Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              006

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy         

































































































































O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] We certainly know that indeed it grieves you what they people keep saying in public;

[why you feel grief? it should not cause you grief-10:65;36:76] since/for reason that they do not publicly contradict/accuse you of any falsity rather these evil/distorters of fact/unjust people deliberately and knowingly deny the Aa'ya'at of Allah [for self motives/pride, which you tell them word by word.يُكَذِّبُونَ is an act wherein people tell others/in public about something declaring it a lie. It is not mere refusal to accept something or its rejection. It is told that people do not allege him as a liar but those people, who are in the perpetual habit of replacing things from their actual position/distort the facts, [Arabic الظَّالِمِينَ ] deliberately and knowingly dispute the authenticity/truth of the stated Aa'ya'at of Allah, by declaring them as lie/false in public. Since the Messenger is narrating to people ONLY  the Aa'ya'at of Allah, i.e. Grand Qur'aan therefore, what those peculiar people are calling lies is not synonymous to refuting the words of the Messenger as lies, hence لاَ يُكَذِّبُونَكَ. It should be noted that Allah is confirming that even the worst of the people of his era of corporeal life never doubted the truthfulness of the Messenger and never attributed to him any saying other than the Grand Qur'aan which he recited for people. Anyone, notwithstanding how reputed a scholar he might be, who attributes to the Messenger any thing which is not written in the Qur'aan or for which there is no tangible evidence from knowledge, indeed that person lies. [6:33]

And certainly in the past before you the words of Messengers were publicly and vehementally contradicted, whereupon/for reason [discharge of duty assigned by Allah] they consistently remained steadfastly coolly perseverant upon that which people denied and contradicted, and for their teasing/irritating irrational response till such time We provided them Our Help.

[Similar pronouncement in 6:115;10:64;18:27]

[let them say whatever they conjecture] And there is none who could alter the words of Allah.

  And certainly some news about the Messengers have reached you [in the Qur'aan]. [6:34]

[reverting back to your sensitivity of grief] And if their deliberate refraining [from the Aa'ya'at of Allah-Grand Qur'aan] is heavy upon you [that you can't resist feeling grieved]

then if you were able that you could find a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the Sky, then for reason [to convince them to accept/believe in word of Qur'aan] bring to them some unprecedented demonstrative sign. [these evil mongers won't appreciate the feelings, it will look as emotionalism]

[Similar information in 6:149;10:99]

And if this were the will of Allah indeed He could have gathered them towards the Al-Huda [Grand Qur'aan by seizing/taking away their freedom of choice but this is against the settled principle]

Therefore [relax, don't be grieved for them] do not be from amongst the emotionalists. [6:35]

[You relax, let them knowingly refrain from Qur'aan] Indeed only such of the people answer/respond [reasonably/rationally] who listen [one can respond only when he has listened in such a manner that he let the words transmitted into his memory from where it can be retrieved for response];

and as for the dead [are concerned, those who do not listen, take the word of Qur'aan into their memory/brain], Allah will revive/resurrect them, thereafter the lapse of time [on their turn] they will be forced towards Him [for accountability]. [6:36]

[Similar information in 2:118; 10:20;13:07,27;20:133;21:25]

And they say [for justifying their refraining from Qur'aan] "why is it that a demonstrative unprecedented sign has not been sent to him from his Sustainer Lord?".

[Read with 26:04]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Undoubtedly Allah has the absolute command that He may send an unprecedented demonstrative sign".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:131;8:34;10:55;28:13,57;39:49;44:39;52:47]

But the fact is that most of them do not know/intend to understand. [6:37]

And from the animal kingdom there is no animal on/in the Earth nor from any bird that flies with two wings except that they are species/communities/groups/nations/generations like you people.

We have not neglected mention in the Book from something.

Afterwards [Day of Resurrection] they will be gathered towards their Sustainer Lord. [6:38]

And those who publicly contradict Our Aa'ya'aat [verses of Grand Qur'aan] they are deaf and dumb engulfed in the layers of darkness.

Whomever Allah wills He lets him lost in forgetfulness and whomever wills He puts him on the Straight Path. [6:39]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Do you see/consider it that if Allah's chastisement reaches you people or the Last Moment comes upon you

would you at that time also call upon someone other than Allah [for help/rescue]

if you people are truthful in what you say? [We should answer the question being asked through the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam that in a situation of real difficulty/danger/threat to life would we call for help someone else than Allah. Certainly not, we call exclusively Allah for help. Then why should someone act differently in moments of peace and tranquility in uttering help calls to others unnecessarily?] [6:40]

The fact of the matter is that in real difficult situation you call only and exclusively upon Him,

 whereupon He removes for what you call upon Him if He so wills;

 and in that situation you people forget what you otherwise associate with Him. [6:41] [Read in conjunction 16:53:54;17:67;30:33;39:08,49]

And indeed We sent the Messengers to different nations/generations before you,

[Similar 7:94]

then We seized them with adversity and affliction

so that they humble themselves. [6:42]

Then why they did not humble/soften themselves when We brought them the affliction;

instead their hearts became hardened [unmoved, fixed to their stance/position]

[Similar information in 16:63;27:24;29:38]

and Shaitan made for them alluring what they were doing. [6:43]

Resultantly/consequently when they forgot about which they were reminded then We opened doors upon them for each and everything

until when they felt elated with what progress was given We seized them all of a sudden then at that point in time they were plunged in despair. [6:44]

[Similar information in 7:72;8:07;15:66]

Resultantly the back/posterity of the nation who transgressed was cut/annihilated altogether without posterity.

[It is verse 37:182;Without waw 01:02;10:10;39:75;40:65]

And glorifying praise is for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the known/existing Worlds. [6:45]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Have you people thought/considered the possibility that if Allah seizes your faculty of listening and your faculty of vision and puts veil on your hearts [disabling any thought to enter in or get out from it] [Similar thought provoking questions in 28:71,72;67:30]

then who is iela'aha other than Allah that could bring it back to you?"

[Same advice in same words 6:65]

You look/appreciate how We rotate/centrifuge the Aa'ya'aat/bits of information making the point distinct and separated from all angles.

[Similar information in 6:157]

Afterwards [having seen and known the Aa'ya'at] they move away from it. [6:46]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Have you people thought/considered that if the Chastisement of Allah reaches you all of a sudden [with no advance signs/symptoms-visualization] or with visible signs/symptoms will any be annihilated except the people who are evil-mongers/distorters/unjust?" [6:47] [Read with 10:50]

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