Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              030

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.              
















Passive Form IV









































































Verb: Imperfect; First person; plural; [Masculine]; active; [Form-II] Root: ف ص ل

Verb: Imperfect; Third person; Plural; masculine; active    Root: ع ق ل









 Hence, Infinite Glory is for Allah-He is the Absolute/Independent; His pleasure is the focus of all effort when you people enter into evening and when you enter the true dawn; [30:17]

and for Him is the Praise eternally in the Skies and the Earth;


and at the time when night gets intensively darkened and when you enter the noon. [30:18]

[Similar information in 3:27;6:95;10:31]

He brings out life from matter/dead-life and He brings out matter from the living.

and He rejuvenates/revives the Earth after its death;

[Read with 35:09;43:11;50:11,12]o

and like this you people will be the brought out [from Earth on Day of Resurrection] [30:19]

And it is part of His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs that He created you people from clay,

afterwards [having given you life] you scatter as structured beings. [30:20]

And from His demonstrative signs is that He created from your selves your wives so that you people could have respectively upon her the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity;

and He has placed amongst you [husband and wife] feelings of love and compassion.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 13:03;39:42;45:13;with singular noun in 16:11,69]o

Indeed in these are evident/the visible/tangible/demonstrative signs/information for people to  recognize/reflect/differentiate and analyze objectively without overlapping with emotions/ conjectures/whims/preconceived notions to arrive at purpose of creation. [30:21]

And from His demonstrative signs is the creation of the Skies and the Earth;

and the mutual variation and diversity in your languages and your colours.


It is certain that in these evident facts are signs for the knowledgeable. [30:22]

And from His demonstrative signs are your sleeps in the Night and the Day and your seeking partly from His Bounty.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:67; Read with 16:65;27:86]o

Indeed in it are demonstrative signs for people who listen. [30:23]

[Same pronouncement in 13:12]

And it is from His evident demonstrative signs that He shows to your eyes the lightening with the objective of terrifying and generating hope of profitability [release of atmospheric nitrogen brought down by rain-sustenance 45:05].

And He sends water from the Sky and with it He rejuvenates/revives earth after its death.

[Same information in same words in 13:04;16:12;30:24 and with singular noun 16:67]o

Indeed in these are the visible/tangible signs/information for people to recognize/reflect/differentiate and analyze. [30:24]

And it is from His evident demonstrative signs that the Sky and the Earth maintain by His Command

Afterwards when He would have called you people with a call [second blowing in the Trumpet] from within the Earth;


and that point in time you people will get out. [30:25]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 21:19;22:18;24:41;30:26]

And whoever exists in the Skies and on/in the Earth is for Him subservient/dependant [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously].


    All are for Him subservient/dependant-in humble attendance [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously]. [30:26]

[Read with 10:04,34;27:64;29:19;30:11]

And He/Allah is the One Who initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion,

And that is quiet easy for Him.

And for Him is the superb quotation in the Skies and the Earth

[Same pronouncement in same words in 14:04;16:60;29:42;31:09;35:02;45:37;57:01;59:01;59:24;61:01;62:03]o

And He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [30:27]

He has surfaced/quoted/contrasted for you people a contrast in your selves.

Are they, some of those whom you possess as house-servants, associates in that sustenance which We have given to you

whereby/with the result that you are equal/alike in that, you fearing them/house-servants like the manner you people feel fear of yourselves-the richer class people?

[Read with 6:55;7:32,174;9:11;10:24]o

This is how We make the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge about things/concepts] vividly distinct/demarcated/isolated/alienated/crystal clear so that the people may conveniently apply intellect to save/recognize/reflect/differentiate and analyze.[30:28]

Nay, [their wandering is not for reason of any ambiguity] the fact of the matter is that those who wronged and did injustice actually followed their selfish lusts and conjectural myths on the ground other than/without the knowledge [Guidance/the Book from Allah].

Thereupon who will guide the one whom Allah has let neglectfully wandering?

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 3:22,3:56,91;16:37]o

And for them is no helper from amongst the helpers. [30:29]

