Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة [Chapter 9] like others and hence it is never numbered.  Traditionally it is not even printed on Chapter 9.










































































9:110 DetailedAnalysis





And amongst the Foreign Settlers in Arabia in the vicinity/around you people, and some of the inhabitants of Madina, are people duplicitous/deceptive false claimants of belief, and such ones also amongst the residents of Madina.

They persist in the duplicity, you people do not know them, We know all of them.

We will punish them twice, afterwards [on the Day of Resurrection] they will be dragged towards a grand punishment. [9:101]

And there are others who have confessed their guilt. They admixed a good deed with another bad one.

May be that Allah turns to them forgiving.

[Same information in same words in 2:173,2:182,199;5:03;8:69;9:05,99;24:62;49:14;60:12;73:20]o

Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking past faults, the Merciful. [9:102]

You the Messenger  [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] accept from their wealth gifts of generosity [for public utilization], this act will wash away their filth and will improve/uplift them and you bless them approval and appreciation.

Indeed your approval and appreciation is a source of tranquility for them.

[This information is also in 2:224,256; 3:34,121;9:98;24:21,60]o

 And Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [Knower of visible and invisible]. [9:103]

Do they not know that Allah is He Who accepts the repentance and regrets from His created ones and He takes gifts of generosity?

[Same pronouncement in 9:118]o

And indeed Allah is He Who is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Merciful. [9:104]

And You the Messenger  [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people keep doing your acts then Allah will see your deeds and His Messenger and the believers

[Same information in 6:73;9:94,105;13:09;23:92;32:06;39:46;59:22;62:08;64:18]

and soon you people will be taken towards the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:105;9:94,105;39:07;62:08;similar 6:60,108]o

 then He will tell you what deliberate and willful acts you perform". [9:105]

And there are yet others who have been deferred for the decision and command of Allah whether He awards them punishment or He turns to them forgivingly.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:26; 8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,54,59;49:08;60:10]o

And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [9:106]

And as for those who had earlier adopted a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division between the believers

and as a launching pad/station for one who intrigued/warred against Allah and His Messenger before this they will certainly swear and say, "We intended nothing except good"

[Same verdict  in same words in 59:11; similar 63:01]o

And Allah bears witness emphatically that indeed they are the liars. [9:107]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should never ever stand within that mosque.

Certainly that Mosque whose foundation has been laid on righteousness/affection and fear of Allah from the very first day is more rightfully deserving that you may stand therein.

Therein are men who love and desire that may be sanctified.


And Allah appreciates and approves for nearness those who keep themselves purified and sanctified. [9:108]

Is then the one who founded his building on righteousness/heedfulness and affection for Allah and appreciation, acknowledgement and approval of Allah is a better person

or the one who founded his building on the edge of a cliff about to collapse, resultantly it collapsed with him into the fire of Hell.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:258; 3:86;9:19;61:07;62:05] o

  And Allah does not guide [against their own will/considered decision] those who are mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/concocted stories;  [9:109]

Their building, the one that they have designed, will continue to be irking disquiet of duality sustained in their hearts. This will continue except that their hearts diligently disassociate/distance self. Remain mindful that Allah, the Exalted  is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, and Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [9:110]

