Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           


































































Indeed those people who deliberately and persistently refuse to accept the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book] of Allah,

[Also this charge sheet is in 2:61,91;3:112,181;4:155]

and they ridicule/insult/defame/slander against the Chosen and Elevated Servants of Allah with contrary to fact conjectural utterances to distance them away from people's liking,

and from the society they ill repute/murder/distance those ones who bid for balanced and just conduct,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 9:34, complete verse 84:24]

    for reason of their such conduct, [indeed they deserve recompense] therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give them the "good news" of severe torment [in wait] for them. [3:21]

[Similar information in 2:217;7:147;9:17,69;18:105]

They are the people whose acts have yielded nothing/went fruitless in the worldly life and hereafter;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:56,91;16:37;30:29]

and for them is no helper from amongst the helpers. [3:22]

[Same pointing out in same words 4:44,51]

Have you not marked the attitude of those who were given a share from The Book

 that when they are asked to incline to the Book of Allah [Grand Qur'aan] so that it may resolve and decide amongst them;

 they come/refer to it but afterwards one party of them consciously and purposely makes itself walk away turning their face and after having seen the Book they are consciously avoiders of [accepting] it. [3:23]

This [avoidance of accepting Qur'aan's verdict by a party] is because they proclaim, "The Hell Fire will certainly not touch us in the hereafter except for a limited number of days".

 And [as is evident from their own claim that they will go into Hell] it has caused them delusional understanding of their Prescribed Code what they had fabricated conjectural fascinating myths. [3:24]

[Similar information in 3:09;4:87;6:12;42:07;45:26]

For this reason [of delusional hopes of getting rid of Hell Fire after couple of days] what will be their state when We will gather them all on the Day, about the coming of which, there is absolutely no [even to them] illusion and delusion.

[Similar verdict in 2:281;3:161;16:111;39:70;45:22;46:19]

And each and every person shall be dealt with/adjudged/paid back what he had earned/done;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:281;3:161;6:160;10:47,54;16:111;23:62;39:69;45:22;46:19]

  and they will not be subjected to any injustice [not even iota of it 4:49,124;17:71]. [3:25]

You say, "O Allah, [We admit] You are The Absolute Sovereign of the Kingdom,

You bestow the rule of a kingdom to whomever You willed and snatch away kingdom from whomever You willed.

And You make the one dominant/powerful whomever You willed and You subjugate the one whomever You willed.

  The balance/equilibrium/tranquility/equation is in Your Hand.

[Same statement in same words in 66:08]

Indeed You are eternally all powerful over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure and proportion. [3:26]

[Similar information in 22:61;31:29;35:13;57:06]

You gradually/smoothly enter the Night in the Day and you smoothly enter the Day in the Night.

[Similar information in 6:95;10:31;30:19]

You bring out life from matter/dead-life and bring out matter from the living.

[Similar information in 2:212;3:37;24:38;65:03]

And You bestow worldly sustenance without measure/in abundance [or no apparent cause] upon whomever You willed". [3:27]


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