Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              006

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy         


























































































































You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "What thing is the most primary as testimony?"

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "Allah's testimony is the greatest". He is the ever Witness between me and between you the living people.

And this Qur'aan has been communicated to me so that I admonish/awaken you the living people [corporeally with me] with this and to admonish/awaken the one whom this Qur'aan reached". [This is the address of Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam that he is the Warner for each and every person whom Qur'aan reached. Qur'aan is to stay permanently and perpetually till the Last Day and thus he, Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is permanently and perpetually The Warner/Awakener];

Do you people bear witness that along with Allah there is also another iela'aha?

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I do not testify/affirm it".

[Except قل in 16:51]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Undoubtedly He is The Only One Iela'aha;

[Similar pronouncement by his grand grand father in  6:78]

and I am absolved [having emphatically pronounced for humanity] of what you people ascribe as partners with the Only One. [6:19]

[Same information in same words 2:146]

Those whom the Book was earlier given recognize him/it [Grand Qur'aan] in the manner as they conveniently recognize their sons.

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:12]

Those people who have made their selves to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures], for this reason they do not accept/will not accept. [6:20]

{Similar verdict in 3:94;6:93,144;7:37;10:17;11:18;18:15;29:68;61:07]

And who is a greater evil/distorter/creator of imbalances/disorder/over stepping than the one who conjectured a falsehood attributing it to be from Allah [which is neither written in the Book of Allah nor there is tangible evidence from knowledge] or publicly contradicted His Aa'ya'at

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:135;12:23;28:37]

Indeed the matter is that the distorters/creators of conjectural falsehood never attain prosperous success at the end. [6:21]

[Same pronouncement in same words 10:28]

And the Day [of resurrection] when We will gather/collect them all collectively [duly chained];

and thereafter We will say for [to] those who adopted sculpted idols as partners, "where are your those partners about whom you thought and publicly pronounced as partners" [6:22] [Similar questioning in 6:22;7:37;16:27;18:52;26:92;28:62,74;40:73;41:47]

Afterwards nothing be their subterfuge except that they said, "We swear by Allah, our Sustainer Lord, we were not those who assign partners to Allah". [6:23]

Look at them how they lied upon their selves;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:53;10:30;11:21;16:87;28:75]

and that lost/vanished from them what they keep fabricating. [6:24]

[Same information in same words in 10:42;47:16]

And amongst them is one who [apparently/pretending] seems he is listening you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

[Replica 17:46; same words 18:57]

while [they don't listen since] We have let the veil persist on their hearts that they could understand that [Grand Qur'aan which you recite to them] and in their ears is heaviness. [Read with 41:05]

[Same information in same words in 7:146]

And even if they see each and every verse/evident demonstrative unprecedented sign they will not accept/believe in it.

The extent of disbelief is that when they come to you having made themselves active/determined to wrangle through unsubstantiated talk with you, those who have refused to accept they say that

[Same assertion in same words 8:31;23:83;27:68; similar 16:24;25:05;46:17;68:15;83:13]

"This [Grand Qur'aan] is nothing except the tales of ancients" [6:25]

And they stop others away from this [Grand Qur'aan] and they themselves distance away from it.

 And that [by doing this] they harm none except their selves

and they perceive it not. [6:26]

Would that if you could see/imagine when they will be stopped upon Hell [gates]

then/for reason [questioning by the Gate Keeper Angels] they will regrettably exclaim , "Would that somehow we could return and we will not contradict the Aa'ya'at of our Sustainer Lord and we will be amongst the believers". [6:27]

[Read with 39:47]

No, [this is just fake utterance], the fact of the matter is that the thing has become apparent/ exposed for them which they used to hide/conceal deliberately [orally accepting and telling people] before this happening.

And if they were sent back indeed they would relapse to what they were forbidden from and indeed they are certainly liars. [6:28]

[Similar assertion in 6:29;23:37;45:24]

And they said, "Indeed there is nothing except our life of this world;  

[Same assertion in same words 23:37]

and we will certainly never be revived to life" [6:29]

[Read with 6:30;32:12;34:31;37:24]

And would that if you could see/imagine when they will be stopped towards their Sustainer Lord;

[Same information in same words in 46:34]

they will be asked, "Is this not a proven fact?" They replied, "yes of course, by our Sustainer Lord"

[Same pronouncement in same words 46:34; similar 3:106;8:35]

It will be said, "Therefore/for reason you people taste the chastisement for what you people have been refusing to accept". [6:30]

[Same verdict in same words in 10:45]

Indeed they caused loss to their selves who contradicted presentation to and accountability by Allah;

until when when the determined/appointed moment reached upon them all of a sudden

they will regrettably/melancholically say, "Woe is for us that we neglected taking no thought of it".

and they will carry their burdens [of misdeeds] upon their backs [on being of Resurrected]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:25]

Indeed evil are the burdens they bear. [6:31]

[Similar pronouncement in 29:64;47:36;57:20]

And the life of this lowly world is nothing except like [short lived theatrical] play and amusement;

[Similar verdict in 7:169;12:109]

and indeed the Home of the Hereafter  is the best for the people who remain cautious and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct.

[This query is also in  2:44,76;3:65;7:169;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]

 Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect] [6:32]

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