Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              065

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.                [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 65] and hence it is never numbered.  For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.



































































































































































Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine [Form V]







O, you the Elevated and Chosen One [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],

 [you inform about the procedural code of Divorce] "when you people, the husbands pronounce the consciously determined decision of divorcing your such wives, with whom you had maintained intimate matrimonial relations, for revoking Nikah,

 thereat for reason divorce your wives for their respective intervening time-interval [which is known to respective husband; and this pronouncement will publicly suspend the peculiar right/permission granted by Nikah]

and you the husbands count down at your own the intervening time period. [there is no intervening period which husbands need to count for such wives whom divorce is given without having intimate association-sexual intercourse and she can honourably be seen off instantly to her parent's house or to the one/place where she was before marriage a maid-servant-33:49]

[divorce and counting intervening period is a serious matter] and you people, the divorcing husbands, incline yourselves to remain cautious, heedful, afraid of Allah, the Sustainer Lord of you people.

You must not expel/apart the divorcee wives [during the intervening time-period] from THEIR homes, and nor they should depart;

except that they indulge in manifest lewdness.

[Also in 2:187,229,230;4:13;58:04]

These are the limits/restrains/demarcations prescribed by Allah;

[See 2:229]

Beware that whoever consciously and purposely transgresses the limits set by Allah, thereat/for reason he has indeed done evil to his own self".

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have no idea that perhaps Allah causes to emerge some new affair/matter, after this divorce for appointed term. [65:01]

Consequently when they have crossed over/elapsed/terminated/accomplished their respective appointed duration, [resulting in untying of Nikkah]

[Read with 2:232]

thereat you husbands cause to take them in your fold [of Nikah when/if mutual understanding/reconciliation reached and sanity prevailed]

or [if compromise/understanding could not be developed] you act to see off/partition/apart them [from house] respectfully, in accordance with the known norms of society,

and you make it [remarriage/reunion or separation] witnessed by two persons of just minded repute from amongst you.

And you people establish the testimony for Allah.

[Similar information in 2:232]

With this course/conduct/attitude is advised the one amongst you people who has been believing in Allah and the Last Day.

And whoever consciously keeps himself cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct for reverence and fear of Allah,

He will make for him a way out. [65:02] 

[Similar information in 2:212;3:37; 24:38]

And He/Allah will like to give/provide worldly sustenance to him, from a source about which he has no idea/thought [because of his cause and effect perception].

And whoever transforms himself to exclusively place his trust/reliance upon Allah, then/for reason, He alone is sufficient for calculations/equations for him.

Indeed Allah is the accomplisher/takes his affair to logical conclusion.

Indeed Allah has determined/appointed for each and everything a measure/relativity. [65:03]

And those from amongst your wives who have lost expectation of menstruation, but/if you husbands have become double minded/state of uncertainty, then in that case the intervening time-period of restraint of them between pronouncement of Divorce and Untying the Fold of Nikah is three months, and so is for those wives who have not yet menstruated, at the point in time of pronouncement of Divorce [because of menopause or removal of uterus; instead of three menstruation cycles as prescribed in 2:228].

And for the pregnant wives their intervening time-period of restraint between pronouncement of Divorce and Untying the Fold of Nikah is that they deliver their pregnancy.

And whoever consciously keeps himself cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct for reverence and fear of Allah,

He will make for him in his affair/matter element of ease. [65:04]

This is the Command of Allah which He has decreed/sent upon you people.

 And whoever consciously keeps himself cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct for reverence and fear of Allah,

[Exactly same in 64:09; Similar information in 2:271;8:29;39:35;48:05;66:08]

   He will delete/remove/hide from him his misdoings.

and He will strengthen the reward for him. [5:05]

You cause them/the divorced wives during the intervening time-period of restraint between pronouncement of Divorce and Untying the Fold of Nikah to stay at places where you dwell yourself out of your means;

And you should not consciously and purposely make yourselves active in financially and mentally harming them with the objective that you may make them distressed and suppressed.

And if they are in the state of pregnancy thereat you spend upon them until they deliver their pregnancy;

whereat if they milked the offspring for you then in response pay their settled obligations;

and resolve the matters mutually amongst yourselves in accordance with the known traditions.

And if you have mutually felt uneasiness thereat in that case cause another woman suckle the child for him [father]. [65:06]

Let spend the one with ample means according to his means,

and for whom his sustenance is limited one then let him spend according to that which Allah has given him.

[similar information in  2:286;6:152;7:42;23:62;65:07]

Allah does not impose/burden/responsibility/demand/duty upon a person except according to her given capacity/scope/capability/strength/practicability/access/approach/tolerance.

Allah will keep creating easiness after hardship. [65:07]


And there were many habitats who disobediently went away from the Command of their Sustainer Lord and His Messengers,

thereat We took them to account, nabbing accountability;

and We punished them with a terrible unfamiliar affliction. [65:08]

Consequently it tasted the evil result of their affair; and the end result of their affair was total loss. [65:09]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 58:15]

Allah has prepared for them a severe torment.

[Same advice in same words in 5:100]

For this reason/therefore you people consciously make yourselves mindful, heedful and cautious of Allah avoiding unrestrained conduct O you the men of wisdom

who have since believed/accepted.

Allah has indeed since sent to you people Admonition/Grand Qur'aan,  [65:10]

 the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], recites upon/for you the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book], of Allah word by word/syllable by syllable, which make every point distinct/isolated/vivid/demarcated/crystal clear for comprehension/retention in memory,

[Similar information in 2:257; 5:16;14:01;33:43;57:09;65:11]

so that he/it may move those people who have believed and conducted righteously

out of the depths of darkness into the visible light.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 64:09]

And whoever consciously inclines to believe in Allah and conducts righteously

[Similar promise 4:13;48:17;65:11]

 He will enter him into gardens with streams of water flowing beneath/side by

[Similar promise 4:13;48:17;64:09]

 wherein they shall reside perpetually.

Indeed Allah has arranged a decently proportioned sustenance for him. [65:11]

Allah is the One Who has created seven Skies [in successive layers/firmaments] and in the Earth like of those [seven layers].

The Command makes itself descend between them

so that you may know

[Exact same statement in same words in 2:106; 2:259]

  that Allah has indeed eternally infinite power over each and every thing.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:126;41:54]

and that indeed Allah has encompassed/encircled each and every thing with absolute knowledge [of all aspects, visible and infolded/secreted]. [65:12]

66:01-12                                 Index/Main Page
