Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              006

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.








































































































































[Same pronouncement in same words 34:40]

And the Day He will gather them altogether;

it will be asked "O you the group of Jinn, indeed you have taken many men from human beings"

And their intimates from amongst human beings said, "Our Sustainer Lord! Some of us kept benefiting from some

and to us reached the respective moment of our duration You had appointed for us".

He said, "Heated Hell is your place of accommodation/dwelling wherein you will live permanently".

Exception from Hell is for the one for whom Allah willed

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:83; similar 6:139;15:25]

since/indeed your Sustainer Lord is eternally and intrinsically The Wise, the All Knower of apparent and invisible/secreted/infolded. [6:128]

And this is how We keep let some of the distorters/evil mongers to be guardians/godfathers for some others

[Same reason in same words 7:96;9:82,95;10:08;36:65;41:17;45:14]

for the reason what they people deliberately and consciously do and perform. [6:129]

[They will be asked] "O you the two groups of Jinn and human beings!

[Same question in same words in 39:71;similar 67:08]

"Did Messengers not come to you people from amongst you

[Same information in same words in 7:35]

who narrated to you people Our Aa'ya'at word by word

[Same question in same words in 39:71]

and they warned/admonished you people about the meeting of this Day?".

They said "We are/bear witness upon ourselves".

[Same information in same words in 6:70;7:51]

And the life of this world had put them in deceptive delusion.

[Same information in same words in 7:37]

And they witnessed upon themselves that indeed they were the rejecters/deniers [of Aa'ya'at of Allah told to them by His Messengers]. [6:130]

[Read with 11:117;15:04;26:208;28:59]

This [sending of Messengers/Awakeners] was because your Sustainer Lord does not annihilate any locality unjustly on their part when her inhabitants are in a state of unawareness/ignorant. [6:131] [In Allah's superb system of justice "Ignorantia juris non excusat or Ignorantia legis neminem excusat" {Latin} for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one" is not the principle]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 46:19]

And for each and everyone are Ranks of Elevation for/in accordance with the deeds they performed.

[Similar pronouncement in 11:123;27:93]

And your Sustainer Lord is indeed never unmindful/neglecting of what acts they perform. [6:132]

And your Sustainer Lord is the Absolutely Independent, Holder/The Being embodying Mercy.

If He so wills He can remove/annihilate you, and after you bring another ones as He wills, in the like manner he produced you from the posterity of another people. [6:133]

[Read with 10:53;23:93;29:05;51:05;77:07]

Undoubtedly that [Moment of Last Day] will certainly come what is being promised to you

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:53;11:33;29:22;42:31]

and you people certainly cannot frustrate/avert that. [6:134]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 39:16;similar 11:93,121]

 You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "O my nation! you perform deliberate acts at your places/of your choice/wish, I will keep performing my work,

[Same pronouncement in same words 7:123;11:39;16:55;30:34;39:39]

then/for reason soon you people will know

[Same pronouncement in 28:37]

 for whom is the best end place.

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:21;12:23;28:37]

Indeed the matter is that the distorters/creators of conjectural falsehood never attain prosperous success at the end". [6:135]

And they [the ruling religious elite] appoint/assign that for Allah is a share in the yield of the cultivation and mammals;

for this reason they say this much is for Allah in their self hypothetical assumption and this much is for our partners.

Then what is for their [so called] partners for reason it does not reach Allah [but is usurped by themselves],

and what was assigned for Allah then that reaches towards their partners.

[Same pronouncement in 16:59;29:04;45:21]

Evil/abominable is what they order/decide for people. [6:136]

[Prohibited 6:151;17:31]

And in the same way for most of the idolaters the murdering of their off springs has been made alluring by their associates 

to destruct/make them rolling stones [control demographically] and to confuse and obscure them in their system of life.

[Similar pronouncement 6:112]

And had it been the will of Allah they could not have done this innovative act.

[Same advice in same words in 6:112]

[Despite all the Power and Dominance We have given them time because of the freedom of choice] Therefore, for that reason, You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] may leave them and what they imaginatively innovate/fabricate fascinating sayings. [6:137]

And they tell people with their own presumptions; "these, such and such mammals and tillage are sacrosanct;

no one is to eat them except the one whom we allow/desire;

and mammals the backs of which are forbidden/sanctified from being used for riding".

And they do not pronounce the name of Allah on mammals by falsely forging lies attributing it to Allah.

Soon shall He requite them for what they keep imaginatively innovate myths. [6:138]

And they tell people, "That which is in the bellies of such mammal is exclusively for our males and is forbidden for our spouses/women".

And if it is born as dead then they all join in it.

Soon shall He require them for their conjectural concepts.

[Same pronouncement in same words 15:25; similar 6:83,128]

Indeed He is eternally and intrinsically The Wise, the All Knower of apparent and invisible/ secreted/infolded. [6:139]

Indeed those have caused loss who killed their off springs foolishly without knowledge

and declared as prohibited what Allah has given them as eatable sustenance by attributing imaginative false assertions to Allah.

Indeed they had lost in straying and they did not become guided. [6:140]

 6:141-150                     Index/Main Page               Urdu Books
