Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study opens in separate window]

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    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           





























































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[Same in 2:161;3:04,10,90,91,116;4:56,167,168;5:36;8:36;22:25;40:10;41:41;47:32,34;98:06]

 It is emphasized that those who have deliberately refused to accept

[same information in same words in 3:116;58:17]

  their wealth nor their progeny will ever be of any avail to them to fetch them laxity and relaxation from Allah.

[Similar information in  2:24; 66:06]

And they are the people [companions of Hell/Prison] who will be the charred/affected of the fire/Heated Hell-Prison. [3:10]

[Same warning in same words in 8:52,54]

[Rules/principals are permanent/unchangeable, wealth and sons are of no avail] Like the pattern of end of Pharaoh-folk and people in the times before them.

[Similar information in 8:52,54]

 They belied publicly Our Aa'ya'at, therefore, for reason of their persistent slanders and crimes Allah seized them [but their wealth and sons could not save them].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:48;similar in 8:52]

[And Indeed Allah is watchful/examines matters minutely till conclusion] And Indeed Allah is severe in awarding punishment. [3:11]

O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for those people who have deliberately/persistently refused to accept, "You people will soon be overpowered [on resurrection Angels will first arrest and chain them] and you will be pushed/gathered towards Hell-Prison.

[Same information in same words in 3:197;13:18; same in 2:206;38:56]

And that is a very bad dwelling".  [3:12]

Indeed, there was a point/sign for you people in the two armies which met on the battlefield [Badder].

One was fighting back in the way of Allah, and the other unbelieving were perceiving them with their eyes as twice their own number.

And Allah strengthens with His help whom He wills.

[Exactly same information in same words in 24:44]

   Indeed in this incidence there is a lesson for men of vision and wisdom. [3:13]

For people a source of attraction has been made the desire/love in women [wives] and sons;

 and heaps of piled up gold and silver [wealth] and marked/pedigree horses [top of the line things] and herbivore-mammals and harvesting lands.

 This is the sustenance/provision of transitory worldly life.

And Allah is the One from whom is the most appropriate return/abode. [3:14]

[Same information in same words in 3:20;similar 40:44]


You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], tell them, "May I inform you people about a better thing than this stated sustenance/provision?

 For those people, who live remaining mindful avoiding un-restrained conduct, there shall be from the Sustainer Lord of them,

Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,

and therein are purified/clean hearted companions/mates; and [above all] the appreciations and approvals of Allah".

 And Allah  is ever watching/focused attention to His servants/people,  [3:15]

those who say, "Our Sustainer Lord! Indeed we have accepted/believed,

[Same prayer in same words in 3:193]

therefore, for us You overlook/excuse/forgive our past altercations/misdoings/slanders and sins

[Same prayer in same words in 2:201]

and You save us from the torment of Fire [Hell prison]". [3:16]

They are coolly perseverant, and truthful in their speech and conduct, and they firmly stand for Allah like devoted servants and they are the ones who spend [seeking approval and appreciation of Allah]

  and are seekers forgiveness in the moments between end part of nights and true dawns. [3:16-17]

Allah has testified

that He is The Iela'aha, there is absolutely none as iela'aha except Him,

and the Angels and those knowledgeable persons who maintain objectivity/balance/justice testify that

[Same information in same words in 3:06]

 there is absolutely no iela'aha except He Who is All-Pervasive/Absolutely Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded. [3:18]

[Read in conjunction 3:85]

Indeed the Code of Physical Conduct [for both matter and life] Prescribed by Allah is Al-Islam [Absolute/Exclusive and persistent obedience to the System designed by Allah].

[Similar info in 2:213;42:14;45:17]

 And the people whom Book had been given earlier disagreed/opposed, after what [Grand Qur'aan] brought to them The Knowledge, for no reason except groupings/vested interest amongst them.

And whoever refuses to accept the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book] of Allah,

  thereat/then [it should be known] Allah is indeed swift in accounting/measuring/ judging/evaluating/reckoning. [3:19]

[Since prescribed code is Islam] Therefore if they argue/wrangle with you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] thereat merely tell them, "I, and those who physically follow me, have made ourselves exclusively subservient for the Code of Conduct prescribed by Allah, the Exalted".

Moreover pronounce for those people whom Book was given earlier [Jews and Christians] and likewise for those  identified and designated as the people whom Book was not given earlier [at that time Bani Iesma'eile] "Have you people consciously made yourselves to submit to the Prescribed Code of Conduct?".

[Similar information in 2:137]

In response, if they have submitted/accepted then resultantly indeed they have transformed themselves upon the guidance;

[Exactly same words in 2:137; similar 5:92;16:82;64:12]

and if they have turned their backs and went away [then relax, they want to retain separate identity]

[Exactly same consolation in same words 13:40;16:82]

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

since the only responsibility upon you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is to deliver/convey/pass on the message [to their ears and hands, orally and in writing; and your responsibility is not to force them to believe nor to keep always watching them]

[Same information in same words in 3:15;similar 40:44]

  However, mind it that Allah, the Exalted  is ever watching/focused attention to His servants/created ones.  [3:20]


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