Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              020 

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          































































































[Except وَ same 79:15]

And has come to you that episode of Musa [alai'his'slaam],  [20:09]

[Read in conjunction 27:07;28:29]

when [traveling after having left city of Madyan, by the side of At-Tur] he saw fire whereby he said for his accompanying family,

"You people [wife + at least two children with one certainly male, both less than nine years of age] stay here. Indeed I have seen and perceived fire [I am going there] perhaps I will bring for you people from there fire balls (it indicates that it was a cold night of winter)


or I will get at the place of the fire some guiding information". [20:10]

[Where was he called? read 19:52;28:30]

Thereupon the moment he arrived at fire point [reclusively] he was loudly called, "O Musa [20:11]

indeed Me, I am your Sustainer Lord, therefore [being in My presence] you remove both your shoes.

[Similar information in 19:52;27:08;28:30;79:16]o

Indeed you are in the sanctified valley, Tuwa [on the right side of Mount At-Tur-19:52] [20:12]

And I have chosen you, therefore, you carefully listen for what is being communicated. [20:13]

[Read with 27:09;28:30]

[O Musa] Indeed Me, I am Allah; there is none iela'aha except Me; therefore you continue to be subservient/subject/allegiant to Me;


and you keep maintaining Ass-sa'laat for My remembrance. [20:14]

[Same information in 15:85;22:07;40:59]

Indeed the [determined terminating] moment is certainly coming.


I have decided, I keep it hidden so that each and every person may be rewarded/paid for what a person strives/makes effort. [20:15]

Therefore the one who does not believe in the Last Moment and he followed his fascinations and conjectures must not avert you about it whereby you may doom. [20:16]

And what is this in your right hand, O Musa?" [20:17]

He said, "This is my stick, I lean upon it, and with it I break down leaves upon my sheep and for me in it are other uses too". [20:18]

[Read with 27:10;28:31]

He said, "Throw it in front, O Musa" [20:19]

In compliance he threw it in front of him, whereby at that moment it was a snake crawling. [20:20]

[He became afraid and ran away without looking behind, he was asked to turn back-28:31] He said, "Take it and you do not be afraid,


We will revert it to its original condition/shape" [20:21]

[Similar in 7:108;26:33;27:12;28:32]

And draw/take your hand [after entering it in your neckband] towards your axilla/armpit, it will come out as pure shining white without any spot; the second unprecedented demonstrative sign. [20:22]

For the purpose that We may show to you from Our big unprecedented demonstrative signs [20:23]

Replica/Mirror 79:17]

you go towards Fir'aoun/Pharaoh, indeed he has over brimmed in transgression". [20:24]

He prayed, "My Sustainer Lord! Expand/keep content and tranquil for me the chest/heart of me. [20:25]

And You make my job/assignment easy going. [20:26]

And You liquefy the density of my tongue/make my speech faculty easy and fluent [20:27]

so that they may understand/comprehend my statements. [20:28]

And You appoint for me as minister from my family, [20:29]

Haroon, my brother. [20:30]

You reinforce with him my strength. [20:31]

And You associate him in my assignment/job, [20:32]

so that [being in company] We may repetitively narrate Your praises extensively [20:33]

and we may recall and mention You quite often. [20:34]

Indeed You have always been watching us". [20:35]

He replied, "Indeed your request has been acceded to O Musa". [20:36]

