinite; accusative; [Form II].
(1)17:106(2)20:04(3)25:25(4) 76:23=4
منصوب |
7 |
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason and effect +
Noun: Indefinite; masculine; nominative
(1)56:93=1 اسم-مرفوع
واحد-مذكر |
Food; rations at a stationing place/hospitality
8 |
لَ Prefixed
Emphatic particle
Verbal noun: indefinite; masculine; nominative [Form II]
لام التوكيد-المزحلقة +
مصدر: مرفوع |
9 |
of location:
indefinite; plural; accusative.
اسم ظرف- منصوب
جمع منتهى الجموع-مذكر |
10 |
Participle: singular; masculine; nominative [Form-II].
اسم مفعول:-
مذكر |
11 |
Participle: singular; masculine; indefinite; accusative [Form-IV]
(1) 23:29=1 اسم مفعول:-
مذكر |
12 |
Possessive Phrase: Active
Participle [futuristic meaning]: singular; masculine; nominative
[Form-II]; suffixed possessive pronoun; third person; singular;
feminine, genitive state.
الإِضَافَةُ-اسم فاعل:
+ ضمير متصل-واحد
غائب في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
13 |
Participle: indefinite; plural; masculine [Form-IV]
اسم فاعل:- مرفوع-جمع
سالم مذكر/باب
افعال |
14 |
Participle: indefinite; sound plural; masculine [Form-IV]
(1) 3:124=1
اسم مفعول:منصوب-جمع
سالم مذكر/باب
افعال |
15 |
Participle: indefinite; plural; masculine; accusative [Form-IV]
(1) 36:28=1
اسم فاعل:- منصوب-جمع
سالم مذكر/باب
افعال |
16 |
Food; rations at a stationing place/hospitality
(1)3:198(2)18:102(3)18:107 (4)41:32=4
اسم- منصوب
واحد-مذكر |
17 |
Food; rations at a stationing place/hospitality
واحد-مذكر |
18 |
Noun: Food;
rations at a stationing place/hospitality (1)32:19=1اسم-منصوب
واحد-مذكر |
19 |
Verbal Noun:
indefinite; accusative
منصوب |
to alight for once |
20 |
Noun: Indefinite; masculine; singular; nominative; suffixed pronoun; third
person plural; masculine, in genitive state.
واحد-مذكر/مضاف + ضمير متصل-جمع مذكر غائب في
محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
Verbs Form-I
1 |
Verb; perfect;
intransitive; third person; singular; masculine; Subject
pronoun hidden; مصدر-نُزُولٌ
Verbal noun.
ماضٍ مبني على الفتح-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكر غائب |
2 |
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun
hidden; مصدر-نُزُولٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع
مبنى للمجهول-مرفوع
بالضمة/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكر غائب |
Verbs Form-II
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular;
passive; Mood:
Subjunctive; [Form II]; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع
مبنى للمجهول-منصوب
مؤنث غائب /باب
تَفْعِيل |
2 |
Imperfect; Second person; singular; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive by
subjunctive particle; Subject Pronoun hidden; [Form II]; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع منصوب بأن
و علامة نصبه الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً
مذكر مخاطب/باب تَفْعِيل |
3 |
Emphatic particle + Verb: Perfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign
singular; Masculine; [Form II]
+ Suffixed Subject pronoun
First person; plural; in nominative state; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)17:95=1
واقعة فى جواب لَو
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل متكلم/باب
تَفْعِيل |
4 |
Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; [Form-II]; Subject pronoun hidden;
Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ مبنى على
الفتح/صيغة:واحد مذكرغائب
الفاعل:ضمير مستتر
جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكرغائب -باب تَفْعِيل |
5 |
Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
Passive; [Form-II]; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)6:37(2)15:06(3)16:44(4)25:25(5)25:32(6)43:31(7)47:02=7
ماضٍ مبنى
للمجهول مبني على الفتح/-صيغة:-واحد
باب تَفْعِيل |
6 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; [Form-II]; Subject
pronoun hidden;
Verbal noun.
