Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              004

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.  



































































































































































We have communicated to you, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Our Words of Command as We communicated to Noah and the Elevated and Chosen Persons [علیھم السلام] after him;

and We communicated Our words of command to Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob [علیھم السلام] and his progeny;

and Easa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroon and Sulie'maa'n [علیھم السلام].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:55]

  And We gave to Da'ued [علیہ السلام] Zaboor [Book written/on papers]. [4:163]

[Similar information in 40:78]

And sent as Messengers in aforetimes [before you] about whom We have narrated to you earlier and sent other Messengers also the events of whom We have not narrated to you.

[See also 2:253]

and Allah spoke with Musa [alai'his'slaam] in the manner of conversation. [4:164]

[Similar pronouncement in 6:48;18:56]

Messengers, sent to act as Pronouncers/Guarantors of glad tidings/news and Admonishers/Awakeners

so that for people there remains no plea/argument/pretext upon Allah as defendant's answer after having sent the Messengers [if they were not sent people could have a strong plea in self defense. [6:131,156-157;9:115;29:134;28:47;39:57. Ignorantia juris non excusat or Ignorantia legis neminem excusat . Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one"

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:158,165;48:07,19; similar 4:56]

And Allah has eternally the absolute command/Dominance, All Wise/Knower of hidden/secreted. [4:165]

[You the Messenger have affirmed/certified/sanctified what was sent to earlier Messengers-2:101; 37:37] But in respect of you [since you are The Finalizer of the chain of Elevated and Chosen Persons because of which there will be no Messenger after you therefore you will never be the subject of past; you will remain present in time and space as Messenger/Warner hence not needing certification for legitimacy] Allah stands in time and space as witness to testify what He has sent to you. He has sent him [Grand Qur'aan] with His knowledge contained therein;

and the Angels stand as witnesses to testify this fact

[same pronouncement in same words in 4:79;48:28]

though/and Allah suffices to testify/witness. [watch everyone/thing, hence your physical/corporeal presence everywhere in time and space is not needed; We will show you the entire recorded irrefutable evidence-] [4:166]

[Exactly same 47:32,34; Similar 16:88;22:25;47:01]

Indeed those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept [Grand Qur'aan] and they hindered/ diverted people from the path of Allah

[Similar verdict in 4:116,136;14:03,18;22:12;34:08;42:18;50:27]

 indeed they have perished/lost themselves to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:167]

Indeed those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept [Grand Qur'aan] and they distorted/transgressed

[Same pronouncement in 4:137]

it is not for Allah indeed that He may forgive them nor indeed that He should guide them on the path, [4:168]

except on the road to Hell-Prison wherein they shall reside permanently and perpetually.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:30;33:19,30]

And this has always been a, easy matter for Allah. [4:169]

[Same address in same words 2:21,168;4:01,174;7:158;10:23,57,104,108;22:01,05,49,73;27:16;31:33;35:03,05,15;49:13]

O you the Mankind,


Indeed The Messenger has come to you people, the whole humanity, with the Statement of Fact [Grand Qura'aan] from your Sustainer Lord.

Therefore you people accept/believe, this is better course for you people.

[Same words in 4:131; except in 14:08;39:07]

And if you people refuse to accept [The Messenger and Grand Qur'aan; it is your choice/option and is of no harm to Allah]

[Similar information in 3:109,129;4:126,131,132;10:55,66;24:64;31:26;34:01;53:31;57:01;59:01;61:01;62:01;64:01]

since/and for Allah is everyone/thing who/what is in the Skies and the Earth [All are for Him subservient/ dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously];

[Same information in same words in 4:17,92,104,111;48:04]

And Allah is the All Knower and The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded. [4:170]

  • O you the people of the Book; listen! You should not corrupt your Code of Conduct-life;

  • And you should not say anything attributing to Allah the Exalted except the proven fact: written in the Book of Allah or for which there is tangible evident proof from knowledge.

