Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              022

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           



























































































































And amongst the people is the one who owes allegiance to Allah merely on the edge/lip service;

whereby if reached to him betterment he felt contented with such allegiance;

[Read with 29:10]

and if reached to him something unpleasant and irritating/trial he about-faced.

He caused loss of [all his acts in] this world and the hereafter.


That is what is called the Evident/Manifested Loss. [22:11]

He calls/exhibits allegiance and subservience to some other than Allah that neither causes any infliction to him nor that causes him any benefit.

[Same pronouncement in same words 14:18; similar in 4:116,136,167;14:03;34:08;42:18;50:27]o

This is what is called the far destructive end of neglectfulness/straying/wandering. [22:12]

He calls/exhibits allegiance to one whose adversity is certainly nearer than his gain [of finding companions for Hell-Prison]


Certainly that is the worst [to be adopted as] god father and is certainly the worst companion. [22:13]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:23]

Indeed Allah will enter those who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously / moderately [according to the Book]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:23]

in the Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,

[Similar pronouncement in 2:253;11:107;85:16]o

And indeed Allah is Innovative Performer of whatever He intends/desires/decides. [22:14]

Anyone who has been thinking that Allah, the Exalted might not help him/the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in future during the worldly life and the Hereafter,


thereby he should find a source to ascend to the Sky, thereafter he should cover distance whereupon he should see/assess whether this move of him would remove away that what keeps enraging him. [22:15]

[Same pronouncement in 2:99;58:05]

And We have sent that/Qur'aan containing distinctly vivid Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book]


and that indeed Allah guides [with those Aa'ya'at] whom He wills. [22:16]

Indeed those from amongst the people identified/recognized/referenced [in time and space] as believers [from amongst people who were not given earlier the Book], and those identified as Jews, and Sai'been and Nisaa'ra and Al-Majoos and those who ascribed sculpted idols [after assigning superfluous names] as partners of Allah;

Indeed Allah will decide/draw bifurcation between them/six identities on the Day of Judgment.


Indeed Allah is Ever Witness/Observer/Guard over each and every thing. [22:17]

Have you not yet observed that Allah is the one for Whom prostrates [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously]

[Same pronouncement in 21:19;22:18;24:41;30:26]

 whoever exists is in the Skies and whoever exists on/in the Earth;

and the Sun and the Moon and the Stars;

and the mountains, and the trees, and the creatures of animal kingdom;

and many from amongst the human beings prostrate;

 and many are human beings upon whom the punishment has become incumbent.

And whomever Allah declares degraded thereupon for him there is none from those who bestow dignity and honour.


Indeed Allah is Innovative Performer of whatever He intends/desires/decides. [22:18] [please prostrate, it helps getting near to Allah]

These are two divergent groups, these people divergently argued about their Sustainer Lord.

In consequence/result those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept, for them are dresses/veils cut from fire [scorching temperature in Hell-Prison]


[when they will ask for water/rain] Showered upon them from over their head would be the hot water. [22:19]

With this hot water shall burn what is in their stomachs and the skins. [22:20]

And for them are hooked chains made from iron. [22:21]

Every time they intended that they may get out from that causing pain and anguish they will be returned into it

[Similar pronouncement in 3:181; 8:50;22:09,22;85:10]o

[Saying] "And you people taste the affliction of abrasion". [22:22]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:14;47:18]

Indeed Allah will enter those who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/ moderately [according to the Book]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:14;25:10]

in the Gardens with canals of water flowing sideby,

[Same pronouncement in same words;35:33;similar 18:31;76:21]

They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 35:33]o

and their garments therein will be silky. [22:23]

[Read with 16:97]

And these people were guided towards the pure benefiting enduring life through The Word/Grand Qur'aan [void of conjectures and hearsay]

[Read with 14:01;34:06]o

and they were guided [with Word/Grand Qur'aan] upon the path leading to the ever Praised. [22:24]

Indeed those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept [Grand Qur'aan] and they hinder/ divert people from the path of Allah

and from the Al-Masjid Al-Haraam [Sacred Mosque around Ka'aba] the one We have declared for the people equally for the residents therein and the visitors from outside world;


and whoever seeks therein the deviation by distortion and injustice We will make him taste a painful punishment. [22:25]

