Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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         Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.   




























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[This advice is also in  2:278; 3:102;9:119;33:70;57:28;59:18]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers; You should always have reverence and fear of Allah

and you people should seek utmost desirously towards Him the source/cause of nearness [His Aa'ya'at and strict adherence by remaining within their framework]

[Similar command in 9:41;22:78]

and you people vigorously make efforts in His Way [with worldly resources and personal selves]

[Same probability in same words 2:189;3:130, 200;5:90,100;7:69;8:45;22:77;24:31;62:10]

so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [5:35]

 Indeed those people who deliberately and persistently refused to accept [and died in the state of being rejecters]

[Similar pronouncement in 3:91;6:70;10:54;13:18;39:47;57:15;70:11-14]

had it been for them to have whatever wealth is in the Earth collectively and additionally like of it with them

 so that they could offer as compensation/fine/recompense for remission of punishment on the Day of Judgment, it would not have been accepted from them.

[This warning with same words also in 2:175; 3:77,177, 188;9:79;16:63,104,117;59:15;64:05]

and for them is [in wait] severe/grave punishment. [5:36]

[Similar verdict in 2:167]

They will desire that they may be exited from the Hell-Prison but [contrary to what their religious leaders/scholars keep telling them] they will never be the ones exiting from the Fire/Hell/Prison.

[Exactly same verdict in same words in 9:68]

and for them is punishment that ever continues/stays/enduring. [5:37]

And the identified/convicted he-thief and she-thief, for reason of they being established guilty you people/society/Government disassociate the hands/links of both of them by handcuffing/restraining. This is a requital from their Sustainer Lord for what they two earned.

[Same words at the end of 2:228, 2:240;2:240;5:38;8:67;9:40]

 And Allah is Dominant, The Wise [knower of invisible]. [5:38]

Therefore the one who returned repenting after his wrong-doing/excessiveness and he perfected himself/his conduct

then indeed Allah will turn to him mercifully forgiving.

[Same information in same words 2:173,182,199;8:69;9:05,99,102;24:62;49:14;60:12,73:20]

 Indeed Allah is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Merciful. [5:39]

[Same 2:107;5:40;22:70]

[Ignore what people keep saying, most of them are unaware] Do you not know [the interrogative here is meant as an affirmative, you knew it]

[Exactly same words in the beginning 2:107]

 that the dominion/sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth is solely for Allah?

[Similar information conversely  in 2:284;3:129;5:18;48:14]

He punishes whom He wills and He forgives for whom He so wills.

[Mirror, same words in 2:284;3:29,189; 5:17,19,40; 8:41; 9:39;59:06]

And Allah has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter] [5:40]

[Similar consolatory advice in 3:176;31:23]

O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] let not those be a cause of grief for you who advance in stubbornness in disbelief,

from amongst those [Muna'fi'qeen] who on meeting believers say "We have accepted/believed" they merely state orally while their hearts have not accepted/believed,

and from amongst the Jews. They [Muna'fi'qeen] listen false and fabricated stories, they listen from [when in privacy with] other group who has not come to you, the Messenger.

[Similar information about them in 2:75;4:46;5:13]

they distort the statement out of its context in a different angle/dimension/perspective [as they did about the command of sacrificing any ordinary heifer-2:68-71].

They say to them, "If  you are given this [such and such] then you may take than and if you are not given that then beware".

And whom ever Allah desires to remain in his own perturbation

they are the people about whom Allah has no desire that He may purify their hearts from impurities.

[Same pronouncement in same words 2:114; similar 5:33]

For them is a humiliation/disgrace in the worldly life;

[Same pronouncement in same words 2:114;5:33]

and for them in the hereafter is [in wait] a great torment. [5:41]

They are listeners to falsehood and fabrications and they are consumers of illicit and unlawful gains.

For the reason if they come to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] then you decide amongst them or you may like to ignore and avoid them.

And if you avoid them then/for reason [Allah's umbrella of mercy upon you] they cannot do to you any worth mentioning harm of any sort.

And if you have decided to judge then decide amongst them on the principle of equity and justice.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 49:09;60:08]

Indeed Allah approves and appreciates [for nearness] those who conduct justly and equitably. [5:42]

[By the way] And how they [Jews and Muna'fi'qeen] accept/appoint you, the Messenger, as Judge when with them is the Tor'aat wherein is written the Command of Allah [to accept and believe in you as Messenger-7:159] afterwards despite this Command they turn away,

[Similar pronouncement in 2:08]

and they [Muna'fi'qeen] are certainly not the believers. [Read 5:43]

Indeed We had sent Tor'aat containing guidance and visible light to show the straight path;

The Elevated and Chosen Servants of Allah commanded with it those who submitted/accepted;

commanded for those who joined Jews, and the rabbis and the intelligentsia/scholars with what was saved from the Book of Allah and they, the Chosen and Elevated Servants of Allah, were witness over that of the Book.