ماضٍ مبني على الفتح-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكر غائب |
7 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular;
Passive; [Form II]; Suffixed feminine marker; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
ماضٍ مبنى
للمجهول مبني على الفتح-تَاء
التانيث الساكنة/-صيغة:-واحد
باب تَفْعِيل |
8 |
Verb: Perfect; First person; Sovereign Singular [using plural pronoun]; Masculine; [Form II] +
Subject pronoun نَا:
First person; plural; nominative state; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)2:23(2)4:47(3)6:07(4)15:09(5)16:89(6)20:80(7)50:09(8)76:23=8
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل متكلم/باب
تَفْعِيل |
9 |
Verb: Perfect; First person; Sovereign Singular [using plural pronoun]; Masculine; [Form II] +
Suffixed Subject pronoun:
First person; plural; nominative state with prolongation sign; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun. (1)6:111=1
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل متكلم/باب
تَفْعِيل |
10 |
Verb: Perfect; First person; Sovereign Singular [using plural pronoun]; Masculine; [Form II] +
Suffixed Subject pronoun:
First person; plural; nominative state with prolongation sign; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun; suffixed object
pronoun; third person; singular; masculine; accusative state.
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل متكلم/باب
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب
مفعول به/واحد
مذكر غائب |
11 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
[form II]; Subject pronoun hidden ; + Suffixed Object pronoun: third
person; singular; masculine; accusative state; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun..
ماضٍ مبني على الفتح-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكر غائب
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب
مفعول به/واحد
مذكر غائب -باب
تَفْعِيل |
12 |
Verb: Imperfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign
Singular; Masculine; [Form-II]; Mood: Indicative; Transitive; Subject
pronoun hidden;
Suffixed Object pronoun: third person; singular;
masculine; accusative state; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر
جوازاً تقديره:نَحْنُ-جمع متكلم/باب
13 |
Verb: Imperfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign
Singular; Masculine; [Form-II]; Mood: Jussive; Transitive; Subject
pronoun hidden;
Suffixed Object pronoun: third person; singular;
masculine; accusative state; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun
فعل مضارع
مجزوم و علامة جزمه :السكون-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر
جوازاً تقديره:نَحْنُ-جمع متكلم/باب
تَفْعِيل |
14 |
Verb: Imperfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign
Singular; Masculine; [Form-II]; Mood: Indicative; Transitive; Subject
pronoun hidden; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر
جوازاً تقديره:نَحْنُ-جمع متكلم/باب
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب
مفعول به/واحد
مذكر غائب |
15 |
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; [Form II]; Mood: Indicative;
Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
تَفْعِيل |
16 |
Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Jussive; [Form II];
Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع
مجزوم بِلَمْ-الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
تَفْعِيل |
17 |
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; active; Mood: subjunctive; [Form II];
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع منصوب بأن و علامة نصبه الفتح/صيغة:واحد
تَفْعِيل |
18 |
Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
passive; Mood:
Subjunctive; [Form II]; Proxy Subject pronoun hidden;
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مبنى للمجهول
منصوب بأن و علامة نصبه الفتح/نائب فاعل
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
تَفْعِيل |
19 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
passive; Mood:
Indicative; [Form II]; مصدر-تَنْزِيْلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع
مبنى للمجهول-مرفوع
بالضمة/نائب فاعل
تَفْعِيل |
Verbs Form-IV
1 |
Interrogative particle +
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine;
[Form-IV]; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun (1)38:08=1
للاستفهام + فعل ماضٍ مبني
للمجهول-مبني على الفتح/صيغة:واحد
مذكرغائب/باب افعال |
2 |
Verb: Perfect; third person; singular;
masculine; Passive;
