Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.









Noun: Indefinite; singular; feminine; accusative.           Root: ب غ ت








































































































And We did not send an Elevated and Chosen Servant to any city except that whose inhabitants We seized/were subjected to adversity and affliction so that they humble themselves. [7:94]

Afterwards We replaced the adverse situation/condition with affluent situation retaining it for longer till when they effaced [the memory of bad days and started deceptive tactics]

and said to people, "Indeed  the adversity and ease has been faced/experienced by our forefathers"

For this reason/consequentially We seized them all of a sudden and they had no idea/ perception/thought of it. [7:95]

And had the inhabitants of the city believed/accepted and they remained heedful, cautious and fearful

indeed We would have perpetually showered blessings upon them from the Sky and the Earth;


but they instead publicly contradicted then/for reason [on termination of given term] We seized them for the reason what they people deliberately and consciously did. [7:96]

[Read about past 7:04]

Have then the inhabitants of the cities felt/become secured/protected against that Our punishment reaches to them during the night while they are asleep?

Or have the inhabitants of the cities felt/become secured/protected against that Our punishment reaches to them during the day light while they are in amusement/enjoying?

Have then they felt/become secured from the strategy of Allah?


[if this is the perception/understanding] Then know it none feels secure and protected from the strategy/plan of Allah except those people who cause loss to their selves. [7:99]

Would it [the history/end result of past nations] not direct the people who inherited the Earth after its earlier inhabitants/residents that if We had so willed We would have afflicted them for their slanders and sins,


and We let the wrapping remain upon their hearts whereupon they people may not listen [in future too and resultantly face the humiliating end result] [7:100]

[Similar pronouncement in 11:100]

These are the cities We are narrating to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], in sequence of actual happenings, from their news.

And  indeed their Messengers had come to them with evident/distinct/unprecedented [miraculous] demonstrative Signs, then in response they were not such that they should [subsequently] believe in what they had earlier contradicted. [Similar pronouncement in 10:13,74]

[Read with 30:59;40:35]o

This is how [eventually] Allah lets the veil persist upon the hearts of those who deliberately and persistently refuse to accept. [7:101]

And We did not find for most of them any [respect/adherence] covenant/promise


and that We found most of them as certainly deviants/limits and promise breakers. [7:102]

Thereafter/lapse of time We appointed, after all of them, Musa [alai'his'slaam] with Our unprecedented demonstrative Signs toward Pharaoh and his chiefs, then for reason/in response they wrongfully/deliberately rejected those signs. [read with 27:14]

[Same injunction in same words in 27:14]o

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam advise everyone to traverse in land] look/reflect how was the end of those who create distortions/imbalances. [7:103]

[Same information in 43:46]

And Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "O Fir'aoun [Pharaoh]! Indeed I am the Messenger from the Sustainer Lord of the known and existing Worlds

obligated upon that I should not attribute to Allah except the proven fact.

Indeed I have come to you people with unprecedented demonstrative Sign from your Sustainer Lord;


therefore/in response/compliance you send along with me Bani Iesraa'eel". [7:105]

Pharaoh said, "If you have come with unprecedented demonstrative Sign then bring/show it if you are from the truthful in what you say. [7:106]

[Replica/Mirror 26:32]

In response as soon he threw before their eyes his stick, then on ground it was a real serpent with hood [Cobra]

[Replica/Mirror 26:33;Read with 20:22;27:12;28:32]

And the moment he drew out [after putting in his Axilla/armpit through neckband] his hand it was pure shining white without any spot for the onlookers/observers . [7:108]

The ruling chiefs belonging to the tribe/nation of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh [quickly reacting upon noticing the effect of demonstration on ruling members of the State] said to other present courtiers;

[Same assertion by Pharaoh in 26:34]o

"Indeed he is certainly a knowledgeable magician/player of illusory tricks. [7:109]

[Same statement in same words in 26:35]

He has the intention that he may move you people out from your state.

[Same interrogation in same words in 26:35]o

Then/to controvert his design, what you people suggest/advise?" [7:110]

[Same response to Pharaoh in 26:36]

[not agreeing but instead of openly contradicting the inner circle/close confidants of  Pharaoh] They instead of replying to them addressed Pharaoh saying, "You defer/grant time to him and his brother and send gatherers in the towns; [7:111]

[Pharaoh was cornered to order for it 10:79;same statement in 26:37]

they will bring/come back to you along with every knowledgeable magician/illusionist/demonstrator of illusory tricks [let the magicians decide whether this demonstration was illusory trick or otherwise]" [7:112]

