Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              073

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy           [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 73] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.



































































































































O You the One who leads best the caravan; who veils while sleeping; You the most vigilant/cautious/careful; [73:01]

stand during night, but little, not all night,  [73:02]

half the night or you may abate a little thereof; [73:03]

or you may enhance a little more time than half night;

[As was read to him 25:32]

and  recite the Qur'aan distinctly making every syllable, vowel, pause prominent, in the manner of excellently arranged flow of thread structuring the most beautiful compact web. [73:04]

Certainly We will keep (till completion of Qur'aan) sending/exposing to you comprehensive-densely compacted statement. [73:05]

Certainly staying/sojourn/encamping in progressing night is burdensome but makes the speech/statement distinctly perceptible. [73:06]

It is true that during the day there is a prolonged engagement/occupation in/assignment for you. [73:07]

[Same advice in same words in 76:25]

And keep mentioning the Name of Your Sustainer Lord [to people]

and devote all your energies for Him [to convey/spread His Message}, in the manner of exclusiveness [focusing and targeting on people who have fear of Allah]. [73:08]

He is the Sustainer Lord of the East and the West.

 There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone.

[He pronounced it 9:129]

 Therefore keep considering and placing reliance on Him alone as your protector/lawyer/disposer of your affairs/trusted One [73:09]

[Same advice in  20:130;38:17;50:39]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant upon what they keep saying

 and distance away such people from you; distancing in a noble/dignified manner [By cautioning them about the disclosed facts].

 certainly with Us are Fetters (to arrest them), and heated Hell-Prison (to confine them), [73:12]

[Read with 44:44;69:36;88:06]

and a Food that chokes and is difficult to swallow,

and a Penalty Grievous. [73:13]

[Afford them a little reprieve for] The Day the Earth and the mountains will be in violent vibration and oscillation [caused by mighty sound of first blow in Trumpet].

And the mountains will be as a heap of sand poured out and flowing down [Leveling plain the Earth]. [73:14]

Certainly, We have sent to you people the Messenger, who is a witness upon you

as We had sent in the past the Messenger to Pharaoh. [73:15]

In response thereat since, Pharaoh refused to accept the word/demand of the Messenger [Musa alahissalam]

therefore We seized him; a violent hold. [73:16]

Thereat/for reason how shall you guard yourselves and become mindful of consequent result

 if you people denied the Day that will make children horrified and dismayed [having been left neglected]? [73:17]

[Read with 82:01]

The Day when the Sky shall be wrapped/role back to its original state;

His Promise certainly get translated/accomplished into physical act/fact. [73:18]

Certainly this is admonition;

therefore anyone who desired he inclined himself to adopt the path towards his Sustainer Lord. [73:19 and Replica/Mirror 76:29]

Certainly your Sustainer Lord knows that you stand sometimes two thirds of the night and half the night and one third of the night

and those of the party who accompanied you.

And Allah proportions the measure of the Night and the Day.

He knew {and intended to expose for you] that you may not be able to keep track of measure {while deeply concentrating on recitation of Qur'aan}. Therefore Allah has turned to you.

Therefore/hence you people read that much from the [Grand] Qur'aan which is convenient [for retaining your concentration/focus-the basic manner of reading a book]

He knows that there would be among you people in ill-health;

and others traveling through the land, in pursuit of Allah's bounty;

yet others will be engaged in confronting war/fighting in Allah's Cause.

Therefore/hence you people read that much from it [Grand Qur'aan] which is convenient [for retaining your concentration/focus-the basic manner of reading a book]

[Same direction in same words in 2:43,83,110;4:77;24:56]

And you people remain steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat and you give the az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality];

[This advice is for all 2:245;5:12;57:11,18;64:17]

and you people lend Allah a stable loan! [help people with his wealth exclusively in His name]

[Same information in same words in 2:110]

And whatever good you send forward for yourselves [for life in the Hereafter], you will find it secure with Allah.

 that advance sending is better and greatest is the pay back/Reward,

and you people consciously transform and incline yourselves to seek the Grace-Protection and Forgiveness of Allah,

[Same information in same words in 2:173,182,199;5:39;8:69;9:05,99,102;24:62;49:14;60:12]

 It is a fact that  Allah is often/repeatedly Forgiving, the Most Merciful. [73:20]

74:01-25                        Index/Main Page