[Form-IV]; [هُوَ] Proxy Subject/Ergative hidden; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun. (1)2:04(2)2:04(3)2:91(4)2:102 (5)2:136(6)2:136(7)2:185(8)2:285(9)3:72(10)3:84(11)3:84(12)3:199(13)3:199(14)4:60(15)4:60
(16) 4:162(17)4:162(18)5:59(19)5:59(20)5:64(21)5:66(22)5:67(23)5:68(24)5:68(25)5:81(26)5:83(27)6:08 (28)6:156(29)6:157
(30)7:02(31)7:03(32)7:157(33)10:20(34)11:12(35)11:14(36)13:01(37)13:07(38) 13:19(39)13:27(40)13:36(41)25:07(42)25:21
(43)29:46(44)29:46(45)29:50(46)34:06(47)39:55(48) 46:30=48
فعل ماضٍ مبني
للمجهول-مبني على الفتح/نائب
الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ--واحد
مذكر غائب/باب
افعال |
3 |
third person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun
hidden; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ Verbal noun. (1)2:22(2)2:90(3)2:91(4)2:164(5)2:170(6)2:174 (7)2:213(8)2:231(9)3:03(10)3:04(11)3:07(12)3:154(13)4:61(14)4:113(15)4:136
(16)4:166(17)5:44(18) 5:45(19)5:47(20)5:47(21)5:48(22)5:49(23)5:49(24)5:104(25)6:91(26)6:91(27)6:93(28)6:99(29)6:114 (30)9:26(31)9:26(32)9:97(33)10:59(34)12:40(35)13:17(36)14:32(37)16:10(38)16:24(39)16:30(40) 16:65(41)17:102(42)18:01
(43)20:53(44)22:63(45)27:60(46)31:21(47)33:26(48)35:27(49)36:15(50) 39:06(51)39:21(52)42:15(53)42:17(54)45:05(55)47:09
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
افعال |
4 |
Verb: Imperative/Prayer;
Person; Singular; Masculine; [Form IV];
Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ Verbal noun.
فعل أمر(التماس بصيغة طلب) مبنى على
ضمير مستتر فيه-أَنتَ-واحد
مذكرمخاطب/باب افعال |
5 |
First Person; Singular; Masculine; [Form-IV]; [التاء] Subject pronoun,
in nominative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
(1)2:41=1فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير
الرفع/التاء-ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل رفع
واحد متكلم/باب
6 |
Verb; perfect;
Second Person; Singular; Masculine; [Form-IV]; [التاء]
Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun. (1)3:53(2)28:24=2
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير
الرفع/التاء-ضمير متصل في محل رفع
افعال |
7 |
Perfect; Third person; singular; feminine;
[Form-IV]; ت feminine marker with added vowel sign for reason of
breaking cluster of two vowel-less consonants; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
ماضٍ مبنى للمجهول
مبني على الفتح/ باب افعال + تَاء التانيث
مؤنث غائب |
8 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular;
Passive; [Form-IV]; ت
feminine marker; Proxy Subject pronoun hidden, if not mentioned; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
ماضٍ مبنى للمجهول
مبني على الفتح/ باب افعال + تَاء التانيث
مؤنث غائب |
9 |
Verb: Perfect; Second Person; plural; masculine;
[Form-IV]; [التاء] Subject Pronoun, in
nominative state; + Suffixed Object pronoun: Third person; singular;
masculine, in accusative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun. (1)56:69=1
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضميرالرفع المتحرك/ضمير
متصل في محل رفع فاعل جمع
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم واحد
فى محل نصب مفعول به |
10 |
Verb: Perfect;
First Person; Plural/Sovereign Singular;
Masculine; [Form IV];
Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun. (1)2:57 (2)2:159(3)5:44(4)6:08(5)7:26(6)7:160(7)8:41(8)15:90(9)16:64(10)20:02(11)22:05(12)23:18(13)24:01 (14)25:48(15)29:51(16)30:35(17)31:10(18)36:28(19)39:41(20)41:39(21)57:25(22)57:25(23)59:21(24) 64:08(25)78:14=25
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل/جمع متكلم /باب افعال |
11 |
Verb: Perfect;
First Person; Plural/Sovereign Singular;
Masculine; [Form IV];
Subject pronoun, in nominative state, with
prolongation sign; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
(1)2:99(2)4:105(3)4:174(4)5:48(5)10:94(6)16:44(7)21:10(8)24:34(9)24:46(10) 29:47(11)39:02(12)58:05=12
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل/جمع متكلم /باب افعال |
12 |
Verb: Perfect;
First Person; Plural/Sovereign Singular;
Masculine; [Form IV]; نَا
Subject pronoun, in nominative state +
هُ suffixed Object pronoun; third person;
singular; masculine, in accusative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun. (1)6:92(2) 6:155(3)10:24(4)12:02(5)13:37(6)14:01(7)17:105(8)18:45(9)20:113(10)21:50(11)22:16(12)38:29(13) 44:03(14)97:01=14
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل/جمع متكلم /باب افعال
