Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.




































































































































O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

 You people should not declare as prohibited the nutrient and delicious things [] which Allah has made permissible for you and you should not commit excesses/be irrational.

[Same information in same words in 2:190; in different words in 7:55]

 Indeed Allah is not pleased with those who transgress/go beyond prescribed limits/rationality. [5:87]

[Similar advice 2:168;8:69;16:114]

And you people eat out of what is provided by Allah to you as sustenance, the permissible one, respectively delicious/pure/beneficial/nutrient.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 60:11]

 and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and and fear of Allah, the One in Whom you believe. [5:88]

[Same pronouncement in same words 2:225]

Allah will not hold you people accountable for your routine/unconsciously/unintentionally/without the back of determined will taken pledges/oaths/promises [they are mere utterances of mouth of no import/consideration]

[Similar pronouncement in 2:225]

but He will hold you responsible and accountable for those pledges/promises/oaths [well thought, determined, intentional] which you have solemnly contracted/sworn.

For reason [of not discharging the pledge] expiation/absolving one's self is feeding ten indigent persons the food of average standard of that you keep serving your family

or provide clothing to them or free a slave. For reason [of financial inability] if some one could not find resources for this then fasting for three days is the expiation [so that in future you become mindful and heedful]

[Also read 16:94;66:02]

This is the expiation of your promises when you have sworn. And you people protect/honour your promises/pledges/contracts.

[The purpose of may also be read in conjunction with 2:187,219,221,242,266;3:103;4:176;24:61;57:17]

   This is how Allah makes His Aaya'at distinct/evident/distinguishing between two things/easy to comprehend for you people so that you may express gratitude/you also make things apparent. [5:89]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

[Read 2:219]

Indeed the alcoholic drinks and gambling,

and the stationary stone erections [idols] and decision making/apportion matters/seek judgments through featherless arrows [instead of using intellect/thought process]

are the confusing/brain scattering/disconcerting/fidgeting filthy tactic from the act of Shaitan.

Therefore you people avoid that confusing/brain scattering/disconcerting/fidgeting filthy act/Shaitan so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [5:90]

Indeed the desire of Shai'taan is that he may occasion feeling of animosity and grudge/hatred/ resentment between you people through alcoholic drinks and gambling

and he could divert you people from the remembrance of Allah and from As-sa'laat [by such engagements]

In view of this would you people then be the abstainers of alcoholic drinks and gambling? [5:91]

 [Same advice in same words in 64:12]

And you people incline and cause yourselves to accept the word of Allah and you people accept the word of Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] willingly and affectionately [recited from/written in the Grand Qur'aan].

And you people be careful

[Same in 64:12]

Then/for reason if you people turn away from the word of Allah and the Messenger [and keep drinking alcoholic drinks and gambling]

[Same advice in 2:209;5:34:8:40;9:03;11:14]

then you people should know/remember

[Similar pronouncement in 64:12]

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

 that upon our Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the only responsibility is delivering/passing on/conveying of the One [Grand Qur'aan] who/which makes every thing evident/apparent/distinct. [5:92]

There is nothing embarrassing/contracting for those who have accepted/believed and acted righteously as to what they had eaten and drank earlier

when they returned repenting and believed and did righteous acts; [in view of this verdict of Allah there is no moral justification for people to keep reiterating the conjectural stories that so and so used to drink wine/alcoholic drinks and such and such was the cause of revelation regarding alcoholic drinks. We should remember the verdict of Allah pronounced unambiguously that NONE from you, the living people till the day of judgment, could be equal in rank to those who accepted/believed, migrated. spent and fought before the conquest of Mecca-57:10. Our respects and salutation to all of them, the corporeally companions of the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. After this categorical pronouncement of Allah's Judgment/verdict any one till the Day of Judgment who proclaims to be messenger of Allah under any garb and title, and thus raises himself above in rank of those people, is undoubtedly a cheat, imposter and a great liar. All such people and those who follow them are the brothers of Shaitan and are discarded as condemned and cursed.]

afterwards [when prohibitions were enforced] they mindfully restrained and accepted [restrictions] then afterwards remained cautious and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct and they behaved moderately and generously.

[This is also told in 3:134;3:148]

And Allah appreciates/loves/acknowledges those people who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [5:93]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

 Indeed Allah will put you in a trial in a small matter of game [resisting the temptation of hunting animals]

within the easy reach of your hands and your spears so that Allah may expose the one who fears Him without being in his sight.

[Exactly same warning in same words in 2:178]

Therefore after this injunction whoever transgressed [took the law in his own hands] then for this reason for him is severe/grave punishment [in wait]. [People of Jews were subjected to a similar trial when fish used to come on the surface on the day of prohibited commercial activity and they could not resist temptation] [5:94]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen [in view of prohibition imposed-5:01] you people should not hunt/slaughter mammals when you are on pilgrimage journey;

and whoever amongst you hunted and slaughtered deliberately by design

then the recompense is domestic mammal of the like he hunted and killed

brought to be sacrificed at reaching Ka'abata [Sanctified House of Allah] to be adjudged by two persons of justice minded repute

or as expiation feeding of the indigent or the remission for this is fasting so that he may taste the penalty and rectify/improve/settle his affair.

Allah has ignored what went before times. And whoever henceforth transgressed then Allah will award him punishment/requite him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:04; similar in 14:47;39:37]

  and Allah is the Soverign, the Authority to award due punishment/requite to criminals. [5:95]

For you people has been made permissible the pursuit of water-game and its food, for the benefit of you people and the crew/passengers traveling in water [river/sea]

[Read also 5:01]

but for you has been made forbidden the pursuit of land-game so long you are on pilgrimage journey

[Replica 58:09; Similar information in 2:203;3:158;6:72;8:24;23:79;67:24]

and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and and fear of Allah, the One towards Him  you people will be gathered/resurrected to be held accountable by Him. [5:96]

5:97-108             Index/Main Page                     Urdu Books