[Similar advice in 2:150]

Therefore you people do not fear/be apprehensive of  people and be afraid of Me exclusively.

[Same advice in same words 2:41]

and do not indulge in business with My Aaya'at [revealed verses; with conjectural stories suited to the desires of people] for a trifling price/gain.

[Same verdict in same words in 5:45,47]

And whoever does not decide/command what Allah has sent [Aa'ya'at/Book/now Grand Qur'aan]

thereat/resultantly they are the people who are in fact the non-believers/the rejecters. [5:44]

And We prescribed/made it obligatory upon them there in the Tor'aat that a person for a person and an eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose and an ear for an ear and a tooth for a tooth and for wounds is the retaliatory punishment to be pursued. For reason [for Allah's sake] whoever forgoes it [the excess/wrong done to him] then that is for him an expiation [for his other wrong doings].

[Same verdict in same words in 5:44,47]

And whoever does not decide/command what Allah has sent [Aa'ya'at/Book/Grand Qur'aan]

[Same verdict in same words in 2:229;3:94;5:45;9:23;49:11;60:09]

for this reason they are the people who are evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorders. [5:45]

And We succeeded them on their pattern [the Messengers sent one after the other in succession after Musa alai'his'slaam-2:87] with Easa [alai'his'slaam] son of Maryam [The Truthful]

He was the affirmer/certifier/sanctifier for what was before him from the Tor'aat;

and We gave him the In'jeel within which was guidance and visible light to show the straight path;

and it was affirmer/certifier/sanctifier for what was before him from the Tor'aat;

[Same pronouncement in same words but nominative in 3:138]

 and was a Guide and advice/disclosure of factual outcome of acts/good and bad eventuality for those who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding un-restrained conduct. [5:46]

and he directed the group of people of In'jeel [one group of Bani Iesraa'eel who accepted/believed] with what Allah communicated there in In'jeel.

[Same verdict in same words in 5:44,45]

And whoever does not decide/command what Allah has sent [Aa'ya'at/Book/now Grand Qur'aan]

[Same pronouncement in same words 3:82;24:55; similar 9:67;24:04;59:19]

 then for that reason, they are the people who are transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [5:47]

[Similar pronouncement in 3:03;4:105,170;5:48;6:05;16:102;37:37;39:02,41;42:17;43:78;50:05]

And We have gradually sent/communicated to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] The Book [Grand Qur'aan] as/containing Statement of Fact,

[About Grand Qur'aan same information in same words in 2:97;3:03;35:31;46:30]

This Grand Qur'aan is the affirmer/certifier/sanctifier of what was sent before him/this [in the past time and space]

from the Book. And he/it, the Grand Qur'aan acts as a protective umbrella upon that/sent before it.

[Same advice in 5:49]

Therefore you the Messenger decide/adjudge between them with what Allah has sent in the Book

[Same advice in 5:49]

and do not follow physically/in action their conjectures/desires/fascinations instead of what has reached to you from the proven statement of fact/absolute truth;

We have made this [following the Book of Allah as was told to the first couple before dispatching them to Earth] for each and every one from amongst you as single source and path.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:93]

[to differ is the right and prerogative granted to man] and if Allah had so willed indeed He would have made you all one harmonious unit [by exercising infinite power and dominance and taking away the freedom of will/choice]

but the purpose [for not making you one harmonious unit by force] is indeed that He may subject you to test for exposure of your true worth in what He has given to you [the Book and other things]

[Exactly same advice in same words in 2:148]

therefore [leave them engaged in their diversions] you people hasten towards doing the best things.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:105]

Towards Allah you people will be turned altogether [on the Day of Judgment]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:164; similar 3:55;16:92;22:69]

then He will tell/disclose you people in the matter in which you people keep differing. [5:48]

[Same advice in 5:48]

And you the Messenger decide/adjudge between them with what Allah has sent in the Book

and do not follow physically/in action their conjectures/desires/fascinations;

and be careful of them that they should try you in some of what Allah has sent upon you;

for reason [that you tell them nothing but injunctions/information contained in the revealed Book and they wish to have something other than contained in Qur'aan suited to their wished] if they people turn back then [don't' feel sorry for them but] understand that indeed Allah wishes that to some of them reaches the share and result of their sins.

[Only Fasiq turns away from the Book] And indeed most from amongst people are certainly mischief-mongers/are doers of unrestrained conduct/they do not bind themselves within the frame of the Book of Allah. [5:49]

[Read 6:114]

[they turn away from the words of the Book/Qur'aan] Are they desirous of finding/searching/ acquiring the decisions/judgments of the days of emotionalism?

And who could give more balanced/equated/sound judgment other than Allah for people to have conviction?  [5:50]

5:51-63         Index/Main Page                   Urdu Books
