Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              043

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     























Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active.     Root: ن ك ث

































And indeed in the past We had sent Musa [alai'his'slaam] with Our unprecedented demonstrative Signs toward Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and his chiefs.

[Same information in 7:104]

Thereupon on reaching there he said to them, "Indeed I am the Messenger of the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/All that exists" [43:46]

And when He came to them with Our unprecedented demonstrative Signs at that point in time they, the ruling chieftains, ridiculously laughed on some of them, [43:47]

while what We showed them from amongst the demonstrative physical sings/manifestations it was greater than its sister one/earlier happening,

and We seized them with infliction

[Same in 30:41;32:21;43:28]

so that they perhaps/may have a chance that they may return [to straight path]. [43:48]

And they/ruling chieftains said to Musa [alai'his'slaam], "O you the Illusionist/Magician!

Pray/call your Sustainer Lord for us by that which He has made covenant with you, indeed we will certainly transform ourselves as guided ones". [43:49]

[Same information in 7:135]

Then/acceding their request when We removed from them the irritating/abominable trouble/ infliction, [for a period reaching its terminating point] at that point of time they used to twist away from their word/promise. [43:50]

Know this fact, Fir'aoun/Pharaoh circulated proclamation/address within his Nation, he said,

"O my countrymen/nation, is the state/dominion of Misr [Unified country of Two Lands-now known as Egypt] not for me, and these streams of water are flowing by my side/underneath [which indicates and refers to his palace]? [Consider this and] Will you people still not see/focus [about my superiority]? [43:51]

Or am I not better than this one who is insignificant/man of a slave group nor he is near achieving distinction/place of position. [43:52]

Thereat/for reason [he proclaims status of a Messenger] why bracelets of gold  not been placed before him, 

or came along with him the Angels, they consciously accompanying for command and control?" [43:53]

Thereby, he consciously by design downgraded his nation to trifler plebeians whereupon they accepted his word.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:12;28:32;51:46]

Indeed they were a people deviants and limits violator. [43:54]

Therefore/for reason when they caused to exhaust Our granted respite period, We decided to award punishment to them

therefore, We drowned them, all together. [43:55]

[Similar information in 10:92;79:25]

Thereat We made and declared them the past precedence and example [to take lesson] for the later people. [43:56]

43:57-73                Main Page/Index
