Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
People of Aad publicly contradicted [the Messenger and the Message]. Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:18] It is a fact that We sent upon them a chilly furious wind in a foggy day of continuing winter season; [54:19] it was plucking people as if they were the stems of uprooted hollow palm-trees. [54:20] Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:21] And it is a certain fact that We have since simplified/made easy the Grand Qur'aan for convenience of saving in memory, comprehension, understanding and recalling to narrate and taking lesson; therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely saves it in memory, comprehends, understands and recalls to mention/take lesson and admonition? [54:22] People of Samued publicly contradicted the Warnings, [54:23] whereupon they said to people, "Should we all consciously make ourselves to follow a solitary man from amongst us, indeed if we do it certainly in that case we will be in neglectfulness and insane infatuation. [54:24] [Read with
38:08] What is this! has the Reminder sent to/placed before him from amongst us all? Nay, actually he is a egotist/conceited liar" [54:25]
[the Messenger was informed] "They will know tomorrow who is really the egotist liar. [54:26]
Indeed We are sending the She-Camel as a liquefaction trial for them.
Therefore you keep consciously watching them and consciously retain your coolly perseverance. [54:27]
And inform them that the water is to be shared between them,
each and every drink point will be mutually made attended". [54:28]
[Read with
91:12] Consequently they called their Leader whereat he drew the sword thereby he hamstrung her. [54:29] Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:30]
Indeed We sent upon them a single piercing thunderous blast
whereupon they became like dry twig fragments consciously and purposely colleted by one who pens cattle and/or fences the crop field. [54:31] And it is a certain fact that We have since simplified/made easy the Grand Qur'aan for convenience of saving in memory, comprehension, understanding and recalling to narrate and taking lesson; therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely saves it in memory, comprehends, understands and recalls to mention/take lesson and admonition? [54:32]
The nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] publicly contradicted the Warnings. [54:33] Indeed We sent upon them a violent storm,
[Read with
11:81;15:65;15:66;54:38] except the followers of Luet [alai'his'slaam] whom We saved/rescued them [towards a destination through directed passage] at illusory dawn [a part cut/distinct from night]. [54:34]
A prize from Our Grace,
this is how We reward those who expressed gratitude. [54:35]
And it is a fact that he/Luet [alai'his'slaam] had earlier warned them about Our seizure whereupon they wrangled about the warning. [54:36]
And indeed they had frequented him about his guests whereat We blinded their eyes,
"in consequence thereof you people taste My punishment and My votive treats" [54:37]
And indeed the self retaining infliction arrived to them early in the morning [as was told to Luet alai'his'slaam] [54:38]
"in consequence thereof you people taste My punishment and My votive treats" [54:39]
And it is a certain fact that We have since simplified/made easy the Grand Qur'aan for convenience of saving in memory, comprehension, understanding and recalling to narrate and taking lesson; [Replica/Mirror 54:17;22;32,40] therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely saves it in memory, comprehends, understands and recalls to mention/take lesson and admonition? [54:40] And it is a fact that to the people/followers of Pharaoh had come the Warnings. [54:41]
They publicly contradicted Our tangible unprecedented signs, all [nine] of them, thereby We seized them, the seizing by the All Pervasive, the Dominant, the Sovereign. [54:42]
[you the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam pronounce] "Are you O you the deniers better than than those of them [mentioned hereinbefore]
or is there for you people an immunity in the Written Documents?" [54:43]
Or do they say, "We are a consolidated alliance self sufficient for mutual help" [54:44]
Soon this alliance will be broken/busted and they will flee turning their backs. [54:45]
Nay, [their assertions are false] the Designated Moment is their promised and appointed time,
[Read with
21:40] and the Appointed Moment will suddenly stun agape and will be the most bitter/distressing period of time. [54:46]
Indeed the criminals are in neglectful wandering and insane infatuation [for love of vested interests and worldly enjoyment]. [54:47]
The day their bodies will be dragged in the Hell;
"Taste you the feel of heat/temperature" [54:48]
It is a fact that We have created each and all tangible that exists. We have created that in a state of determined measure/quantity/volume. [54:49]
And Our Command [for the happening of the appointed Moment] is but just one like the time taken for mere twinkling of vision. [54:50]
And indeed We caused the annihilation of like of you people
therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely takes admonition? [50:51]
And each and every thing they innovatively did is recorded in the Documents. [54:52]
Mind it, each and every thing of small and large manifestation and ramification is penned down. [54:53] Indeed those people who endeavor, remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct,
are in the gardens while lakes/streams flowing side by, [54:54]
in the abode of dignity given by the Absolute Sovereign King. [54:55]