d  Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     







































































































































































O you who declare/proclaim to have accepted!

if you accept what those people say [conjectural utterances] who have refused to accept/believe [Grand Qur'aan] they will divert you back on your heels

and in consequence you would have turned as losers. [3:149]

   No [don't listen and accept their sayings, accept Allah's Aa'ya'at] in fact Allah is your Lord/Protector.

And He is the Sublime Helper. [3:150]

We will keep casting terror into the hearts of those who have refused to accept/believe

[Similar information in 6:81;7:33;22:71]

since they associated/ascribed others with Allah for which Allah has not sent any confirmation/authority.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 24:57]

  And their abode is the heated-Hell.

 And what a worst/wretched living place is of evil-doers/distorters of fact. [3:151]

And Allah did indeed fulfill His promise to you when you were overpowering and crushing them with Allah's approval

till such time He showed you what you desired when [seeing victory] you flew/left [Fashiltum)] the stationing place and indulged in controversy in the given command.

Some from you wanted to share the worldly gain [unsolicited gain of victory] and some desired the hereafter. Afterwards

[you suffered the fatal losses 3:140] Thereafter Allah retrieved/averted you [fatal blow] from them so that He may test you.

 And He has certainly overlooked/excused you.

 And Allah is very kind/bountiful to true believers. [3:152]

[reverting from parenthetic, to battlefield panic, Allah retrieved/averted you from enemy] when you were scattering/running away in land without even casting a glance at anyone and the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] was calling you from your rear.

For reason [to inculcate in you firmness, the coolly perseverance] Allah inflicted distress after distress so that plaintiveness may not overtake you for what went out of your reach and for adversity turning upon you.

[Same information in same words in 9:16;58:13;63:11]

And Allah is always aware of what you people do/are doing. [3:153]

Afterwards, He after the frustrating/distressing event, sent upon you the solace in the form of rapid eye movement sleep overpowering one group of you;

 and another group, by engaging in contrary to fact presumption about Allah, the presumption/ conjectures of the days of emotionalism, caught/liquefied in anxiety in resolving the preposition

by saying amongst themselves, "is there for us any discretion in the matter?"

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed the matter in its totality is for Allah to decide".

They were holding back to their selves which they were not disclosing for you.

[reverting from parenthetic, to their mutual conjectural talk] Some replied, "Had there been any discretion in the matter for us we might not have got killed here".

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "[it is just emotional conjectural statement] had you been in your houses even then those, for whom information of being murdered had since been recorded, would have manifestly evidenced it in their bed rooms."

And [whatever has happened] it was for the reason that Allah may bring out/expose what was in your chests and purify from unwanted containments in your hearts [as is done in liquefying gold in fire for removing impurities, if any]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 64:04]

since Allah has the complete knowledge of what is secreted in the chests". [3:154]

Those who turned back from amongst you the day two forces confronted each other,

indeed Shaitan had made them slip with some [whispers about] what they had earned.

And [be aware] Allah has indeed since overlooked/excused them.

Indeed Allah is eternally imperturbably over looking/forgiver [of faults/wrong doings/omissions]. [3:155]

O you who claim to have believed!

 Do not become like those who have refused to accept/believe

and they said, about their brothers when they had gone out trading or otherwise in the land or with the objective of being engaged/participating in battle,

"had they remained with us they would not have died [accidental/natural death] and/or they would not have been slain".

 Allah has indeed made their such perception as longing/languishment in their hearts.

And Allah is He Who creates life and causes death.

[Same information exactly in these words is also in 2:265;3:156;8:72;57:04;60:03;64:02]

 And Allah ever keeps watching what acts you people perform. [3:156]

And if you are slain in the way of Allah or you die a natural death [while being practicing Muslim],

[Read with 43:32]

 forgiveness and mercy from Allah are indeed far better than all that they [the non believers] amass. [3:157]

And it is a certain fact that whether you people die a natural death or are slain/murdered,

indeed you all will be assembled for presentation towards Allah [for accountability]. [3:158].

For reason of mercy from Allah [sent as Rehmatalilaalameen, embodiment/personification of Mercy] you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are compassionate and gentle for them.

And had you been severe and hard hearted they would have indeed scattered from around you.

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] overlook/condone them [over their faults] and you seek for them forgiveness and consult them in the matter.

For reason of having consulted when you have taken a firm decision then act upon it placing confidence/trust in Allah [about success/desirable outcome].

    Indeed Allah loves those who retain trust and confidence. [3:159]

If Allah helps you, then for reason, for you there is no Domineer/Dominant;

and if He forsakes you, then who is that one after Him that can help you.

[Sane instruction in same words in 3:122;5:11;9:51;14:11;58:10;64:13]

  And upon Allah, therefore for reason [He being the possessor of absolute power], the true believers should keep their trust/confidence/reliance/affair/hope. [3:160]

And it is not possible for the Nabi [being embodiment of mercy for humanity] to nurture resentment/ill will against anyone;

and whoever nurtured resentment/ill-will Allah will bring/resolve it out on the Day of Judgment,

[Same information in same words in 2:281]

 thereafter each and every person shall be dealt with/paid what he/she had earned

 and they will not be subjected to any injustice. [3:161] [Please also see 7:43, 15:47 and 59:10]

[Read with 3:174;5:16;9:109;47:28;48:29]

[resolving of mutual resentment/ill will is because] Is the one who followed in action those things [Aa'ya'at of Allah, the Book-5:16] for approval/appreciations of Allah

[Similar information in 5:80;47:28]

is like that one who has made himself liable to criminal cognizance/arrest from Allah [for what he practically and physically followed]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:16;similar 5:72]

and his abode is Hell-Prison.

[Same information in same words 2:126;8:16;9:73;22:72;57:15;64:10;66:09;67:06]

 And that is the wretched destination. [3:162]

They are in varying grades with Allah,

  [Same information in same words also in 2:96;5:71]

And Allah is witnessing what acts they do/are doing. [3:163]


