Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded.



Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


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O those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen


 "You people should not address [the Messenger] by saying "Raa'ina"; and instead say "U'nzurna-you kindly pay us attention". And you people attentively listen to him [his recitation from the Book]. And a grievous punishment is in wait/prepared for those who are the deliberate/persistent deniers/non believing. [2:104]

Those amongst the People of the Book and the Pagans/Idolaters who have deliberately refused to accept [what has since been sent] do not love/desire it, that /further Soo'rat/Aaya'at of Book/something from blessing be sent upon you people from your Sustainer Lord. [In frame of reference, kheir'rim-mir'reb'bekuum, at that point of time when Qur'aan was being gradually revealed, it meant further revelation-Read 16:30, and for all times it is any good/blessing. This is the sublimity of Arabic Mubeen of Qur'aan'e Mubeen that in any frame of reference its words are a statement of fact for every reader/listener in time and space. Allah's response was that He will complete it 9:32;61:08]

[Recurrence: (1)2:105(2)3:74=2]

 And [do they not know; let it be known] Allah at His own conscious decision chooses/makes him exclusive for His Special Mercy whomever He wills. [This is also answer to the insolent envy/jealousy shown by the people of Book and prominent elders of idolaters that Allah sent His Grace, the Qur'aan upon Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam reflecting his dignity, honour and unique individuality-see 2:90[

 And Allah is the possessor of Infinite Bounty. [2:105]

[and as for the gradual sequencing and compilation/placement of Aaya'at in the Book is concerned] Whatever, We intend to reposition/relocate, a part from an Ayat [oral presentation of information] or letting that Ayat retained as such, We do give/impose a better suited thereat than that Ayat or resembling that. [A principle is told. Explained as "And when We changed/shifted the placing of an Ayat to the place/location of another Ayat,  they said alleging "You [the Messenger] are only but a fabricator""-Read 16:101]

 [Let people utter whatever they conjecture, most of them have no knowledge] Do you not know that Allah has indeed eternally the infinite adjusting command and control over each and every thing. [2:106]

[Recurrence: (1)2:107(2)5:40=2] 

[Ignore what people keep saying, most of them are unaware] Do you not know [the interrogative here is meant as an affirmative, you knew it] that the dominion/sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth is solely for Allah?

[Recurrence: (1)2:107(2)9:116(3)29:22(4)42:31=4] 

 And for you people there is neither a guardian/protector and/nor a helper except/other than Allah. [2:107]

Or do you people wish/intend that you may raise/ask such questions, before/from the Messenger [صلى الله عليه وسلم] of you people, in the manner as was Musa [alai'his'slaam] questioned in aforetimes?

 And whoever consciously and purposely converts from the state/announcement of acceptance/belief to refusal/disbelief, for that reason/act [of substitution/conversion] he is certainly the one who has forthwith lost the Way of Dynamic balance-Straight Path. [2:108]

Many from amongst the People of the Book wish

 that they could convert you people, after your conscious and willful belief/acceptance [of the Messenger and the Qur'aan], back to the state/company of stringent deniers. Their wish is because of selfish envy emanating from within their selves,

after that which the Statement of Proven Fact/Grand Qur'aan has since made evident/manifest for them. Therefore/however/nevertheless you people tell the truth overlooking their grudge and you remain indulgent persistently till such point in time Allah may enforce His Decree/Command.

Certainly it is a fact that  Allah has eternally the command and control over each and every thing, individually and collectively, to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over all things] [2:109]

[Recurrence: (1)2:43(2)2:83(3)2:110(4)4:77(5)24:56(6)73:20=6]

And you people consciously rise-remain steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat-the Physical congregational demonstrative/exhibition of servitude and allegiance involving bowing and prostration to Allah; and you remain willingly inclined and determined to give the Az-zakat [monitory contribution which serves as raiser/up lifter of personality];

[Recurrence: (1)2:42(2)73:20=2]

And whatever good which you send ahead for yourselves [for life in the Hereafter], you will find it secure with Allah.

  It is a fact that Allah ever keeps focused watch about that which acts you people keep performing. [2:110]

And they said, "No one will enter into Paradise except the one who is either a Jew or a Christian". These are their their wishful thinking-desires-fascinations-conjectures made widespread and popular in society.

[Recurrence: (1)2:111(2)27:64=2]

You ask them: "Produce your proof to substantiate your claim, if you people have been those who advocate/narrate the truthful assertions". [2:111]

No, [they don't bring forth evidence] they are wrong; the fact is that, whoever surrendered/harmonized his will and freedom of choice/face for Allah and he is the one who consciously and persistently conducts moderately/is an endeavourer of striking equilibrium/balance/truth/virtue avoiding spreading distortions/conjectural myths;  for this reason/as its consequence, the reward of him is in wait/prepared for him from his Sustainer Lord.

[Recurrence: (1)2:62(2)2:112(3)2:262(4)2:274(5)2:277=5]

 And neither fear shall overshadow/haunt upon them; and nor shall they have a cause for grieve. [2:112]

And the Jew's elders/clergy proclaimed; "The Christians are not upon anything concrete"; and the Christians elders/clergy have counter claimed, "The Jews are not upon anything concrete";

they assert this while/despite the fact that they people read and recite the Book.

    Likewise their statement, such people also said a similar assertion who have no knowledge [of the Book].

 [ignore them] For this Allah will judge them, on the Day of Resurrection/Revival, in what they keep mutually differing/opposing. [2:113]

And who is more unjust than the one who hinders/forbids the Mosques of Allah's that therein the Name of Allah should be celebrated, and he strives for the ruining of their sanctity?

 They are the people for whom it was not befitting that they should themselves have entered therein except like those who fear Allah.

Recurrence: (1)2:114(2)5:41=2

Humiliation/loss of self respect is manifest for them while in the worldly life; and a great torment is in wait/prepared for them in the Hereafter. [2:114] 

And, [the Jews and Christians] be mindful that the East and the West are exclusively in the governance of Allah, therefore, for that reason, in whatever angle/direction you people cause yourselves to turn confronting towards, there you will find Allah's presence/Countenance,

  since Allah is certainly beyond bounds/He is eternally above limits, eternally all-Knowing. [2:115]

 2:116-123                                           Index of English Articles          Urdu Books
