Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              076

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.             [ Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 76] and hence it is never numbered.  For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.



 :Perception and meanings; Ear has its own memory.

























































































































Has there not been a period in the Time-Line, when the Man was not even some thing worthy of remembering/mention? [76:01]

It is a fact that We have created the man, living humanity, from a single sperm having characteristic/consisting/composition of gathering/concentration/mixture. Purposely, We keep subjecting the Man to exposure trials. Thereby, We made him capable of listening and vision. [76:02]

The fact remains, Our Majesty have guided him regards the High Road; it is for him whether he remains in state of gratefully acknowledger; or he opts to be desperately ungrateful abstainer/disobedient. [76:03]

[Read with 14:49;25:13;40:71;69:30]

Indeed We have prepared for the persistent deniers/Non-Believers chains and iron collars/neck bands and heated Hell-Prison. [76:04]

[Read with 37:45;52:23;56:18;76:17]

Certainly, pious people will drink that from the chalice which has amalgamation/essence of grape blossoms before they open up, [76:05]

a fountain of drink, the sincere allegiants of Allah drink from it, causing it outflow abundantly. [76:06]

They [the sincere allegiants of Allah] fulfill/lay off their commitments/vows,

and they feel fear of the Day whose disquieting effect is far spread. [76:07]


And they feed, in the attraction of His/Allah appreciation and approval, the indigent and the orphan and the captive/imprisoned, [76:08]

[Read with 92:19]

[clarifying] "We feed you people for seeking the attention and approval of Allah alone, no reward/gain do we desire from you, and nor thanks. [76:09]

Indeed we fear from our Sustainer Lord, about the Day of disgusting and distressing events. [76:10]

In consequence Allah protected them from the disquiet of this Day,

and caused them meet/feel radiance and joy.[76:11]

[Read with 23:111;25:75]

And He rewarded them, for they remained steadfast exercising coolly perseverance, Paradise and silk. [76:12]

[Same information in same words in 18:31; Similar information in 52:20;55:54.76;56:16]

They will make themselves recline therein on adorned cushions/sofas.

They will not see therein Sunshine heat and nor chilling cold. [76:13]

[Read with 69:23]

And shades of Garden nearing upon them and its clusters of fruits dangling low [in hand reach for plucking]. [76:14]

And they are served rounds of [drinks] with flagons of silver and cups which were of crystal; [76:15]

Crystal appropriately plated with proportioned measure from silver, [76:16]

[Read with 76:05]

and they will be served therein chalice with drink which has amalgamation/essence of ginger, [76:17]

a fountain of drink therein, it has been named "Salsabeel" [76:18]

[Same pronouncement in  56:17;read with 52:24]

And for them immortal grandsons/young children will present/serve [drinks etc].

 and when would have seen them you will consider equating them as pearls scattered. [76:19]

And when you will see around you will see bliss all over and a Realm Magnificent. [76:20]

[Similar information in 18:31;44:53]

And they will wear garments green/natural yarn of fine silk and heavy brocade.

[Same information in 18:31;22:23;35:33]

They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold.

And their Sustainer Lord will provide them to drink the vine/hard drink void of any admixture-negative effect. [76:21]

[Read with 17:19]

Indeed this has been arranged for you people as reward and your efforts have been recognized appreciatively. [76:22]

Certainly We have sent/communicated to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Grand Qur'aan, gradually and successively. [76:23]

[Same advice in same words in 68:48]

Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant and wait for the time your Sustainer Lord decrees,

and do not accept/listen to one amongst them who is sinner or is ungrateful denier. [76:24]

[Same advice in same words in 73:08]

And keep mentioning the Name of Your Sustainer Lord [to people]

in mornings and evenings; [76:25]

and in the part of  the night you prostrate for Him,

and repetitively narrate His praises during the long nights [of winter]. [76:26]

[Read with 75:20;87:16]

Indeed these are the people who cause themselves to love the immediate gain and pleasure/world,

and leave on their backs consideration about the heavily compacted Day. [76:27]

We have created them. And We have made their [skeleton] joints strong.

And when We so desire, at that point in time We can [expose the knowledge to] replace the like of them in the manner of substitution. [76:28]

Certainly this is admonition;

therefore anyone who desired he inclined himself to adopt the path towards his Sustainer Lord. [76:29 and Replica/Mirror 73:19]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 81:29]

And you people can not desire [to adopt the Path mentioned in Qur'aan] except that Allah so desires/wills. [A simple fact is mentioned, Allah saves the data and retrieves the data to/from its storage place-memory]

[Same information in same words in 4:11;4:24;33:01]

Indeed Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [76:30]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 42:08]

 He enters whom He wills in the Umbrella of His Mercy.

[Same information in 33:08]

And those who are unjust/evil mongers/mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/ myths/concocted stories for them He has prepared a great torment. [76:31]

77:01-27                                          Index/Main Page
