Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              028

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          














































































































































































And when [getting out of the city] he decided to face/meet/go to city Madyan he said, "It is hoped that my Sustainer Lord may guide me the sound way". [28:22]

And when he reached at the watering place of city Madyan

he found thereat a group of men who were watering mammals and he found besides them two ladies keeping back [their mammals].

He asked the ladies, "What is the matter of both of you"

They both said, "We cannot water until the shepherds take away their mammals.


and [they indicated to the stranger cause of their presence in men] our father is quiet an old man" [28:23]

Thereat he water for both two of them, thereafter he returned to the shady place,


whereupon he said, "O my Sustainer Lord, indeed I am in begging need for whatever good You sent to me" [28:24] [Read with third episode with Wise Man-that day he thought raising of wall could have been done against labour charges instead of volunteering-18:77, today he has done the same thing voluntarily]

For reason one of those two ladies came to him, she was walking with shyness [when two were together they did not feel shy in responding to a stranger, a single woman feels shy to call on a stranger man-reason for two lady witnesses-2:282]

She said, "Indeed my father is inviting you so that he may recompense you the reward for that you watered for us"

In response when reached to him and narrated in sequence to him the episode/incident, he said, "You do not fear,


you have escaped from the unjust tyrant nation" [28:25]

One of those two women said, "O my father! You hire him,


indeed the best one whom you hire is he who is strong and trustworthy" [28:26]

[A father of two unmarried daughters has many other considerations to care for in the locality] He said to Musa [alai'his'slaam], "Indeed I wish that I may marry with you one of my daughters, these two, on that you may serve me for eight lunar years.

On expiry if you completed ten years then that will be from your side,

and I do not want that I should perforce it upon you;


You will find me, Allah willing, from amongst righteously pious people" [28:27]

Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "This is done between me and between you.

Any one of the two periods should I exhaust, thereat there shall be no blame of injustice upon me.


and Allah is indeed the witness upon what we are saying [and undertaking]" [28:28]

[Read in conjunction 20:10;27:07]

Thereafter when Musa [alai'his'slaam] exhausted the determined duration of period and traveled out with his household

he saw and perceived fire by the side of At-Tur;

he said for his accompanying family, "You people [wife + at least two children with one certainly male, both less than nine or seven years of age] stay here.

Indeed I have seen and perceived fire [I am going there] perhaps I will get back to you bringing some guiding information from there;


or I will bring for you people fire balls from the Fire (it indicates that it was a cold night of winter) so that you may warm yourselves". [28:29]

[Same information in 20:11;27:08]

Thereupon the moment he arrived at perceived fire point [reclusively] he was loudly called, 

[Read with 19:52;20:12;27:08;79:16]

from the right side of the Valley, located in the blessed portion, call emanating from the Tree, 

[Read with 20:14;27:09]o

that "O Musa! Indeed Me, I am Allah; the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/All that exists. [28:30]

[Read with 20:19;27:10]

and that "you throw in front your stick"

[Same information in same words in 27:10]

For reason [in compliance he threw it in front of him, whereby at that moment it was a snake crawling-20:20] thereby, when he realized that it was moving at her own accord, as if that was a Cobra

[Same information in same words in 27:10]

he turned away in opposite direction with his back towards snake and he did not see behind. [He seems to be aware that Cobra can spray poison from distance targeting eyes]

[Allah called him] "O Musa! You turn back to the same place facing it directly and do not fear;


indeed you are amongst the protected/secured ones [being nominated Messenger-27:10]" [28:31]

You enter your hand into your neckband [towards Axilla/armpit], it will come out as pure shining white without any spot. [Similar information in 7:108;20:22;26:33;27:12;28:32]

And draw/take your hand [after entering it in neckband] into your axilla/armpit against the fear.

[Same information in 27:12]

Hence these two [out of nine] are evidences from your Sustainer Lord for demonstration upon Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and his Chieftains.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:12;43:54;51:46]o

Indeed they have been a people deviants and limits violator. [28:32]


[Same submission in 26:14]

Musa [alai'his'slaam]said, "O my Sustainer Lord! Indeed I had killed a person from them for which reason I apprehend that they may murder me.

[Same submission in 26:13]

And my brother Haroon, he is more fluent in arguing/speaking ability than me therefore You send him with me as supporter, he will second my word affirming [also read with 20:29-32]

[Same submission in 26:12] o

 since it is true that I am apprehensive that they will contradict me" [whereupon I will have to enter into oral argumentation]  [28:34]

He/Allah said, "We will reinforce your strength with [appointing as Messenger] your brother and We will establish for both two of you an authority/manifest evidence whereupon they will dare not touch both of you.


With display of Our unprecedented demonstrative physical signs, you both two, and whoever made himself follow you both shall be the triumphant". [28:35]

Thereupon [Haroon having joined and all his apprehensions removed] when Musa [alai'his'slaam] came to them with Our unprecedented demonstrative signs, distinct and manifest, they said, "It is not but illusion devised and managed,


and we have not heard about it [precedence of such happening] amongst our earlier forefathers" [28:36]

And Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "My Sustainer Lord better knows about the one who came with guidance from His Grace

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:135]

and about the one for whom is the best end place.

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:21,135;12:23;28:37]o

Indeed the matter is that the distorters/creators of conjectural falsehood never attain prosperous success at the end". [28:37]

And [Panicked by the influence upon many Chieftains by repetitive mention about the true Sustainer Lord-26:23-28, after threatening Musa alai'his'slaam 23:29] Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "O you the Chieftains! I have not known for you people any iela'aha other than me.

Therefore you kindle for me fire, O you Haa'maan, upon clay/bricks where after build for me a lofty tower so that I may [have the means to go into Skies to] make myself informed about the iela'aha of Musa;

[Same assertion in 40:37] o

though, of course, I certainly consider him from amongst the liars" [28:38]  [Read with 40:36-37]

And he persistently made himself feel great, he and his troops, in the Earth without there being any truth/cause/rhyme and reason;


and they negatively thought that they will not be returned to Us for accountability. [28:39]

[Same information in same words in 51:40]

Consequentially We seized him and his troops whereupon We threw them [from over the bridge] into the Water/Gulf Suez.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:39]o

Therefore/for reason [to take a lesson, you the Messenger tell everyone] you see how was the conclusion/end result of the criminally guilty people. [28:40]

And We declared them as leaders who invite people towards Hell-Fire


and on the Day of Judgment they will not be helped. [28:41]

And We have caused to follow them curse and condemnation in this worldly life


and on the Day of Judgment they are amongst the despised. [28:42]

