Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              089

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 89] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.


























































































And swearing is by Al-Fajr, the time between true dawn and emergence of Sun on horizon, [89:01]

and by ten nights; [89:02]

and by the Even Paired and the Odd; [57 Surat of Qur'aan have even number of Aa'ya'at and other 57 have odd number of Aa'ya'at] [89:03]

and by the Night when it recedes [completely with emergence of Sun's tip on horizon]; [89:04]

Is there in it an oath for a man of cautious-delineating intellect-who retains and preserves data? [89:05]

Have you seen/given a thought as to how your Sustainer Lord innovatively did with civilization Aad? [89:06]

The City of Iram, its peculiarity are the lofty Pillars, [89:07]

the like of which had not been created in the cities. [89:08]

And with the civilization Sa'mued, they hollowed and hewed the rocks in the Valley; [89:09]

and with Fir'aoun, who were the holder of deeply entrenched vested interests; [89:10]

who over brimmed in transgression in the cities; [89:11]

whereupon they caused the distortions, inequality and imbalances widespread therein. [89:12]

[Read with 29:40]

Consequentially your Sustainer Lord poured upon them varying tormenter of infliction. [89:13]

Truly your Sustainer Lord is certainly Ever Watchful. [89:14]

For reason as for the Man is concerned when his Sustainer Lord subjected him to an exposure trial

whereat He gave him honoured distinction in society and He gave him affluence thereat he says to people [proudly], "My Sustainer Lord has honoured me with distinction". [89:15]

And as that state is concerned when He subjected him to an exposure trial

whereat He restricted his sustenance to a measure thereat he complains, "My Sustainer Lord has humiliated me". [89:16]

No, He neither honoured nor humiliated, but the fact of the matter is that you people do not respect and honour the Orphan [in affluence] [89:17]

and nor you persuade yourselves and others to feed the destitute/indigent. [89:18]

[Prohibition in 4:02;06]

And you people eat away the inheritance, in the manner of devouring/absorbing others share. [89:19]

And you people incline yourselves for the love of wealth, intensive love. [89:20]

[Read with 20:107;56:05;89:21;69:14]

Nay, [wealth will be of no avail] when the Earth will be crushed and even surfaced, by pounding. [89:21]

And came [the time of accountability by] the Sustainer Lord of you, and the Angels successively. [89:22]

And the Day when at point in time is brought every person to the [boundary of] Hell-Prison;

that Day at that point in time the Man will consciously recall the admonishment,

but of what advantage would it be for him the recalling of the Admonishment? [89:23]

[Evaluate it today 59:18]

He will say, "Regret is for me, alas, I had sent something forward for my life" [89:24]

For reason [having lost everything-69:29] none of them will be able to inflict his tyranny; [89:25]

and nor none of them will be able bind his binders [authority/control over people]. [89:26]

[It will be pronounced] "O you the person who retains self satisfied posture in all circumstances! [89:27]

you return towards your Sustainer Lord happily being appreciated and approved one;[89:28]

thereat join with My sincere allegiants; [89:29]

and you enter into My Paradise". [89:30]


90:01-20                           Index/Main Page
