Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
In response [to the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan] if they knowingly and deliberately refrained from those, thereat You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce,
"I have admonished you people unambiguously and conspicuously like thunderbolt, the like of flash and thunder encountered by Aad and Samued civilizations; [41:13] when the Messengers had come to them [Aad and Sumued civilizations] in their earlier generations/ aforetimes and their later generations; [and asked them] that "you people should not be subject/subservient/allegiant to anyone whatsoever except Allah" They/the ruling elite replied, "had our Sustainer Lord willed certainly He would have sent Angels, [14:09;34:34;43:24] therefore/for that reason, indeed we are the deniers for that with which you have been sent" [41:14] And as for Aad are concerned they responded making themselves in the Land obsessed/puffed with pride of grandeur and superiority without justifiable cause and reason; and they boasted, "who/no one is more strong than us in power and might". Why could they not see/consider/give a thought [before uttering that] that Allah, Who had created them, was far more powerful than them in strength. And they deliberately and knowingly kept denying Our Aa'ya'at. [41:15] Consequently/on expiry of respite period granted We sent upon them in the foggy days of winter a chilly furious wind [that blew for seven nights and eight days] so that We may cause them taste in the worldly life the punishment causing feel of belittlement and remorse; and certainly the punishment in the Hereafter is much more of belittlement and remorse.
and they all will not be helped [by anyone who could help]. [41:16] And as for Sanued are concerned, for reason We had guided them [by sending Messengers] whereupon they deliberately inclined themselves prefer mindless blindness over the Guidance, resultantly seized them the thunder of infliction of painful belittlement
[Same reason in same words
6:129;7:96;9:82,95;10:08;36:65;45:14] for the reason of that which they people deliberately and consciously did and performed. [41:17] [Same information in
27:53] And We saved/rescued [in keeping with Our promise and self assumed obligation] those who believed and they persistently kept themselves remain cautious, heedful and avoided un-restrained conduct in reverence and fear. [41:18]