Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.  

























































































































































Allah does not approve/appreciates the loudly utterance of evil words from mouth except the outcry by a person who has been wronged/met with injustice.

And Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [Knower of visible and invisible]. [4:148]

If you people make public the good deed or conceal it

or pardon/remit overlooking the wrong done [it is better for you]

since Allah is eternally the pardoning/remitting proportionately. [4:149]

  • Indeed those people who keep refusing to accept Allah the Exalted and His Messengers;

  • and indeed those people who intend that they might create a middle path partitioned between that of Allah the Exalted and His Messengers;

  • and indeed those people who say, "We believe in some part of revelation and we refuse to accept some of it" while they intend to find a path in between it.  [4:150]

  • These three types of people are truly those who are established and proven non believers.

  • Know it that We have prepared a humbling chastisement, one of humiliation for persistently denying people. [4:151]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 57:19]

And those who believed in Allah and His Messengers

and they never differentiate/divide between any one of them,

they are the people whom He will soon pay their reward.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:96,100;25:70;33:05,50,59;48:14]

 And Allah is repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [4:152]

The people of the Book ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] that you arrange the descending of the Book upon them from the Sky in duly written form. [Even if this was done then they would change the stance and would have called it is but an evident illusion-6:07]

[they are not serious, this is just for avoiding/escaping deceptive tactic] since in the past they have demanded from Musa Alahissam fulfilling even greater desire,

[This incident told in 2:55]

[in response to demand for accept a word] For reason/excuse they said; "Arrange for us seeing Allah manifestly with naked eye" [similar excuse/argument is raised by those who do not believe in Last Day-25:21]

[This incident told in 2:55]

Thereupon/for reason of their wickedness thunder storm seized them [to death]. [This incident is prior to and different from that of earthquake-7:155]

[Similar information in  in 2:51,92]

[after death they were revived to life 2:56 and] after a lapse of time, they adopted a calf [hand made/sculpted as iela'aha deliberately ignoring the advice of Haroon علیہ السلام], after despite the fact that he had brought to them evident/distinct/unprecedented [miraculous] demonstrative Signs.

[Similar information in 2:52]

For reason [they accepted guilt and repented seeking forgiveness] We overlooked/pardoned this.

And We gave to Musa [علیہ السلام] the authoritative argument that made matter evident and distinct. [4:153] [Read in conjunction 7:148; 20:89]

[Also mentioned in second person 2:63,93]

[Be aware of some of the episodes of their history] and We raised over them the At-Toor [towering height of Mount Sinai-for visualizing how it happened-7:171];

[Also mentioned in 2:58;7:161]

and We had said for them that they should enter the door [of the town] in humility posture;

[Read 2:65;4:47;7:166]

and We had said for them they should not overstep/transgress in the injunction/in the matter of Sabbat/rest-no commercial activity.

and We had taken from them a comprehensive pledge [mentioned in 5:12 which was also duly written in Tor'aat and In'jeel-7:157] [4:154]

  • Thereby, subsequent to their deliberate breach of the solemn pledge-covenant of them;

  • And their deliberate denial of the Aa'ya'at: unprecedented displays and verbal passages of Allah the Exalted;

  • And for their continued effort in character assassination of  the Chosen and exalted Allegiants of Allah the Exalted by contrary to fact slanderous and libelous statements to distance-ill-repute them from people's reverence;

  • And because of their saying: "Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".

  • No, things have gone beyond this; the fact of the matter is that Allah the Exalted has impressed the epilogue-sealed the wraps upon the hearts-intellectual consciousness.This is for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.

  • Thereby, barring a few amongst Jews they do not accept/believe. [4:155]

And because of their persistent deliberate denial and because of their utterance alleging an extremely false accusation upon Syeda Maryam [the Truthful] [4:156]

And because of their this utterance of mouth [proclamation for their public]; "Certainly we have murdered Al-Maseiha, Easa son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah" [This utterance, statement quoted verbatim in Grand Qur'aan, by the Ever Listener Allah, is not of people roaming in streets but is a proclamation issued by the ruling/upper class/clergy of that time. Watch the words, their own confusion and uncertainty is evidently reflected by the words they chose. For giving news about present day occurrence no one uses the words of certainty "indeed, undoubtedly" for breaking the news. Such words and issuance of proclamation is needed and intended to clarify and convince only when general public is doubtful about some happening. They did not accept Easa علیہ السلام as the Messenger of Allah but they used the title, name and status by which he was generally recognized in the society to remove the doubts and convince people that he has been murdered/got executed]

And the fact of the matter is that neither they murdered him nor they put him to gallows [as the Christians allege upon Jews on the basis of conjectural myths] but someone had created a presumptive confusion for them.

And indeed those people who differ in this fact they are indeed merely skeptical about it.

There is nothing for them from authentic knowledge for this skepticism except that they pursue/follow conjectures/presumptions.

And they [the Romans] did not murder him, absolutely surely. [4:157]

The fact is that Allah raised/migrated him towards Him [at a higher safe place]

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:165;48:07,19; similar 4:56]

And Allah has eternally the absolute command/Dominance, All Wise/Knower of hidden/secreted. [4:158]

And that there is not a single person from amongst the people of Book [Jews and Christians] except that he indeed accepts this truth/reality before his death. [It is a simple and evident fact; every human being on seeing death/at the time of dying accepts to have become believer. All Jews and Christians at the time of death accept/believe so they accept all facts including this mentioned in the Qur'aan-See 4:18;6:158;10:50,90;26:201-202;34:52-53;40:84-85].

And on the Day of Judgment he will give testimony as witness upon them. [as recorded in 5:116-117] [4:159]

And for reason of evil doings/transgressing/distorting by people from amongst the Jews

[See 6:146]

We had prohibited for them some of the beneficial things which were earlier made permissible for them and also for the reason that they had hindeed many from the Path of Allah. [and look at the Jews who should have rather been grateful to Easa علیہ السلام that he declared for them permissible which had earlier been made prohibited for them-3:50] [4:160]

And for the reason of their taking exorbitant gains on capital while indeed they were stopped from it;

[We are advised to refrain 2:188]

and for consuming the property and wealth of people illicitly through deception/scumming/scamming

And We have prepared for persistently denying people from amongst them a humbling chastisement, one of humiliation. [4:161]

  • But as for the the people amongst them who have in-depth objective knowledge; and the believers:

  • They consciously and willingly accept-believe in that: Grand Qur'aan, which has been sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. And they believe in that which were revealed by Allah the Exalted in times before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].

  • And they are steadfastly maintainers of the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance;

  • And they are willing payers of Az-zakat: monitory contribution to society/state which serves as uplifter of personality and the society;

  • And they truly believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • The aforementioned are the people whom We will keep rewarding abundantly and magnificently. [4:162]

4:163-176                                List of Articles in English              Urdu Books
