Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


2:93 Detailed analysis















2:94 Detailed analysis









2:95 Detailed analysis




2:96 Detailed analysis




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2:93 Detailed analysis



2:93 Detailed analysis


2:100 Detailed analysis



2:101 Detailed analysis



Prefixed Preposition لِ; Noun: Definite with definite articleأل. Active Participle; masculine; plural; [Form-IV]



2:103 Detailed analysis


2:103 Detailed analysis
























































And remember when We took your covenant and We raised over you the At-Toor [towering height of Mount Sinai]; [Read in conjunction with 7:171]

"Hold firmly what We have given you and you people listen to it carefully".

They said; "We have heard it and we have not accepted it".

 And because of their determined/willful refusal the sculpted calf found its way/got liquefied into their thoughts/hearts.

   You respond to their claim of belief, "Petty/vile is what your belief commands you if you people are truly believers [in what was sent to you]" [2:93] [Read in conjunction with 2:63 and 7:171]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce/ask them [Bani Iesra'iel/Jews] "If the last Home from Allah is exclusively, to the exception of other people, for you people [as you claim]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 62:06]

therefore/for that reason you people proclaim wish for death if you are true in what you say/tell to the common people"[2:94]

[With slight variation same information in 62:07]

And the fact is that they will never ever incline themselves to proclaim a wish for death on account of what their hands have sent forward.

[Exactly same words at end 2:246;9:47;62:07]

Allah has always been well aware of wrong-doers.  [2:95]

And as against all other people and from those who are idolaters, you will find them the most greedy/desirous of life.

Each one of them wishes to be given a thousand years life-age.

  But the grant of such life span will not help remove him further off from punishment.

  [Same information in same words also in 3:163;5:71]

And Allah is witnessing what acts they do/are doing. [2:96]

[Similar information in 26:192-194]

[O the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] You pronounce that whoever is an enemy to Gib'raa'eil for the reason that he is the one who has, by the Will of Allah, revealed that Grand Qur'aan gradually upon your heart,

[About Grand Qur'aan same information in same words in 3:03;5:48;35:31;46:30]

[Similar in 6:92;10:37;12:111]

that is the Testifier/Affirmer who/which certifies/sanctifies/testifies what was sent in times before it, [singular, masculine, active participle. is explained by in 2:91 and by مِن قَبْلُ  in 3:04]

[Except وَ it is verse 27:02]

  and is a Guide [in every moment of life] and glad tidings for those who have believed in it. [2:97]

Whoever has been an enemy to Allah and His Angels and the Messengers of Him and to Gib'raa'eil and Mie'kaa'la

 for that reason Allah is certainly far-off for those who have deliberately/persistently refused to accept. [2:98]

[Same pronouncement in 22:16;58:05]

And indeed, We have sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] evident/ distinct/ Manifest Aaya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book];

 and none refuse accepting them except those who are "al-fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [2:99]

Is it not the fact that every time they made a promise/covenant one party of them discarded it?

 The fact of the matter is that most of them do not accept. [2:100]

[remaining true to their tradition] And when The Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]   came to them from Allah,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:89]

He the Testifier/Affirmer/Certifier/Sanctifier of that which was already with them, [See 3:81]

 a party of the people whom Book had been given threw away [deliberately discarded the promise/pledge written in] the Book of Allah behind their backs in a manner/posing as if they were not aware/had no knowledge [dictates] of the Book. [2:101]

And they started pursuing what the Satanic minded ones had spread in the kingdom of Sulie'maan.

 [Ill doings of evil mongers do not implicate the Ruler therefore] It was not Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] who denied [to abhor magic tricks in line with teaching of Musa alai'his'slaam] but it were the evil/Satanic-ones [in his kingdom] who denied;

these Satanic character evil men taught to people the magic/illusory tricks

and [in addition to telling magic/illusionary tricks] they taught people such things [delusion tactics, perhaps hypnosis] as someone in aforetimes had transpired to the Malakain [two prominent men of position] Ha'root and Ma'root at Babylon.

And Ha'root and Ma'root both two used not to teach to any single person unless both two had told his client; "We are the skilled/specialists; so you do not deny [it's possibility]"

For reason, people learned from two of them the techniques to sow discord between husband and wife

though they could not thus harm anyone except if Allah's permission was also there.

And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them.

And indeed they knew that the one would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter who made such tactics a profession/business activity.

And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls,

[Same words at end 16:41;29:41,64;39:26;68:33]

        if they but knew/understand! [2:102]

And had they accepted [Grand Qur'aan] and guarded themselves from evil [it would have been good for them] for a great reward from Allah is certainly far better,

had they but knew/understood/realized. [2:103]

 2:104-115                                                       Index of English Articles          Urdu Books
