Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Same information and cause told in
same words in
20:86] And when Musa [alai'his'slaam] returned to his nation in the grip/heightened feeling of anger/heavy heartedness [because of having got the information about the act of his nation in his absence] [Betrayal of promise also told in
20:86] he said to them, "how badly you people have contradicted/betrayed me in my absence; Did you intended hastening the command of [holding you liable for criminal cognizance by-20:86] your Sustainer Lord? And he placed down the Tablets [for freeing his hand] and he got hold of the neck of his brother dragging it towards himself. [Same information in
20:94] He told him, "O my mother born! Indeed the nation thought me weak and they thought of killing me [but for reason narrated in 20:94 I did not press them]; o therefore, do not let rejoice the enemies over me and do not associate me along with the distorters/evil doers". [7:150] [Appreciating the most seasoned and reasonable reaction in given situation] He said, "My Sustainer Lord! You grant forgiveness for me and for my brother, and You admit us in Your umbrella of Mercy [Same pronouncement in same words in
21:83]o and You are the Most Merciful of all those who are merciful" [7:151]
Indeed those who adopted the calf to them shall keep reaching liability to arrest/criminal cognizance from their Sustainer Lord; and humiliation in the worldly life. o And this is how We award those who conjecture falsehood distorting the fact. [7:152] And those who did wrong acts and afterwards returned after having done those acts and believed/accepted [will be forgiven mercifully] o indeed your Sustainer Lord after their resenting return and believing is certainly oft Forgiving and Merciful. [7:153] And [after enquiry and repentance of nation] when the heat of grip of heavy heartedness cooled/ calmed down/anger appeased from Musa [alai'his'slaam] he picked up the Tablets; o and in those Tablets We had transcribed guidance and [assurances of] blessing/mercy for those people who are mindful and fearful of their Sustainer Lord [7:154] And Musa [alai'his'slaam] selected from his nation seventy men for taking to Our appointed place [It is different from thunderstorm incident
2:55] then when [on reaching there] Earthquake seized them; Musa [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "My Sustainer Lord, had You so willed You could have eliminated them before this time and Me also. Would You eliminate us for what fools from amongst us innovatively did? [by giving precious metals and sculpting calf] [as You told me] It was but [let to happen] an evaluating trial of You by which You expose/prove neglectful/straying whomever You willed and with it You guide whomever You willed. You are our Protector and Savior, therefore, You forgive us and have mercy upon us; o and You are the magnanimous forgiver. [7:155]
And You prescribe/ordain for us good in this worldly life and in the hereafter, indeed We are progressing towards You" Allah said, "My punishment, I afflict with this punishment whom I will [prove and hold guilty of persistently and perpetually remaining defiant and criminal] However My mercy extends beyond each and everything.
Therefore I will keep ordaining it/mercy [in time and space] for those people who remain cautious and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct and they pay Az Zakat and those are ones who believe in Our Aa'ya'at [communicated in the Book] [7:156] who physically follow that Messenger who is the Chosen and Elevated from amongst those who were not given the Book earlier. That Chosen and Elevated [An Nabi] about whom they find mentioned in writing with them in the Tor'aat and the In'jeel. He directs them to follow the well known norms/permanent prescribed values and forbids them from conjectural innovations/deceits/deviations. And he, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] declares for them permissible/lawful the things which are sanctified/decent and nutritious and declares non permissible/unlawful/restrained for them the things which are indecent and deficiently unpropitious; and he lays off from them their obligation/burden of Covenant and the shackles [of conjectural myths-widely publicized conjectural stories] which were placed upon them. Therefore/for reason [in honour and discharge of their pledge] those who accepted/believed in him and they revered him and helped him and they practically followed without there being third party intervention i.e. in letter and spirit "the Visible Light" [the lightener of the Path to Destination, Guarantor of the Continuity of Life-Grand Qur'aan], the One which was sent from above in one go along with him [his corporeal appearance/birth/sending in the lowly world]. [With"waw" same verdict in
2:05;3:104;9:88;24:51;30:38;31:05;with "fa"
in 7:08;23:102;59:09;64:16]
o They are the people [ You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce; "Listen O you the Mankind; I [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] am the Messenger of Allah towards you people all collectively; [Same pronouncement in same words in
25:02;85:09] Messenger of the One for Him is the Dominion and Sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth; There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone. [Same pronouncement in same words in
9:116;44:08;57:02] He gives life and causes to die". For reason [Messenger has since pronounced the fact written in Tor'aat and the In'jeel] therefore you people believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Elevated and Chosen Servant of Allah from the people whom [unlike you, Jews and Nisara] book was not given earlier, who believes in Allah and His words [communicated to him in the Book/Grand Qur'aan], and you people physically follow him, there being no third party in between, so that you people get guided [on to the road to salvation/success]. [7:158]
[Similar information in
7:181] And in the nation of Musa [alai'his'slaam] are group of people who guide [themselves and others] with the Statement of Fact [Grand Qur'aan] and in accordance with it they dispense justice/fairly dispose/decide matters. [7:159]