Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              085

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 85] like others and hence it is never numbered.  










































































[Similar information in 15:16;25:61;85:01]

By the Sky, it is the possessor of the Towers/Structures [Asteroids];

and by the Promised Day; [85:02]

and the Witness and the Witnessed upon; [25:03]

that the companions of Ditch were condemned and cursed; [85:04]

Ditch having the fire the possessor/holder of which is the fuel; [85:05]

when they were sitting over it; [85:06]

and they were watching with the Believers that which they were doing; [85:07]

[Read with 9:74]

and some from amongst them had resented for no cause except that they believe in Allah, the Dominant/Absolute Sovereign, The Praiseworthy; [85:08]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:158;25:02]

  the One for Him is the Dominion and Sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth;

[Same pronouncement  in same words in 58:06]

and Allah is Ever Witness/Observer over each and everything/matter/affair. [85:09]

Indeed those who irritatingly disquieted the Believing Men and Believing Women

and thereafter did not repent seeking forgiveness,

thereat for them is the punishment of Hell-Prison;

[Similar pronouncement in 3:181;8:50;22:09,22]

 and for them the punishment is of scorching of heat/fire/temperature. [85:10]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:277;10:09;11:23;18:30,107;19:96;31:08;41:08;85:11;98:07]

Indeed those people who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds;

[Similar pronouncement in in same words in 2:25;3:198;5:119]

for them are the gardens/abodes, beneath/side by which streams flow.

This [approval and appreciation of Allah] is the greatest/grand achievement/success. [85:11]

[Read with 11:102;13:13]

Indeed the grapple of your Sustainer Lord is certainly mighty strong. [85:12]

The certain fact is that He initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion, [85:13]

and He is the Oft-Forgiving and the Most Kind; [85:14]

the Possessor of Absolute Sovereignty, the Ever Lasting and the Infinite. [85:15]

[Similar pronouncement in 2:253;11:107;22:14]

He is the Innovative Performer of whatever He intends/desires/decides. [85:16]

Has come to you the statement/episode of the Hosts; [85:17]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and Samued. [85:18]

Nay, the fact is that those who deliberately refused to accept/believe they are in contradiction. [85:19]

And Allah is ever encompassing them without it being evident to them. [85:20]

[Same pronouncement in 50:01]

Nay, the fact of the matter is that it is the Ever Lasting and the Infinite Qur'aan, [85:21]

[Master copy] written in the Tablet safely guarded. [85:22]


86:01-17            Index/Main Page
