Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              043

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     
































































And whoever lets himself turn away from the Reminder/Admonishment-Grand Qur'aan of Ar'Reh'maan,

[Read with 4:38;7:202;41:25;50:27]

We let for him a Shai'taan acting like veiling hard cover of egg controlling his mind and heart [alluring with conjectural fascinating assertions of past and present generations] for which reason/thereat he is for him a close comrade/associate. [43:36]

[Read with 27:24;29:38]

And certainly they/such evil comrades and associates definitely hinder them from The Path,

[Same pronouncement in same words 7:30]

and/while they wishfully consider/imagine that they are consciously making themselves as aright guided. [46:37]

Until when he reached to Us, he said to his comrade/associate,

"I wish that between me and between you was a distance of East and West".

Thereat/for this reason he is the wretched selection of the intimate associate, [43:38]

And [this intimate association] never will benefit you people that Day when you have since wronged;

[Read with 37:33]

indeed you people have consciously made your selves partners/associated in the infliction. [43:39]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:42]

Can you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] cause the deaf to hear [despite that if they do not intentionally apply faculty of intellect/save the vibrating sounds]

[Read with 10:43;30:52]

Or can you guide/show the path to the blind [hearted despite that if they do not have/apply vision]

and/i.e. the one who has been in consciously maintained heedlessness wandering. [43:40]

[Read with 10:46;13:40;40:77]

Therefore whether We alienate/take you away from them [by causing you natural death, before the Appointed Last Day, it will make no difference] thereat/for reason [you having delivered the Message-Qur'aan] certainly We are the awarder of punishment to people from amongst them. [43:41]

[Same pronouncement in 23:95]

Or whether We show you that One/The Day We have promised to them,

[Same pronouncement in 23:95]

 whereupon We are certainly the determining authority upon them. [43:42]

[Read with 7:170]

Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] consciously keep yourself confined/restrained/restricted with the One/Grand Qur'aan which has since been communicated to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, for guiding people].

[Read with 22:67;23:73;36:04;42:52]

It is a certain fact that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have always been journeying upon the Path that keeps heading towards the destination [Leading to Me]. [43:43]

Moreover, it is a fact that it/Grand Qur'aan is certainly a Reminder/Reiteration/Verbal narrative that was reserved as honour for you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and for the Nation of you.

O you the Mankind, you people will soon be subjected to questioning/accountability. [43:44]

And explore, from [the record/history incorporated in Qur'aan] whom We sent aforetimes before you from amongst Our Messengers,

as to whether other than Ar'Reh'maan [Our Self] did We ever declare others as various iela'aha to be worshipped? [43:45]

43:46-56                   Main Page/Index
