Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           













































































































































You people invite the people of Book, "O you the people of the Book! You people come with us on a single platform/understanding/concept which is common/same/alike between us and between you people [from the teachings of Iebra'heim and Easa alaihimussala'm]

that we will not be subservient/slave except exclusively for Allah and we will not ascribe anyone as partner/equal/like Allah and nor will we adopt some from amongst ourselves as lords/god-fathers instead of Allah alone." [today the Muslim sects need to ask this question amongst themselves too]

In response/for reason if they turn away [showing non acceptance without orally saying it since they understand the catch in otherwise apparently simple and acceptable offer; it will result in demolishing of their political, economic, administrative superiority and hedonism through self made religion on conjectural myths/concocted stories]

  then you people loudly ask them that at least record witness with us that we are those who are practicing Islam. [3:64]

O you the people of the Book, why do you people indulge in conflicting argument about Iebra'heim [alaihis'slaam, calling him a Jew or Christian] while We had not sent To'raat and Inj'eel except after his time [natural death].

[This query is also in  2:44,76;6:32;7:169;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]

 Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect] [3:65]

You are the people who indulged in controversy in the matter about which you had acquaintance,

[you may consider justified therein] but why you indulge in controversy in the matter about which you have nothing from knowledge?

[Similar pronouncement in same words in 2:216;2:232;24:19]

And Allah knows everything while you people do not know everything. [3:66]

Iebra'heim [alaihis'slaam] never had been in the community of Jews nor the Christians,

but on the contrary he was perpetually in the state of a Muslim;

[Exactly this is also stated in 2:135; 3:95;6:161; 16:123]

and he was never ever amongst the idol-worshippers who assign after naming the sculpted idols as partner iela'aha with Allah. [3:67]

Indeed those people have greater prerogative for nearness with Iebra'heim [alaihis'slaam, than merely being of his genetic-progeny] who practically follow him [persistently keep following Islam] . And this Nabi [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, chosen and elevated perpetual Servant of Allah] is his near one, and those who have accepted/believed [in this Nabi and Book, Grand Qur'aan].

[Similar pronouncement in 2:257;7:196;45:19]

And Allah is the Wali [Guide, Helper, Protector, Sustainer, Benefactor, Companion] of those who persistently remain the believers.  [3:68]

[O you the believers be mindful] A group of the people of Book is desirous that could it be possible to make you neglectful of the right course

and [with what they did for it] they astray none except themselves

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:09;6:26,123;16:21;27:65]

but they do not perceive this fact [that they have become victim of neglectfulness].  [3:69]

[Same pronouncement in 3:98]

O you the people of the Book! what for you people deny the Aa'ya'at of Allah [recorded in Grand Qur'aan] while you people see/read/witness [their presence]? [3:70] [Similar questioning 3:98]

[Read with 2:42]

O you the [clergy/knowledgeable group of] people of the Book! what for you people clothe the Proven Truth {My Aa'ya'at, any Statement of Fact] with the falsehood/conjectural fascinating assertions/scum; and withhold/conceal [from telling the common people] the Truth knowingly?

 while you know the actual fact. [3:71]

And a party of the people of the Book teach [deceptive tactics] to others

"Accept before them in the beginning of the day what has since been revealed to the Believers and at day-end refuse it

 so that they [who have believed from amongst them] might return back to us;

and you do not believe any one except he who physically followed your way of life".

[Explained conversely in 2:120;6:71]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed the Al-Hudaa [The Book of Allah/Qur'aan] is the guidance of Allah";

 [reverting from parenthetic, to their private talk] "do not believe any one that anyone else has been given what was given to you or they may dilate with you with what is from your Sustainer Lord?" [Refer 2:76 also]

[Similar pronouncement in 57:29]

  You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "The Bounty and Grace is in the Hand of Allah which He gives to the person whom He Willed; [Read in conjunction 2:90;2:105]

[Exactly same information in same words in 2:247,261,268;5:54;24:32]

 and Allah is beyond bounds/He is eternally above limits, eternally all-Knowing.  [3:73]

 He earmarks/chooses/elevates with His Grace the one Whom He liked/wiled. And Allah is the possessor/holder of the Greatest Grace". [3:72-73]

[Same information in 2:105]

[do they not know; let it be known] He chooses/makes him exclusive for His Special Mercy whomsoever He wills. [This is also answer to the insolent envy/jealousy shown by the people of Book and prominent elders of idolaters that Allah sent His Grace, the Qur'aan upon Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam reflecting his dignity, honour and unique individuality-see 2:90[

[Same information in same words at end 2:105;3:74;8:29;57:21,29;62:04]

 And Allah is the possessor of  Infinite Bounty. [3:74]

And amongst the people of the Book there is also such a person that if he is entrusted with enormous amount he will return it to you,

and amongst them is also one that if you just entrust him single dinar he will not refund it except that you keep standing with him/demand it with importunity.

This is because they said "We are not subject to accountability in matters of Uemee'yien, those whom Book was not given earlier".

[Same information in same words in 3:78]

And they say to people knowing it to be a lie, by attributing false statement as from Allah. [3:75]

No, it is their false understanding, [only he will escape] in fact the one who discharged his promise/obligation and he lived cautiously and mindfully avoiding unrestrained conduct

[Except "fa" same pronouncement in same words in 9:04,07]

then for that reason indeed Allah approves for nearness those people who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful. [3:76]

[Read with 2:174]

Indeed those people who earn their livelihood/make it a profession/business with the promise of Allah [that they will distinctly explain His Aa'ya'at to people but they conceal with their conjectural stories/myths] and their own oaths,

they are the people for whom there is nothing in the hereafter;

[Similar warning/verdict in 2:174]

  and Allah, on the Day of Resurrection will not talk to such people, nor look at them, nor will He uplift/sanctify them ;

[This warning with same words also in 2:175; 3,177, 188;5:36;9:79;16:63,104,117;59:15;64:05]

and for them is [in wait] severe/grave punishment. [3:77]

And from amongst them is a party who while stating from the Book twist the statement with their tongues in a manner that you people may presume it to be the word of the Book

whereas that is not from the Book,

and they emphasize to people by saying, "This [what we have said] is from Allah", and whereas that is not from Allah.

[Same information in same words in  3:75]

And they say to people, knowing it to be a lie, by attributing false statement as from Allah. [3:78]

Thereafter upon Allah granting the Book, and wisdom and Elevated/Chosen position [Nabi] to a person, it is not possible for him to say for people, "Instead of Allah, you people be my servants"; instead he will demand, "you people be truly for the Sustainer Lord since you teach the Book [of Allah] and because you yourself read it". Neither he will suggest you people to adopt Angels and the Elevated/Chosen Persons of Allah [Nabi] as lords. [Ponder over it] Would such person advise you to be non-believers after you people have become those who follow Islam? [3:79-80]

