Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Read with 2:167;6:31;19:39;39:56] Tire and Regret is due upon certain persons;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:10;21:41;43:07]o whenever the Messenger came to them they consciously adopted with him a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with. [36:30]
Have they not yet seen that We annihilated many civilizations/towns before them;
certainly they will not return to them;
[36:31][Read with
36:53] and that each and every one of them all collectively will be brought up before Us. [36:32]
And for them a demonstrative physical sign to take heed is the dead/dry land, We rejuvenated/ revived it
o and We sprouted from it food grain whereupon they eat partly from it. [36:33]
[Same information in
16:11,67;23:19] and We made therein gardens of data-palm and grapevine.
o And We caused to gush forth therein streams of water/springs; [36:34]
so that they people may eat from its fruits and their hands have not worked on it/fruit,
[Same question in same words in
36:73]o should in response they not express gratitude? [36:35]
And for them a demonstrative physical sign to take heed is the Night. We draw/strip from it the day, but despite that day light they are in darkness [they don't see/focus/reflect]. [36:37]
And the Sun swims for a place of stationing/destination of stability/stay for her. [Same pronouncement in same words
in 6:96;41:12]o These are the equations/settings of relations/relativity by the One Who has absolute Dominance/ Control/Command and Absolute Knowledge. [36:38] [Read with
10:05;84:18] And the Moon; We have measured/proportioned it to stages/spaces traversed in journeying until it returns to the position/space resembling in appearance like the old dry palm branch. [36:39]
It is not possible/befitting [because of set equations/relationships/devised system] for the Sun that she may desire/overstep that it may chase [the path of] the Moon,
and nor the Night is the over stepper to take lead/be ahead of the Day.
[Read with 51:07]o And all swim in a curved/girl's breast shaped course/orbits. [36:40]
And for them a demonstrative physical sign to take heed is that We embarked their posterity in the laden ship. [36:41]
And We have created for them a like of it what they ride. [36:42]
And if We so desire We could cause them drowned whereupon there will be no responder for them to their cries and nor would they be saved; [36:43]
except by mercy from Us and for availing enjoyment until a determined duration. [36:44]
[Read with
34:09] And when it is said for [to] them, "You be cautiously fearful of that which is in front of you/past and that which is on your behind/future [from the Sky and the Earth] [Same pronouncement in same words
in 3:132;6:155;7:63;7:204;24:56;27:46;49:10]o so that you people are dealt/subjected with mercy". [36:45]
6:04]o And whatever [new information] verse/knowledge/information reaches them from the verses of their Sustainer Lord, their response is but to avoid after having seen/read it. [36:46] [In conjunction read 26:05]
And when it is said for [to] them, 'You people generously spend from that sustenance which Allah has given to you"
those who have knowingly refused to accept/believe said for [to] those who have accepted/believed, "Should we feed that one whom if Allah willed He would have fed him.
[Read with 67:09]o You people are not but in manifest forgetfulness" [36:47]