Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              024

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    




































































































































O you who declare to have accepted!

You should make it obligatory for those who are your house-servants to seek your prior permission

and those from amongst you who have not yet crossed over to puberty age [experienced wet dream]

on three occasions of time;

[the timings are] before the Sa'laat of True Dawn to Sun Rise;

and the time during the day when you remove/lay off clothes [from your back/lower area];

and after the Sa'laat of Night.

These are three timings "Private/Privacy-Sex" for you people/married couples.

After these three timings there is no harm upon you people and them [restrained to disturb privacy]

frequently moving to you people, some of you to some others [in the house].

This is how Allah, for you people, makes Aay'aat [of Qur''aan; information, knowledge, wisdom] distinctly evident/separated/distinguished.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:26;8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,59;49:08;60:10]o

And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [24:58]

and when the children amongst you cross over to puberty age [experienced wet dream]

then make it obligatory for them to seek your prior permission as those who asked permission before them.

This is how Allah, for you people, makes His Aay'aat [of Qur''aan] distinctly evident/ separated/distinguished/each thing isolated from whole and others.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:26;8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,58;49:08;60:10]o

And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [24:59]

And the aged single from amongst the women who have no desire and intention for Nikah/marriage

in that case/resultantly there is no blame upon them that they lay off their extra veils/bosoms/scarf without being like those who display/make prominent their attractions [bosoms],

and/or that they modestly retain which is better for them.

[This information is also in 2:224,256; 3:34,121;9:98,103;24:21]o

 And Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [Knower of visible and invisible]. [24:60]

[Same words 48:17]add

There is no blame and harassment for the blind, and nor for the lame person, and nor for the patient;

and nor for your selves, that you people eat in your houses or in the houses of your fathers

or in the houses of your mothers;

or in the houses of your brothers; or in the houses of your sisters;

or in the houses of your paternal uncles; or in the houses of your paternal aunts;

or in the houses of your maternal uncles; or in the houses of your maternal aunts;

or in those houses the keys of which are in your possession or houses of your close friends.

There is no harm and embarrassment for you people that you eat together or separately.

For that reason when you have entered houses then exchange salutations/pleasantries

wishing from Allah a blessed perpetual life of good import.


[The purpose of may also be read in conjunction with 2:187,219,221,242,266;3:103;5:89;57:17]

This is how Allah, for you people, makes Aay'aat [of Qur''aan; information, knowledge, wisdom] distinctly evident/separated/distinguished so that you people may reflect/concentrate to differentiate/conveniently save in memory/objectively analyze [which is the basic job of intellect, it will give you sincere conviction-see 2:118]. [24:61]


[Note it down] The Believers are only those who

believed in Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

and when they were in his presence in a collective matter they never left until they sought his permission.

Indeed those who seek your [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] permission to leave, they are  the people who believe in Allah and His Messenger.

Therefore when they seek your [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] permission to leave for some affair of them, in response you give permission to one whom you willed from them

and you [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] seek forgiveness for them from Allah.

[Same information in same words in 2:173;2:182,199;5:39;8:69;9:05,99,102;;49:14;60:12,73:20]o

 Indeed Allah is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Merciful. [24:62]


  • You people amongst yourselves should not treat the Message urged by the Messenger of Allah the Exalted like some urging calls of some of you people [since he calls you to that which will give you life-8:24]

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted has fully known those amongst you who gently-secretively slip away taking cover.

  • Therefore, those who advocate digression from the command of Him the Exalted should take care lest liquefying trial befalls on them;  [as done with metals by liquefying them on heat to purify or test their purity percentage]

  • or a painful punishment befalls upon them. [24:63]

Be quite sure that indeed for Allah is whatever is in Skies and the Earth, [All are for Him subservient/dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously].

Indeed He fully knows that upon which you people are at. [way/habit/things and concepts tied/ imprinted in memory-17:84]

[Same pronouncement  in 58:06]

And the Day they are presented for accountability before Him whereby He will inform them about that which they did.

[Same pronouncement 4:176;24:35;49:16;64:11]o

and Allah is eternally the Knower of each and everything. [24:64]

25:01-19                              Main Page/Index