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم واحد
فى محل نصب مفعول به |
13 |
Verb: Perfect;
First Person; Plural/Sovereign Singular;
Masculine; [Form IV]; نَا
Subject pronoun, in nominative state +
suffixed Object pronoun
هَا; third person;
singular; feminine; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل/جمع متكلم /باب افعال
ضمير متصل مبنى على الفتح واحد
غائب فى محل نصب مفعول به
14 |
= Verb:
Imperative/Prayer; Second
Person; Singular; Masculine;
[Form IV]
+ نِ
the noon of protection +
suffixed Object pronoun
ى First
Person; singular, in accusative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun. (1)23:29=1
فعل أمر(التماس بصيغة طلب) مبنى على
ضمير مستتر فيه-أَنتَ-واحد
مذكرمخاطب/باب افعال
نون الوقاية + الياء
ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به/واحد
متكلم |
15 |
third person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; Suffixed fronted Object pronoun; third person;
singular; masculine, in accusative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الفتح -باب
افعال/ ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم واحد
فى محل نصب مفعول به |
16 |
third person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun
hidden; Suffixed Object pronoun; third person;
singular; masculine, in accusative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على الفتح المقدر على الألف للتعذر/صيغة:-واحد
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم واحد
فى محل نصب مفعول به |
17 |
third person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun
hidden; Suffixed Object pronoun; third person;
singular; masculine, in accusative state, with prolongation sign; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على الفتح المقدر على الألف للتعذر/صيغة:-واحد
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم واحد
فى محل نصب مفعول به |
18 |
[سَ] Prefixed particle
which shows futurity and recurrence +
Verb: Imperfect;
First person; singular; Mood: Indicative; [Form IV]; Subject pronoun
hidden; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
حرف استقبال
+ فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة -الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:أَنَا-واحد
19 |
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason and effect + Verb:
third person; singular; masculine; [form IV]; Subject pronoun
hidden [if not specifically mentioned after it]; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ Verbal noun. (1)9:40(2)48:18(3)48:26=3
حرف فَ
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-صيغة:واحد
افعال |
20 |
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason and effect + Verb: Perfect;
First person; plural; masculine; [Form IV];
Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ
Verbal noun.
(1)2:59(2)7:57(3)15:22=3 حرف فَ
+ فعل ماضٍ
مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع
فاعل/جمع متكلم /باب افعال |
21 |
Prefixed Emphatic particle + Verb:
third person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; Subject pronoun
hidden; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ Verbal noun.
+ فعل ماضٍ
مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-صيغة:واحد
افعال |
Verbs Form-V
1 |
Imperfect; Third person; singular; feminine;
Mood: Indicative; [Form-V]; مصدر-تَنَزُّلٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة/صيغة:واحد
مؤنث غائب /
باب تفعّل |
2 |
Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine/feminine;
Mood: Indicative; [Form-V];
(one Ta is dropped) مصدر-تَنَزُّلٌ
Verbal noun.
(1)26:221(2) 26:222(3)97:04=3
فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة/صيغة:واحد
مؤنث غائب /
باب تفعّل |
3 |
Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular;
feminine; [Form-V];
ت feminine
marker; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-تَنَزُّلٌ
Verbal noun.
ماضٍ مبني مبني على الفتح
+ تَاء التانيث
الساكنة/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هِىَ-واحد
مؤنث غائب/باب تفعّل |
4 |
Imperfect; First person; plural; masculine; [Form-V]; Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden;
Verbal noun. (1)19:64=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر
جوازاً تقديره:نَحْنُ-جمع متكلم/باب تفعّل |
5 |
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; [Form V]; Mood: Indicative;
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع
مذكرغائب- باب
تَفَعَّلَ |

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