Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              005

         Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.   


























































Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active. Root: ص ن ع








































































And indeed Allah had taken the covenant/pledge from Bani Iesraa'eel and We had appointed from amongst them twelve leaders [one each for 12 tribes-7:160],

[The Articles of Covenant were that] And Allah said to them; "I am surely with you so long [subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned] if you people remained steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat and you gave the az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality];

and that you people accepted and believed in My Messengers [when sent to you] and you respectfully assisted them; [This Article was amended and modified through Easa alai'his'slaam to read only one Messenger after his death-61:06. Respects and salutation is upon Easa alai'his'slaam who was the first Pronouncer/مؤذن of end of arrival of the Elevated and Chosen Persons [Nabi in Arabic] and Messengers on the physical and corporeal appearance of one whose name he knew at that point in time as "Ahmad-The Praiser" and who on birth/sent for physically joining the humanity is named and introduced as Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-the one who is praised all the time without interruption; and along with him was sent the "An-Noor-Visible Light-Giver and guarantor of continuity of life The Grand Qur'aan" in the Sky of the Earth-7:157]

[This advice is for all 2:245;5:12;57:11,18;64:17;73:20]

and you people lent Allah a stable loan [helped people financially exclusively for Allah's sake]

I will indeed absolve you/overlook/delete from your record your [minor omissions and commissions] and Indeed I will enter you people in to Gardens/Paradise beneath/side by which flow streams.

For reason of this solemn pledge/agreement having been put into effect whoever afterwards refused to accept it from amongst you

[Exactly same verdict in same words at end 2:108;60:01]

 for that reason/act [of substitution/conversion] he is certainly the one who lost the middle path. [leading to Me; hence the Agreement also stands revoked from My side too] [5:12]

[Same charge in same words in 4:155]

Therefore/for the reason of their deliberate breach of their solemn pledge

[This information about them is also in 2:88;4:46,52;5:64,78;47:23]

We discarded them as condemned and cursed

[Similar information about them 2:74;5:13;57:16]

And We let their hearts hardened/dense/stuck to one place/non yielding/immovable [from the made popular conjectural myths/stories/notions/hopes]

[Exactly same information in same words in 4:46; similar 2:75;5:41]

they distort [knowingly and deliberately] the statement out of its context in a different angle/dimension/perspective [as they did about the command of sacrificing any heifer-2:68-71];

[Same information about Christians 5:14]

and they have forgotten a part about which they were reminded [by Easa alai'his'slaam]

and you will never cease to to receive information about some treachery on their part except for a few of them [who are not stiffened hearted/knowledgeable who become believers].

[Similar advice in 43:89]

Therefore divert yourself from them ignoring what they do [no need of being worrywart for them] and leave them [graciously after telling the fact].

[Same information in 2:195]

 Indeed Allah appreciates/loves/acknowledges those people who are moderate, graceful and generous. [5:13]

And from amongst those who now identify themselves by saying "We are the Christians" We had taken their covenant/pledge

then for reason [wish of retaining separate identity] they have forgotten a part about which they were reminded [by Easa alai'his'slaam].

[Similar information in 5:64]

Therefore/for reason [both groups Jews and self identified Nisaara condemning each other of having no concrete foundation of their system] We have allowed to exist wrangling and  grudge/hatred/resentment between them until the Day of Resurrection.

And soon Allah will tell them what they kept artfully fabricating [false conjectural myths to mislead people]. [5:14]

[Same information in same words 5:19]

O you the people of the Book, indeed Our Messenger [you were waiting for because written in Tor'aat and orally and in writing told by Easa alai'his'slaam and written in In'jeel] has come to you [with Grand Qur'aan]

He makes for you people manifestly evident and distinct much of what you people conceal from the Book [by withholding it from telling to general public] and he ignores quite many of your concealments [from individually elaborating to every one].

Indeed from Allah has come to you people "An-Noor-Visible Light-Giver and guarantor of continuity of life" i.e. the Book that makes everything distinct/vivid/apparent/manifest/visible/perceivable to vision and mind. [5:15]

Allah guides, through/with the Messenger and the Book sent with him, on the passage of eternal peace anyone who followed for seeking the approval and appreciation of Him.

[Similar information in 2:257;14:01;33:43;57:09;65:11]

and He moves them out of the depths of darkness into the visible light [with the Book/Grand Qur'aan since sent] with His permission/approval.

And he guides them towards the Straight Path of Destination/Success. [5:16]

[Same verdict in same words 5:72]

Indeed those people refused to believe/denounced allegiance [in/to Allah] who said this, "Indeed Allah is he Al-Maseiha, son of Maryam"

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask this proposition, "[consider how much your statement is void of substance] Then who has any authority from Allah [to save] if Allah decided that He annihilates Al-Maseiha, son of Maryam and his mother

and whoever is in Earth, all collectively?"

[Same pronouncement in same words 5:18]

And for Allah is the dominion of the Skies and the Earth and what is in between those two.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:47;28:68;30:54;39:04;42:49]

He creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed;

[Mirror, same words in 2:284; 3:29, 189;5:19,40;8:41; 9:39;59:06]

And Allah has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter] [5:17].

And the Jews and Christians both of  them say claiming, "We are the sons of Allah and we are His most beloved ones".

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] confront them with the fact [to take them out of  fascination they have been put in]; "If it is so why then does He chastises you people for your vain blemish utterances?

In view of this fact alone your assertion is false, the fact of the matter is that you people are beings from what He has created.

[Same information in same words  in 3:129; 48:14; similar 2:284]

He forgives whomever He wills and He punishes whom He wills.

[Same pronouncement in same words 5:17]

And for Allah is the dominion of the Skies and the Earth and what is in between those two.

[Same pronouncement in same words 5:18; 42:15;64:03 except waw  40:03]

 And towards Him is the destination/finality". [5:18]

[Same information in same words 5:15; for humanity 4:79,170;34:28]

O you the people of the Book, indeed our Messenger [you were waiting for] has come to you [with Grand Qur'aan].

He makes for you people manifestly evident and surfaced upon what was made fainted from the message of Messengers/after the interval in arrival from Messengers

lest you could take the plea to advance "To us did not come from amongst the Pronouncer of Glad tidings nor Admonisher/Warner/Awakener".

Hence/for this reason indeed the Pronouncer of Glad Tidings and Admonisher/Warner/Awakener has come to you people [No excuse, defense plea is now left for the people of Book and all humanity. The Messenger has pronounced that he is the Admonisher/Warner/Awakener for each and every one in time and space till the Last Day whomever the Grand Qur'aan reached-6:19. After this announcement any one who proclaims, under whatever garb and title, that he is sent by Allah is undoubtedly an imposter, cheat and deceiver and upon such person is the condemnation and curse of Allah, the Angels and people at large.]

[Mirror, same words in 2:284; 3:29,189;5:17,19,40; 8:41;9:39;59:06]

And Allah has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter] [5:19]

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