  • The fact about Al-Maseiha Easa the son of Maryam is that he was only the Messenger of Allah the Exalted:

  • Appointing him the Messenger was the Word-Promise of Allah the Exalted; the Word which He the Exalted had conveyed to Maryam [as earlier mentioned in 3:45-49]

  • And he was the existential of a command originating from Him the Exalted.

  • Therefore, you people believe in Allah and all the Messengers of Him the Exalted.

  • And you people should not say advocating the concept: "Allah is one in the Trinity".

  • You people are directed to stop-leave propagating this. If you abide: it will be far better for you.

  • [as your earliest forefathers accepted and declared 2:133] Undoubtedly Allah the Exalted is the he Only Solitary Iela'aha: the Sustainer Lord.

  • Infinitely Glorious is He that His recognition and approval is the focus of all effort. He the Exalted is above weakness that presence of a son might be a need for Him the Exalted.

  • Whatever exists in the Skies and whatever exists in the Earth are subservient-dependant-subjects for Him the Exalted.

  • And Allah the Exalted alone suffices as the Guardian-Protector-Disposer of Affairs. [4:171]


[notwithstanding what falsehood you keep uttering] Al-Maseiha can never ever disdain that he be the servant for Allah and nor the Angels who have been made the near-ones.

and whoever disdains [looks down upon] from demonstrating/prostrating as being His servant and he demonstrates self-pride of grandeur; then for this reason they are the people whom He will get gathered/collected altogether [duly chained] towards Him [for awarding appropriate punishment]. [4:172]

Therefore/for reason those who accepted/believed and conducted moderately [in accordance with the Book] for reason [to discharge His promise/relinquish His self assumed obligation] He will pay them fully their earnings/labor charges and He will increase manifold from His bounty.

and those people who disdained [looked down upon from demonstrating/prostrating as being His servants] and they demonstrated self-pride having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur then for this reason He will punish them with severe infliction

[Same pronouncement in same words in 33:17;similar 4:123]

And they will not find for them other than Allah to act as a patron/guardian nor as provider of help. [4:173]

[Same address in same words 2:21,168;4:01,174;7:158;10:23,57,104,108;22:01,05,49,73;27:16;31:33;35:03,05,15;49:13]

O you the Mankind,

It is a fact that the irrefutable bright argument and proof has reached to you people from your Sustainer Lord,

[Similar pronouncement in 5:15;64:08]

since [along with him, the Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-7:157] We have sent to you people manifestly evident visible light [Grand Qur'aan void of suspicious/conjectural/whimsical/un-certain/perplexing/disconcerting/illusory/conflicting matter, so that you can see and walk on the path leading to perpetual real life/destination] . [4:174]

 [Read in conjunction 4:146]

Therefore/for reason, those who believed in Allah and they tied themselves with it [freed themselves from the fascinating conjectural myths and tied/contained themselves within the Aa'ya'at of Allah]  

in consequence He will enter them under the umbrella of His mercy and bounty/abundance

[Similar pronouncement in 5:16]

and He will guide them [with this Grand Qur'aan] on the straight path leading to Him. [4:175] [Read in conjunction 34:06]

 They seek confirmation/strengthened verdict from you, the Messenger. You tell them; "[Not me] Allah the Exalted gives you the verdict in the matter of inheritance of deceased leaving no direct heirs.

If the deceased is the one who have not bereaved child and for him is a sister then in that case for her is one half of what he has left behind; and he is her heir if she is the deceased for whom is no bereaved child.

For reason if the bereaved are two sisters then for each both two is one third of what he left behind;

and if there be siblings/men and women then for male the share is like the portion of two females.

 Allah, for you people, makes His Aay'aat [words of Qur'aan/injunctions] distinct/separated/ distinguished/easy to differentiate/convenient to save in memory/reflect so that you people may not stray.

[Same pronouncement 24:35;24:64;49:16;64:11]

and Allah is eternally the Knower of each and everything. [4:176]

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