Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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      Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.         














































































































































































And indeed We had endowed knowledge to Da'wued and Sulie'maan [alai'him'slaam],


and they both two said, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has given us distinction upon most of His believing servants". [27:15]

And Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] inherited [the wealth left over by father] Da'wued [alai'his'slaam],

and he said, "O people, we have been taught the spoken language of the birds;

and we have been given from each and every material thing.


Undoubtedly this is certainly that which is the manifest distinction and blessing" [27:16]


And [for expedition] for Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] were assembled his troops comprising from the Jinn [species] and the human beings and the birds; whereupon they were organized in flanks; [27:17]

they marched until when they arrived upon a valley of the Ants

a She-Ant imperatively said, "O you the/Male and Female Ants listen! you get in to your dwellings


lest Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] and his troops crush you while they are not even aware". [27:18] [what a smart and well informed Ant-Queen was she that she knew the Commander of the troops by name who landed in her territory]

Thereon/for reason of having heard, he/Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] smiled feeling amused by her commanding statement;

[Same prayer in same words in 46:15]

and he said, "O my Sustainer Lord! Enable me [restraint to feel proud] that I may acknowledge with gratitude Your Favor, the one which You have showered upon me and upon my parents;

[Same prayer in same words in 46:15 ]

and that I may conduct with that perfection which You appreciatively approve;


and You enter me with Your Mercy amongst Your sincere perfectionists". [27:19]


And he found a particular bird missing whereupon he said, "Why is it so to me that I do not see the Hoopoe, or is he amongst the absentees? [27:20]


 Of course [if so] I will definitely punish him with severe punishment or I will slaughter him unless he submits explanation with valid reason/evidence" [27:21]

Thereafter he waited/stayed but for a little while that he arrived and said, "I have comprehensively known a thing which you have not yet come to know about that and I have brought to you from Saba a confirmed certain news. [27:22]

Indeed I have found that a woman rules them and she has been given from each and every thing and for her is a grand throne. [27:23]

I found her and her nation that they prostrate for the Sun, instead of Allah;

[Replica 29:38; Similar information in 6:43;16:63]

And  Shaitan has made their deeds/acts alluring for them thereby he stopped them from the Path


and resultantly they are not guided. [27:24]

[Shaitan has allured them] That they might not prostrate for Allah the Exalted, the One Who brings to light/prominence that which is hidden in the Skies and the Earth.

[Similar pronouncement in 16:19;64:04]o

and He fully knows that which you people hide and that which you people reveal/say openly. [27:25]

[Same pronouncement in 9:129;23:86,116]

 Allah, His uniqueness/absoluteness is that there is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone; He is the Sustainer Lord of the Exalted Seat of the Sovereign [beyond the Skies of universe]. [27:26-Please prostrate, it makes us nearer to our Sustainer Lord]

[Reverting back from parenthetic, after listening him] He said, "We will soon verify whether you told the truth or you were from amongst the liars. [27:27]

[where after he drafted a letter] He commanded, "You go with mine letter, this one, upon reaching there throw it confronting upon them; [Perhaps landmark in human history, bird and space route being used for the first time as courier]


thereafter get away from them, then/consequently [seeing they found the letter] you watch as to how they react" [27:28] [It reflects some birds do understand human activities]

She said, "O you the Chiefs! Indeed to me an excellent letter has been sent/brought to me;

indeed it is from Suleiman and listen it reads; [Quote]

[Replica/Mirror 1:01]o

"Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.  [27:30]

That you people must not exalt yourselves defiantly against me and you come to me as Muslims,  followers of the Code and Procedure designed by Allah" [27:31]

She said, "O you the Chiefs! You advise me in taking my decision, I have not been deciding and finalizing any matter until you people have considered it with me". [27:32]

They [hawks of her cabinet] said, "We are the possessors of force and we are possessors of mighty warring ability; however the decision is with you, therefore you take your own decision that which you will command". [27:33]

She [retaining composed cool queenly posture] said, "Indeed the kings when they enter a town they cause upset it and they convert the ruling elite of its inhabitants as the subjugated ones. [Note: This is her opinion expressed to silence her hawks, though history proves it in majority cases, but is not the universal truth; we have other way round examples of Zul Qarnain, and victory of Mecca]


and this is how they act. [27:34]

And certainly I am going to send a message towards them with a gift whereupon I will wait and see that with which the Messengers are returned" [27:35]

Thereon when the message came to Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] he said, "Do you people induce me with wealth, then it will not work since that which Allah has given me is far better than that He has granted to you people,


no, the fact is that you people are rejoicing with that gifted to you people. [27:36]

You return to them, tell them that We will come to them with forces which they will not be able to confront/be face to face with them;


and certainly we will drive them out defeated from that rejoicing and they will be belittled". [27:37]


Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] said, "O you the Chieftains! Who from you could bring to me her throne before that they come to me as Submitters?" [27:38]

Said Ifreet from amongst the Jinn species, "I will bring it to you before that you rise from your seating place,


and indeed I am for it certainly powerful and trustworthy" [27:39]

Said that one who had knowledge from the Book, "I will bring it to you before that returns to you your glance".

Thereby/having bees asked to go ahead when he saw that throne placed by his side he said, "This is from the blessing of my Sustainer Lord so that He may test me whether I am grateful or I am ungrateful;

[Same pronouncement in 31:12]

and whoever expressed gratitude then indeed he expresses gratitude only for his own self/benefit;


and whoever concealed ungratefully then [he harms his own self] it makes no difference since my Sustainer Lord is Absolute Independent, the Exalted". [27:40]


He ordered, "You make her throne to look unfamiliar for her, We will see/judge whether she is guided/recognizes or she remains from those who do not get guided". [27:41]

Thereupon, in response to the message sent through her ambassadors, when she came it was said, "Is your throne like this"

She replied, "It is like as if it is that one.


and we were given the knowledge before this [trial question] and we have since become Muslims" [27:42]

And she was averted [from the Straight Path] what she had been worshipping apart from Allah,


indeed she had belonged to disbelieving nation. [27:43]

 It was [after the arrival ceremony] said for her, "You enter the Palace"

Thereupon when she saw that/driveway she thought it was a water pool and she [in confusion] raised her trousers exposing her shins.

[seeing her confusion and embarrassment by shin exposure] He explained, "Indeed this palace, it has been made smooth surfaced with glassing".

She said, "O my Sustainer Lord, indeed I had done wrong to myself,


and I have since submitted along with Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/All that exists". [27:44]

27:45-53                     Main Page/Index
