Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              077

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            




































































[Replica/Mirror 77:15,19,24,34,37,40,45,47,49;83:10]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it. [77:28]

[it will be directed] "You people cause yourselves proceed towards that which you people kept contradicting. [77:29]

[Read with 104:09]

You people cause yourselves proceed towards covered place/shelter/chamber of prison having three dimensions/ columns/parts"  [77:30]

It affords no shade nor gives relief from the heat; [77:31]

Certainly it throws/hurls one after another in succession shortened in length sparks/flashes as if that spark/flash was like herd of camels of bright yellow hue or like yellow strands/filaments of a rope. [77:32-33] [For students of physics-Visual description of heat waves]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it. [77:34]

This is the Day they will not argue contradicting. [77:35]

And nor it will be permitted for them whereby they engage themselves in apologetic excuses. [77:36]

[Replica/Mirror 77:15,19,24,34,40,45,47,49;83:10]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it. [77:37]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 37:21]

 "This is the Day of Separation/Compartmentalization;

We have gathered you people and the earlier/former ones. [77:38]

Therefore if there had been a strategic plan for you people, for reason [to escape] you execute the plan against Me". [77:39]

[Replica/Mirror 77:15,19,24,28,34,37,45,47,49;83:10]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it.

Indeed those people who endeavor, remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct,

are in shades and fountains; [77:41]

And  fruits which they consciously desire. [77:42]

[Replica/Mirror 52:19; similar information in 69:24]

[they are told] "You people eat and drink with satisfaction for that which you people used to do". [77:43]

[Replica/Mirror 37:80,121,131]

Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [77:44]

[Replica/Mirror 77:15,19,24,28,34,37,47,49;83:10]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it. [77:45]

"You people eat and keep yourselves enjoying for a little while, indeed you people are criminals". [77:46]

[Replica/Mirror 77:15,19,24,28,34,37,45,49;83:10]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it. [77:47]

And when it was said for [to] them, "You people bow [along with us in performance of Salat]", they do not bow. [77:48]

[Replica/Mirror 77:15,19,24,28,34,37,45,47;83:10]

Woe and regret will be on that Day for those who publicly contradict it. [77:49]

[Same questioning in same words in 7:185]

Then/for reason [of  everything made distinctly evident in the Book] after that [ Grand Qur'aan] in which Hadith [statement] they believe/would believe? [77:50]

78:01-40                                   Index/Main Page
