
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


In Grand Qur'aan other Roots with first two letters  ن ب

1) ن ب أ

2) ن ب ت

3) ن ب ذ

4) ن ب ز

5) ن ب ط

6) ن ب ع

7) ن ب و






























Lane Lexicon



















Root: ن ب و

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 80

b) No of constructions: 16

The basic perception infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibn Faris [d: 1005]:

 (مقاييس اللغة)

النون والباء والحرف المعتلّ أصلٌ صحيح يدلُّ على ارتفاعٍ في الشيء عن غَيره أو تَنحٍّ عنه

That it leads to the perception of eminence, elevation, ascension, exaltation of something in relation to others, or distinguished from others.

Qur'aan loudly and affectionately pronounces their exalted stature:

An eminence or protuberance or gibbous place in the Earth or ground. One who acquaints or informs mankind. Of  the measure "فَعِيلٌ" used in the sense of مَفْعَلٌ، مُفْعِلٌ،مَفْعَلٌ or فَاعِلٌ;. It is derived from نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ and signifies "elevation", conspicuous, evident. [Lane's Lexicon]

It is the second Noun of Possessive Phrase. It is [الصفة المشبهة:] Adjective resembling participle derived from Verbal Noun نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ: Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; genitive; on the measure "فَعِيلٌ". Adjective resembling participle, or termed as Verbal Adjective, is a noun derived from an intransitive verb. Its pattern is at variance with the pattern of Active Participles and Passive Participles, it is known by usage. Resembling participle is that noun which indicates on the root meaning being an attribute. And this attribute is usually perpetual or intrinsic. The Adjective governs with the government of its verb, without exception, with the condition of dependencies as is the case in Active Participles. When  another word is governed with Adjective resembling participle in the nominative state, there is no pronoun in the Adjective. When the governed word is accusative or genitive, then there is a pronoun in the modified-noun.


Adjective resembling participle: Indefinite; Broken Plural; Masculine; Accusative. (1)2:91(2)5:20=2                                                     الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-جمع مكسر مذكر


Adjective resembling participle: Definite; Broken Plural; Masculine; Accusative. (1)3:112(2)3:181(3)4:155=3             الصفة المشبهة:معرفہ باللام-منصوب-جمع مكسر مذكر


Noun: Definite; singular; feminine; accusative. (1)3:79(2)6:89(3)29:27(4)45:16(5) 57:26=5                                                                                                                   اسم: منصوب-واحد مؤنث

The Distinction of Elevation

Adjective resembling participle: Definite; singular; Masculine; nominative. Of the measure "فَعِيلٌ" used in the sense of مَفْعَلٌ، مُفْعِلٌ،مَفْعَلٌ or فَاعِلٌ. It is derived from نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ and (1)3:68(2)8:64(3)8:65(4)8:70(5)9:73(6)33:01(7)33:06(8)33:28(9)33:45 (10)33:50(11)33:50(12)33:59(13)60:12(14)65:01(15)66:01(16)66:03(17)66:09=17

                                                                                                    الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام مرفوع-واحد مذكر

"The Distinctly Elevated One"

Adjective resembling participle: Definite; singular; Masculine; genitive. Of the measure "فَعِيلٌ" used in the sense of مَفْعَلٌ، مُفْعِلٌ،مَفْعَلٌ or فَاعِلٌ. It is derived from نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ and  (1)5:81(2)7:158(3)9:117(4)33:30(5)33:32(6)33:38(7)33:53(8)33:56(9)49:02=9

                                                                                                 الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد مذكر

 "The Distinctly Elevated One"

Adjective resembling participle: Definite; singular; Masculine; accusative. Of the measure "فَعِيلٌ" used in the sense of مَفْعَلٌ، مُفْعِلٌ،مَفْعَلٌ or فَاعِلٌ. It is derived from نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ and (1)7:157(2)9:61(3)33:13(4)33:53(5)66:08=5

                                                                                                 الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام-منصوب-واحد مذكر

"The Distinctly Elevated One"

Adjective resembling participle:  Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; Nominative. Of the measure "فَعِيلٌ" used in the sense of مَفْعَلٌ، مُفْعِلٌ،مَفْعَلٌ or فَاعِلٌ. It is derived from نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ and (1)2:136(2)3:84(3)5:44=3

                                                                                                  الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام مرفوع-جمع  مذكر

"The Distinctly Elevated Ones"

Adjective resembling participle:  Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; Accusative/genitive. Of the measure "فَعِيلٌ" used in the sense of مَفْعَلٌ، مُفْعِلٌ،مَفْعَلٌ or فَاعِلٌ. It is derived from نَبْوَةٌ and نَبَاوَةٌ and (1)2:61(2)2:177(3)2:213(4)3:21(5)3:80(6)3:81(7) 4:69(8)4:163(9)17:55(10)19:58(11)33:07(12)33:40=12الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام-منصوب/مجرور-جمع مذكر

"The Distinctly Elevated Ones"

Prepositional Phrase:  بـِ Inseparable Preposition + Adjective resembling participle:  Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; genitive. (1)39:69=1

                                                     جار و مجرور = بِ حرف جر +  الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام-مجرور-جمع مذكر


 Prepositional Phrase: Inseparable Preposition + Adjective resembling participle: Definite; Singular; Masculine; genitive. (1)9:113(2)33:50=2

                                                    جار و مجرور =  لِ  حرف جر +  الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد مذكر


Prepositional Phrase: Inseparable Preposition + Adjective resembling participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; genitive. (1)2:246(2)3:161(3)8:67=3

                                                                    جار و مجرور = لِ حرف جر +  الصفة المشبهة:--مجرور-واحد مذكر


Adjective resembling participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; genitive. (1)3:146(2)7:94(3)43:06(4)43:07=4                                                              الصفة المشبهة:--مجرور-واحد مذكر


Adjective resembling participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; genitive.  (1) 6:112(2)22:52(3)25:31=3                                                                          الصفة المشبهة:--مجرور-واحد مذكر


Adjective resembling participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative.  (1)3:39(2)19:30(3)19:49(4)19:53(5)37:112=5                                          الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-واحد مذكر


Adjective resembling participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative.  (1)19:41(2)19:51(3)19:54(4)19:56=4                                                        الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-واحد مذكر


Possessive Phrase: Adjective resembling participle:: Definite; Masculine; singular; nominative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; plural; masculine; in genitive state. (1)2:247(2)2:248=2

        الإِضَافَةُ-  الصفة المشبهة:-مرفوع-واحد مذكر/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب  في محل جر-مضاف إليه


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