Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              005

         Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.   
















































































































O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

[Read with 3:28,118;4:89,144;5:57;9:23;60:01]

 you people should never incline yourselves to adopt Jews and Nisa'raa [Christians] as  guardians/protectors/godfathers/patrons.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:51;8:72,73;9:73;45:19]

Some of them are [ ] patrons/guardians/protectors/godfathers of some.

[Similar warning in 9:23;60:09]

And whoever from amongst you turns towards them [to make them patrons/godfathers] then indeed he is from amongst them.

[Same verdict in same words 6:144;28:50;46:10;similar 2:258;3:86;9:19,109;61:07;62:05]

Indeed Allah does not guide [against their own will/considered decision] those who are mischievous/ distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/concocted stories. [5:51]

For reason you will see those in whose hearts is a disease [Muna'fi'qeen] that they eagerly run within them.

[the reason/excuse] They mutually say/self argue, "We fear that lest we are caught in misfortune"

Therefore may be when Allah gives you the victory or a decision according to His will

then they will emerge as regretful upon what they conceal/harbor in their selves. [5:52]

[seeing their reluctance] And those who have have believed will say to others, "Are these the same men who swore their strongest oaths by Allah that indeed they were with you".

Their acts/deeds have gone fruitless/waste for which reason they emerged as losers. [5:53]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

whoever from amongst you apostatises/turns away from his Code of Conduct/Prescribed Procedure then Allah will bring people, in place of such deserters, whom He appreciates and they aspire for His nearness; humble and docile towards believers, stern/overpowering upon non-believers, they struggle in the cause of Allah [with wealth and self] and they are not apprehensive/afraid of the reproach of a slanderer.

[Same information in same words in 57:21;62:04]

This is the grace and blessing of Allah, He grants it to one whom He wills.

[Ssme information in same words in 2:247,261,268;3:73;24:32]

   Allah is beyond bounds/He is eternally above limits, eternally all-Knowing." [5:54]

Indeed for you people the companion/patron/protector/caretaker is Allah and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and those, from amongst the ones who have accepted/believed,

 who maintain/manage/organize/stand for the performance of  Ass-sa'laat, and they regularly give Az-Zaka'at [raiser/up lifter of personality] and they are submissively humble [to the commands of Book] [5:55]

And whoever turns to Allah and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and to those who have accepted/believed [the Book-Grand Qur'aan]

[Read with 58:22]

then/for this reason indeed they are the party of Allah, they are the triumphant. [5:56]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

[See 3:28,118;4:89,144;5:51;9:23;60:01]

 you people should never incline yourselves to adopt  from those people who adopt/take your way of life/prescribed code in who take your way of life in jest and mockery playfully

from amongst the ones whom Book was given earlier also and from amongst those who have deliberately refused, as your guardians/protectors/patrons/godfathers.

 And you people remain cautious, heedful, mindful, hopeful and afraid of Allah,

[Same words at end of 2:81,93,248,278;3:49,139,175;5:23,112;7:85;8:01;9:13;24:17;57:08]

    if you are truly the believers.  [5:57]

And when you people proclaim your call for congregation to perform Ass-sa'laat, they take it in jest and mockery playfully.

[Sane pronouncement in same words in 59:14]

This is because they are indeed the people who do not reflect to differentiate [between scum and fact]. [5:58]

You ask and tell them, "O you the people of Book! Do you disapprove and revenge/retaliate us for nothing except that we have believed in Allah, and in that what has since been sent to us [in Grand Qur'aan] and in that what was sent earlier [found preserved in Grand Qur'aan]

[Similar information in 3:110;5:59;5:81;57:16,26,27]

and that indeed most of you people are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds". [5:59]

Tell them, "May l disclose to you people what is more liquefying/irritating than this retrogressive/ retaliatory attitude to return/come as requital from Allah?

The one whom Allah has discarded as condemned and cursed and criminal cognizance has been taken upon him and He declared from amongst such people as apes and swine and servant of defiant/aberrant.

[Same pronouncement in 25:34]

They are the people who will have a worse abode [in the end] and they are more lost away from the middle/straight path to destination. [5:60]

And when they [Muna'fi'qeen] came to you, they said claiming, "We have accepted/believed". And the fact is that they entered with disbelief and they indeed went out with the same disbelief.

And Allah certainly knows what they people conceal [from disclosing/saying] [5:61]

And you will find many amongst them [Muna'fi'qeen] that they advance in dilapidating sins/activities and transgression and in consuming/acquiring illicit and unlawful gains.

Indeed abominable are the acts that they do/result wise would indeed be frustrating for them. [5:62]

Why do the the rabbis and the intelligentsia/scholars/stalwarts [whom they visit in privacy] not forbid them from dilapidating sinful utterances and their consuming/acquiring  illicit and unlawful gains?

[Read 5:79]

Indeed abominable is what they artfully fabricate [false conjectural myths to mislead people]. [5:63]


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